Digital Revolution in the Granite State

New Hampshire – the first colony to sever ties from Great Britain – is once again leading the revolution. Along with its centuries-long “Live Free or Die” culture, New Hampshire is becoming a Mecca for digital currency enthusiasts. In just the last few years, Bitcoin experts and entrepreneurs have been eagerly coming to New Hampshire to spread their message. Many Bitcoin users are members of the Free State Project: a cooperative organization encouraging liberty-lovers to migrate to New Hampshire. Members of the Free State Project range from Democrat and Republican Party members to crypto-anarchists, and many in between. As Bitcoin represents an incredible technological advance in the direction of liberty, it should come as no surprise that early Bitcoin movers are invested ideologically as well as financially.

Here are some examples indicating Bitcoin’s growing popularity in the Granite State:

  • Manchester, New Hampshire, is home to the longest-running weekly Bitcoin meetup in the world (soon to hit 121 weeks). Most meetups number 15 to 25 attendees, with a diverse crowd of families, young professionals, teachers, couriers, programmers, inventors, businessmen and more. They gather to eat and drink, hang out, and especially discuss Bitcoin news, altcoin projects, price speculation, new applications for Bitcoin, and more.
  • New Hampshire Bitcoin businesses are growing rapidly. The owners and founders of Lamassu, maker of the popular Bitcoin machine, live and work in Manchester. Restaurants, law offices, barber shops, painters, a martial arts studio and many more businesses accept Bitcoin in New Hampshire. According to Coinmap and Wikipedia statistics, there exists one Bitcoin-accepting merchant for every 44,000 of its residents. This is 4.3 times more dense than neighboring Massachusetts, 4.8 times more dense than the state of New York, 2.5 times more dense than Texas, 2.9 times more dense than California, and 2.6 times more dense than Florida.
  • The Free State Project, which has been accepting Bitcoin since 2011, holds two annual events: Liberty Forum, which is held in the winter, and the Porcupine Freedom Festival (Porcfest), which is held in the summer. Both Liberty Forum and Porcfest are Bitcoin-heavy, featuring large displays of Bitcoin companies such as, and inviting speakers such as Patrick Byrne, CEO of, and Erik Voorhees and the Coinapult team. Bruce Fenton, Roger Ver, and Erik Voorhees are all signers of the Free State Project, having pledged to move to New Hampshire once a critical mass of fellow libertarians have signed on as well.

In addition to instances of purely societal growth, New Hampshire politics itself is becoming changed by Bitcoin. Mark Warden, a realtor and New Hampshire state representative, is among the first of the elected officials to solicit and receive Bitcoin donations for political campaigns. After the election, his team subsequently educated the Secretary of State’s office on Bitcoin, including handling it and accounting for it in campaign finance matters. Upcoming candidates in the 2014 election cycle are joining the Bitcoin train, including State House candidates Shem Kellogg and Andre Rosa, among others.

In the gubernatorial race, it’s Andrew Hemingway that is ahead of the curve. In an interview on Follow the Coin, Hemingway explains his position:

…New Hampshire is a state where we have the opportunity to create the exact opposite situation [regarding] things happening in New York. To do that, we need a governor who understands cryptocurrency, who understands the entire technology framework that’s involved around the blockchain, and the potentials there. And to make sure we keep government out of the way, and to stop government from crushing innovation, which it is prone to do. So I am running on a pro-innovation platform and a pro-technology platform; …we’re very forward looking. I think New Hampshire is a state that has a great potential for the crypto market. I’m running for governor to try to push that.

Hemingway has also expressed ideas regarding utilizing blockchain technology within the State apparatus. Paying public contracts or collecting micro-transactional fees could become vastly easier and more transparent with Bitcoin or with a similar decentralized digital currency. An anonymous New Hampshire driver earned a few minutes of fame on reddit for being the first person to pay a parking ticket in Bitcoin through the use of Brawker.

As Bitcoin use becomes contested or prohibited in other areas of the world, various States will respond accordingly. Some States – culturally or economically tied to a superpower – will fall in line behind a major decision regarding legality. Others will break from the norm, hoping to attract real innovative value from what the rest of the world has shunned. Certain countries of Europe such as Switzerland have acted this way with regards to privacy and digital freedom; places like Hong Kong or Singapore are seen as oases of economic freedom.

Despite whatever obstacles states place upon Bitcoin use, it will continue to grow. It becomes stronger as more people become familiar with Bitcoin and begin preferring it. While Bitcoin demonstrates that geographical proximity is not required for money to emerge, having a concentrated mass of Bitcoin users accomplishes two related goals: 1) Establish local trade patterns with others using Bitcoin, thus experiencing firsthand living a fiat-free world, and; 2) Acculturate the surrounding members of mass society, such as enshrining Bitcoin protection into law and accelerating merchant adoption. Eventually, as Bitcoin becomes more popular in New Hampshire, it will begin to make inroads in people’s economic lives. They will see Bitcoin down the street and in the newspaper, they will see goods quoted in terms of it, they will hear friends or family talk about it. Over time, this becomes the “new language” for commerce. As Bitcoin begins to shake up the world, it is important for there to be locations and groups of people familiar and accepting of Bitcoin rather than those that choose to fight it. New Hampshire is beginning to look like that place.

Why Democrats Should Love Bitcoin

A few weeks ago, I opined on why Republicans should love bitcoin. Thankfully, though, the GOP aren’t the only ones invited to the party. That’s the nature of bitcoin: it has something to offer to everyone. To illustrate, each section of this article begins with a quote taken directly from the Democratic National Platform, followed by a discussion of how bitcoin can address the issue in question.

Wall Street

For too long, we’ve had a financial system that stacked the deck against ordinary Americans. Banks on Wall Street played by different rules than businesses on Main Street and community banks…That behavior not only nearly destroyed the financial system, it cost our economy millions of jobs, hurt middle class and poor families, and left taxpayers holding the bill…A strong middle class can only exist in an economy where everyone plays by the same rules, from Wall
 Street to Main Street.

It’s not difficult to understand how Wall Street became so powerful. When both the currency itself and the mechanisms of its exchange fall under the domain of centralized control, corruption and inequality abound. With bitcoin, we don’t have to quibble about who’s playing fair and who’s not. There’s no need to worry about Wall Street fleecing, swindling, or otherwise antagonizing the populace at large.

In fact, there’s no need to worry about banks at all. The great promise of bitcoin is the democratization of financial transactions. Peer-to-peer exchange on a distributed network can upend financial authority, both public and private. The change will be evolutionary, not revolutionary: a slow bleed of the establishment’s Hippocratic humors.

Arts and Culture

Democrats are proud of our support for arts funding and education. We are committed to continuing the policies and programs that have already done so much for our creative arts industry and economy. Investment in the arts strengthens our communities and contributes to our nation’s rich cultural heritage…The entire nation prospers when we protect and promote the unique and original artistic and cultural contributions of the women and men who create and preserve our nation’s heritage.

Art thrives when artists are empowered, encouraged, and set free. The internet has forever changed audience consumption. Artists of all kinds—especially musicians—have become closer to their patrons, fans, and fellow creators than ever before. iTunes, YouTube, and other technologies have enabled the sharing of culture by reducing risk and financial cost for artists. Bitcoin essentially nullifies transaction costs, thereby making micropayments of all sizes economically feasible. Artists can keep more of the money you send. And it’s not just on the internet. Imagine a world in which you could send a small tip to the artist of a painting you enjoyed in a gallery. Bitcoin makes that possible.

Civil Rights

We believe in an America where everybody gets a fair shot and everybody plays by the same set of rules. At the core of the Democratic Party is the principle that no one should face discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability status…We are committed to ending racial, ethnic, and religious profiling…

A “fair shot” begins with a level playing field. For various reasons, minorities are often discriminated against. As an example, in the world of personal and commercial lending, discrimination is a reality, but it isn’t necessarily based on hate or racism. It’s based on risk. Pragmatism is the highest virtue of the financial professional.

Instead of attempting to alter the valuations and judgments of financial professionals or of the system itself, the Bitcoin protocol obsoletes the need for those judgments altogether. Technologies currently in the development stage include smart contracts and smart property. In short, these applications will utilize the protocol to enforce legal obligations, thereby protecting the interests of both creditors and purchasers—without the need for discrimination.

Advancing Global Development

[P]romoting global development is a strategic, economic, and moral imperative for the United States. Development expands markets for American products and creates American jobs. Strong and prosperous regional partners are critical to addressing global challenges, ending regional conflicts, and countering the spread of global criminal networks. And good governance and stability cannot take root, and basic human dignity cannot be protected, where poverty reigns and people lack access to the food, basic education, clean water, and medicine they need to survive.

A wealthier, more developed world benefits the whole of humanity. Right now, higher productivity in the third-world is being stymied by an access problem. That is, the capital resources of the first-world—financial and otherwise—are currently off limits. This is the plight of the unbanked population.

Access to international monetary resources would incite an immediate development boon. Unlike traditional currencies that require a third-party intermediary to facilitate international transactions, bitcoin can be sent immediately and inexpensively (free) to even the most distant corners. Restrictions imposed by political boundaries and geographic disparities vanish entirely.

The professed aims of the Democratic Party discussed above—undermining Wall Street’s privilege, enabling artists, promoting civil rights, and advancing global development—are things that people of all political leanings care about. Bitcoin is in a unique position to address each and every one of these issues in a positive way.


Dark Wallet Walkthrough

Darkwallet instructional


Hi I’m Amanda Johnson, a writer at Bitcoin Magazine  and I’m here to show you how to install and use the features of the Dark Wallet.

It is currently in it’s 6th version of alpha testing and this means it is known to be unstable. You can use the wallet with testnet Bitcoins or real Bitcoin.

Go to The Dark Wallet runs in Chrome and Firefox browsers. Go ahead and get the source code zip file from the github page. Once you’ve unzipped the file, navigate to the Chrome extension url you see. Once there, click load the unpacked extension. Make sure you are in developer mode. When the install has completed you will see the inverted triangle / Dark Wallet logo at the top right.

Start a new wallet. You’ll be shown a new wallet seed. Write it down to access your wallet in the future.

It comes preloaded with three pockets labeled spending, business, and savings. You have the ability to send Bitcoin and keep a list of contacts. You also have the ability to chat and send questions directly to the Dark Wallet team.

You can reveal your seed, assign a password to your seed, and verify that you are connected to unsystem’s servers. You can also change your base unit from BTC to mBTC or bits. You also have the ability to change your local currency from USD to Euros or several other currencies like the Dram, Peso, or Franc.

You have the ability to import existing multisig wallets or create a new one.

The stealth address generates new Bitcoin addresses for each transaction.

Let us know what other Bitcoin software you would like to learn about. Cheers.


  • We (Ruben, Paige, and I) tried only using the testnet, but that wasn’t functional during our tests.
  • The other thing we noted is transactions take much longer than traditional Bitcoin transactions. We were seeing transactions show up after 20-30 minutes and longer if CoinJoin was enabled.
  • Unlike some Bitcoin wallets you have the ability to view your seed passphrase if you’ve forgotten it.
  • You can find a list of obelisk servers here.
  • Dark Wallet stealth addresses are 102 characters long. They automatically generate a new public key for each transaction.
  • Dark Wallet’s indiegogo campaign ran from October 2013 to December 2013 raised $2,075 dollars over their $50,000 fundraiser goal. They raised an additional 63.25 Bitcoins that wasn’t tracked by indiegogo.
  • According to the indiegogo comments, several customers still haven’t received their cold storage cards or t-shirts associated with certain donation tiers.
  • The highest donation tier on their indiegogo campaign was $5000 and included a flight to Europe to hang out with Amir Taaki and Cody Wilson along with the swag from the previous donation tiers.
  • The Dark Wallet github page shows 34 open issues and 107 closed issues.

Related Links:

Counterparty and the Asset Revolution


How many of you heard of Counterparty (github)? Awesome, wonderful, that’s encouraging sign. How many of you have a Counterparty asset (counterwallet github)? Oh wow, I am in a good audience here. I thought it was more of a introductory course, but good. I want to try to teach how to use those assets and really start thinking what those assets mean. A lot of you are probably very depressed about the BTC price today but Counterparty is doing well and I think Counterparty is here to stay. I think there’s a lot to Counterparty and I think the best way to really introduce us to power of assets in Counterparty is to kind of think back in history. For an easy example, let’s back into the year 1793, there was a coffee house in the New England colonies.

In 1793, classes capitalism was in the air, monarchies were coming to an end and there was a real spirit of commerce and there was a real enthusiasm for new model by which [they] could all could engage in trade and gain wealth and run a society. This coffeehouse was the Tontine Coffee House. There was a lot of fighting in the Tontine Coffee House, there’s a lot of trades, there’s a lot of ousters, there was a lot of speculation. There’s really a lot of the things we see in Counterparty including gambling. It wasn’t an uncommon in this coffee house for people, when the lights went out, to get the cards out and play some games and enjoy themselves. So I think that Counterparty is very similar in theme to the state of the Tontine Coffee House was in 1793.

A Counterparty as most of you know is a place to manage cryptographic assets. It’s a wallet for managing those assets. It’s a distributing exchange, a clearinghouse for all of these assets. And I think it is worth noting what happened to the Tontine Coffee House, it became the New York Stock Exchange about 30 years later and this is the prototype for what was the final version of the Tontine coffeehouse. In fact Tontine Coffee House itself converted to the New York stock exchange as it was located on Water Street and Wall Street. So we would expect the same kind of outcome here with Counterparty. I think one of the things that really separates Counterparty from everything else in the space is its use of the Bitcoin Blockchain.

I think this is really important and I think that we should give it a significant amount of credibility for this reason. In fact I think we should put all the faith we have in Bitcoin in Counterparty for this reason. I think that though there’s a lot of excitement about the altcoins. I know there is a lot of cool stuff being done in these other platforms, BitShares, the NXT, etc. They all require the trust that is not present in their blockchains. They all require a lot of trust in order to run. They need mining trust, they need mining energy, they need all of these things that are really difficult to acquire. It is difficult because blockchains work. Because blockchains work, miners are incentivized to join the longest chain. Well, guess what? [Bitcoin] is the longest chain that’s going to remain the longest chain. It’s the first mover that has that advantage.

I think a lot of the stuff that Andreas says about assets, is absolutely spot on. I think we’re headed towards the world where there are tons of altcoins but it is time to start talking about them in terms of altcoins and altchains. I don’t think that there’s a lot of competition in the altchain space. I think there’s tons of competition in the coin space and I think that’s what Counterparty does.

And in a lot of ways too, this hearkens back to the early days of the Internet. There were competing protocols for HTTP. There were commercial protocols. There were things like Gopher and nobody who wanted to do website back then or wanted to do web platform really succeeded in creating an alternative to HTTP. And I think that’s what you’re advocating with some of these altchains. It’s like you’re creating a new chain, but let’s just use the one that works. You’re never going to beat the faith that you already have in that chain that is the longest.

So for those of you don’t know, Counterparty is principally built on Bitcoin. All transactions require Bitcoin in order to persist on the network. There is an additional currency, the XCP which is itself an asset. It’s a special asset that could be thought of as a stored value in escrow or Bitcoin in escrow, but is not the principal currency of Counterparty. The principal currency is Bitcoin.

In fact, for those you don’t even have a Counterparty wallet, you are a Counterparty user or you could be. Any person can work with any of your addresses and in a Counterparty capacity and store data about you and gives you access your addresses. You are already in on Counterparty. I think this’ll be a popular realm for apps as well. The addresses that you have on a Counterparty network are not separate addresses. They are just your Bitcoin addresses. You can import your blockchain wall all the address into Counterparty, you can generate a new address straight from Counterparty but they’re all Bitcoin addresses and one of the neat things about the Bitcoin in this capacity is it attests to the intrinsic value that a lot of us have been claiming exists in Bitcoin.

It’s there as is realized by Counterparty. I think too what is cool, is that in a lot of ways the Bitcoin has been compared to digital gold and a lot of ways it is digital gold and in a lot of ways too it will function as did physical gold and that this resource, this commodity will back other platforms. It will be the basis by which we create economic systems. They will be back at some level, a little different than physical gold, but in some level by Bitcoin or by this digital gold and again this is Counterparty itself leveraging that faith in this digital gold for your own assets.

I think that it’s important to you all recognize that lets you decide to check out Counterparty, maybe it will or maybe it won’t succeed but certainly all of your work will remain there. You could always migrate it to another platform in the future should one materialize. You don’t have to worry about if the chain forking. You don’t have to worry about a lot of problem of your investment not realizing itself do a problem in the protocol because it is based on Bitcoin. It’s not going anywhere and certainly I do think the Counterparty is in it for the long term, but it’s a very low risk engagement for any of you who are thinking about how to engage in the 2.0 space.

So here is a slide which is the asset creation slide for anybody who hasn’t created a digital asset. It is exactly this simple in Counterparty. There’s a Bitcoin address to not it there at the top. There’s a name for this asset. I use the name of presentation here but it could just as easily been gold or it could have been MSFT or anything like that. There’s a description, easy enough, there’s a quantity, that how many of me these assets are available. How many shares you’re issuing or how many pounds of lead might be holding in your basket or any of these things. There is an ability to make it divisible, so are their sub units, we can spend cents, fractions of a unit and there is a callability check box. To be callable is a really feature. It allows you to issue an asset and then buy it back at a by a later time for a negotiated price.

Typically this negotiated price is flake, just some amount for the purposes of removing it from somebody but there’s some really creative applications that you can do with this. I think it’s important too that you understand that an asset is decouple from price, all assets are. They are meant to exist in the market in terms of the pricing one way or another. So there’s no declaration of price on the screen. There are options for fixing the price in the form of a vending machine. If you wanted to, you could issue your asset for a vending machine amount denoted in USD or either BTC but it could also be a Counterparty asset itself. It could be that I’m offering up sheep to for two units of wool or some such thing. That is an option that’s presented to you through vending machines. You can look into in your own time and we’ve been talking about that here in a bit.

Another nice component of assets that is also available to you, is to go to distributions. This is really popular with some of the mining pools. You’ll see that mining stake in a pool. There are numbers of pools who are doing this where they are issuing assets for your share in the pool and they’re issuing dividends to that asset which is a quick like one click process for you if you wanted to do it. It’s very straightforward. It’s a very traditional sort of use, a twentieth century use of assets and it is also important to note that asset registration costs you half an XCP to create. That’s worth knowing. That is a proof of work of sorts that prevents spam into some other things. It’s a very low cost. At the moment, it’s probably a couple of bucks and there’s about 4200 assets that are defined right now on the network.

Most of them are not being used. Most of them are in fact just squatted addresses, but the ones that are there are typically commodities and share applications, something very traditional and I think that that kind of harkens back in the Tontine Coffee House sense to, people that were coming from the old world using the new technology in a way that they knew from the old world but not using the technology in a way that the new world can use. So let’s look at more creative use of assets. Now unfortunately for as much as I love this example, they are not actually using Counterparty. I don’t know why they’re not using Counterparty other than it’s new. It’s a new business and they’re probably trying one thing at a time. I’m hoping to send this to them hereafter and the case for why it would work better on Counterparty system. We’ll see if they take me up on that.

99Gamers is a really cool website that offers a marketplace for used video games. Right now, you’re looking at The Legend of Zelda, which is for sale. The inventory isn’t held by 99Gamers. It’s an eBay-esque  interface whereby listers can list their Legend of Zelda cartridges and post them for sale. There’s actually four games for sale but the image cut off with the first two. The first two listings, you’ll see that there is one Legend of Zelda for sale ads at 20 units and one at 24 units. Those units are gamercoins. Gamercoins are cool. Gamer coins are bought at the price of 1 USD per gamercoin. They have a vending machine set up on the 99Gamer site and you can buy them off of them there and you insert USD into the machine and you receive gamer coin in your account. In this example, it’s noted in that sort of quasi retro way which I like. So the marketing perspective has been managed well.

There’s no sub units in this presentation and I think it is very well coming from a branding standpoint right off the bat. Gamers know virtual currency and I think this is doing a good job of presenting it to them in that capacity. But then you ask, okay so no big deal, just marketing is all that you get from this. Well, no, there’s some really cool features you get on top of that.

So first and foremost, it lets the 99Gamers community engage in money creation which you can’t do in US dollars. Money creation of course is illegal in US currency and impractical and impossible as well, but it’s very easily done with gamercoin and in fact, that’s what they did. So even though they’re selling the gamercoins, there are more gamer coins that have been issued that were pay for it. Those additional ones that were issued were used by 99Gamers for the purposes of marketing their website.

They issue these created gamercoins to other bloggers to other YouTubers and send, “Hey, check out the service, see what you think.” And those people did that. They went ahead and check out the service and they liked it and they wrote about it and they got a community engaged and in that capacity, they were able to offload a lot of their marketing budget with this created money that cost them nothing. At some level, those represented shares in the company or some such thing that were given off, but that’s what they did. And so they offset their entire marketing budget ,I believe quite nearly, with their gamer coin creation. And then this also speaks to the value of community in a coin. Andreas talks about this as well. But when you create a community, you need a share stored value, a shared token by which they can confer value and stored energy and stored work between each other. So when you create these currencies, you’re also fostering involvement from other community members in a number of ways and we will get into that.

So this also brings up, well then why should 99Gamers use Counterparty, why can’t they just do it themselves? What is it that Counterparty brings them that they’re not getting from their existing silo? Well, the easy answer off the bat with that is that there is a lot of work that’s been done. They have a lot of effort in their shared libraries. You don’t have to worry a lot about persistence and a lot of security matters. So for programmers, easy integration and that’s a slum dunk right there. But the more specific reason economically is that you’ve created a market and I think for a lot of people this right here says enough but to spell it out more clearly,

You’re not smarter than your customers. You’re smarter than most of your customers but you’re not smarter than all of you customers and when you create a market, when you create faith in a currency, you’re allowing for people to specialize, to create value to manage their imports and exports in your created currency and you’re creating a larger community and you’re creating a greater faith and a greater contribution in your currency as well. So I think that that really is hurting 99Gamers. You can certainly imagine that 99Gamers users would want to perhaps bet on the outcome of a game play contest, maybe there’s been a twitch TV for which gamercoin would be awarded but they can’t do that because it’s in a silo.

Or even better, right now they’re only selling gamer coin for USD but what about Turkey? Maybe there is a lot of gamers in Turkey that want to buy and sell games that they can’t buy and sell games using USD, so you decentralized that when you put it into a marketplace, perhaps some enterprising individual in Turkey will take it upon themselves and create a currency creation service that will add a little [fee] on top of the 1 US dollar and he will keep that for himself. 99Gamers will be happy because they create a larger market and certainly that enterprising individual will be rewarded for his work and if community gets larger and everyone’s happier, so this is another great argument to be made for decentralizing your currency even in your own silo. And in a lot of ways the objections that I’ve seen to doing this type of thing are every similar to the objections I’ve heard like, “Why would we want to integrate Twitter or why would we want to integrate Discuss?”

These are things that, yeah, you could have done yourself but it benefits from the network effect. So by joining the larger community and joining the registries that are greater than your own site, you added value that’s greater than the sum of your parts.

And I think too that communities are really big topic certainly like a whole 2.0 website sort of trend in general, but for all of us here that are running websites, your goal and your aspiration should we create something that is a group of people that have a combined interest. We see this a lot right now where personalities are forming online and certain segments. Maybe you’re into corvettes. Well, there’s a form for corvettes and there’s YouTube channels for corvettes and there’s all of this sort of incidental networks that are themselves within the internet. They don’t have a shared currency so we will start to see that change.

When we think about what Counterparty can do, it needs to exist in the sense of how do we enable any given community to work better? How do we create a small economy? What are the imports and what are the exports of this community? What is it that the problems that they for storing value amongst themselves. So when you’re thinking about your own projects when you’re watching this, I think that you got to think about well, what problems do I have that can be tokenized? What resources or scares that I have that can be put into units so that they could be expressed on a change. In gamer coins’ case, yeah, they take in US dollars and they export gamer coin but in a lot of ways too they facilitate comers by video games and such.

And these are things that they’ve tokenized at some level and will continue to tokenize on their site and they will just be an intermediary they will be a gatekeeper.

And for those of you who are thinking about using Counterparty, certainly you are enabled as a monetary control censor to exert a lot of power over your community in that role. So I think to a very common concept of tokenization here is with most websites which in many ways have an economy where content is the important and attention is the export and so with that, let’s look a little bit into Let’s Talk Bitcoin. Let’s Talk Bitcoin probably most of you or all of you have heard of it, I’ve contributed content in the show. I like contributing content to the show. In a lot of ways that probably around I think  Counterparty is working with this community. LTB started as a podcast, a smaller podcast then a larger one.

It then spread into a network where additional podcasts where added. More community involvement and more content was being generated. Articles were being written. Foreign posts were being added and then at some point, Adam Levine decided to introduce LTBcoin and when he did LTBcoin at first, I didn’t really get it. It was kind of hooky. It was kind of weird. I don’t think that Adam Levine entirely got LTBcoin but I earned some. I earned some for typing in the magic word on the site. I earned some from doing correspondents out in the field. And so I had this LTBcoin and I’m like, “Okay, well what does this do for me?” And then I realized at some point that well it does for me whatever I want it to do for me because it’s not my silo. And so I’m in a position now to perhaps offload some of the work that I don’t like to others and spend my own LTBcoin.

I hate editing. I love generating content. I’m recording this right now and I’ll be recording other events here. I don’t want to sit at home for six hours and pour over those documents but I’m sure somebody does. I bet you there’s a lot of people who weren’t here, who want to know the scoop first on the form so I’ll offer somebody an editor position. I’ll say, “Hey, why don’t you take 50% of my LTB coin and you take it.” And they’ll take me up on that and what we’ve done is we enable the specialization of labor. The economy is now more efficient. There’s more actors in the economy. There’s more faith in the economy and in the community of LTB and so I think that type of success story can happen with any of your sites for no cost to you by enabling these types of tokens.

In the case of LTBcoin, the export itself advertisements on the show so at some level, we can take these LTBcoin and sell them to others under distributed exchange for things like Bitcoin or maybe gamer coin or whatever else it is we want for our efforts. There are other examples of Bitcoin integration in LTB that I think are very significant. They are now implementing access tokens. For those of you who have been in the forms for long enough, you will be issued an early token, E-A-R-L-Y, early and with this token attached to your Bitcoin address, you will be able to access some premium features. There’s a very limited membership. The first X thousand users, I don’t remember how many it is, those people are at some level or another greater than other people in the community and you know we don’t exactly know where this is going to go. This is maybe a hokey feature, maybe it’s a great feature but these are the types of things that are being played and I think there will be some really smart uses of things like access tokens on website.

Maybe I’m investing a lot of time into LTBcoin to make it a great community and maybe I’ll sell my early token down the line when I decided ah I’m not into Bitcoin anymore or that probably won’t happen, but something like that. So yeah, we have a lot of exploring to do. There’s a lot of lessons to be learned because I think we have all of these tools that are here now.

My concern isn’t that they will be using properly whether they won’t be used so I like to get up here and tell all of you about the things you can do with it and encourage you to do that. I think that all of us are economists of one kind or another. I think most of us are really, really, really bad economists. I don’t see Jeffrey Tucker here so I’m guessing that’s true, maybe I’m wrong. But it’s important that we start experimenting and checking it out and seeing what works and writing about it and I think that there will be a lot of like grand slams that are just going to be hit up the park with somebody who really did it right and ended up controlling an entire communities, monetary supply.

And again I can’t emphasize enough that the efforts that you put into Counterparty are not wasted efforts. They’re not wasted efforts because you can always leverage the data. You don’t have to worry about the chains forking. If you decide you want to move it into another network later, it’s not a big deal. You don’t have to worry about that data going away. You could conceivably import that economy into the next one. So get started today!

And things that I’ve been thinking and these are rudimentary examples but stuff that you guys can start thinking about. You clearly have websites, many of you, and you probably think about selling advertisements or endorsements or things like that so tokenize it. Rather than sell ads for dollars or for Bitcoin, offer ad credits, either 5-minute mentions on your podcast or maybe thousand impressions on your site and tokenized it and then sell the tokens. That’s one easy thing you can do right off the bat. You can also engage in money creation once you’ve done that.

So you can do things like awarding listeners in that token or maybe you could do giveaways or something like that where perhaps the community starts to buy them and you do like a raffle and somebody wins an interview on the show or something like that. It gains faith with users and it starts to encourage them to explore as well. Other things that you can do that I’ve seen that are really cool are things like invites and tickets. So if perhaps you’re issuing for tickets for conference like Coins in the Kingdom and you have a limited early access ticket, you can have 300 of them your sell. You can issue those on the blockchain and you can sell them via a vending machine on the blockchain. Other people can turn around and sell them themselves. That may create additional faith in your network. It may also show you that the market price is too low or things like that and then additionally if you wanted your supply to be publicly inspected and validated by the community, you can do so because it’s public data.

Voting is another really interesting application I’ve seen. I’ve seen a lot of these mining pools that start using Counterparty move towards voting as a Counterparty application. I don’t even know what those votes are because I monitor the blockchain and I see them declare and I see them going on but typically it will be something like okay; we’ll issue a hundred vote shares. We give those to our hundred miners and then there’s a decision to be made, the decision to go left or to go right. So they have those tokens and they can spend it on the address that is right or they can spend it on the address that is left and then we count the tally after the date and maybe we call back those assets but the vote was held. In that example, that would enable them to buy and sell votes. So that may not be the kind of democracy you want to run on your site but it might be and then too you’ll be able to see that that is going on.

You’ll be able to audit the transition. So maybe there’s some additional programmatic rules that you want to add on top of that, the nature of the transitions that can happen with those assets could construct whatever economy you want to define or whatever platform you want to define. Again we’re in the Tontine Coffee House. This maybe a great idea or a bad one.

Gamification is really cool. I’m seeing some stuff along those routes. So we all hate Candy Crush, I know but it works for a reason and so with things like Counterparty, maybe you want to have a forumcoin for your forum. And if they sign up another user, they get an additional forum coin. If they post more, they get more forum coins. If they tweet about your forum, they get awarded those forum coins and then maybe you have a raffle or something that could be redeemed for some other outlet for them or maybe they buy ads on the forum with that. That’s the kind of thing that you can do to engage people using Counterparty.

And yeah I think you really need to think about your community in general. So on that note, we’ve seen this before, there are torrent sites typically like private torrent sites where there’s only a thousand users accepted and then you have to like plead or buy an emission to that torrent site. Well, you could instead perhaps issue access tokens for or something where you have a thousand entry tokens and these are sold by a vending machine or they’ve giving out or whatever it is and you can kind of monitor then who is active user, who is not an active user. You can entice people, perhaps, to leave the network or stay in the network if that value through that torrenting site became popular, that the cost of access would go up and you can conceivably see people sell their use to somebody else and maybe there’s a better person that comes in, maybe there’s a worst person comes in but these types of things can happen because it’s outside of your silo now and these are decentralized tokens.

There’s a couple of people doing this in the mobile space, so Gems is one example. I don’t know if this project will work or not but it’s a really well designed website and the product itself might be pretty stellar. Gems are what you can earn by using this app. It is a kind of instant messaging/telegram sort of app. So iMessage that kind of thing and as you invite people and as you use it, you earn gems. Those gems can then be redeemed for unsolicited bulk messages, you know, spam to other customers. So maybe it will work really well, maybe it will reach the total spam cesspod, I don’t know but it’s a cool app that we’ve never really had before.

Similarly there’s a mobile app called Bitsies. Bitsies is kind of cool too. Bitsies allows you to post pictures either blurry pictures or one picture out of a gallery for which Bitsies must be spent in order to see the rest of the gallery and has a very Instagram-esque interface and when you post these messages to people, you can post a teaser, you can then receive Bitsies and then you can unlock the rest of the image gallery. I don’t know if it’s a porn kind of concept or if it’s not but it could be any of these things and so an app that’s kind of cool and they also use Counterparty assets for this.

Meat Space! we’re not limited to just the internet stuff. Obviously that’s where I live most of the time if you haven’t seen my goofy hat collection, but there’s plenty of apps in the real world as well. Because the mobile integration I think is pretty easy, we can expect all kinds of stuff here. So right now, there’s a major problem that we all have which is the stupid customer loyalty program tickets that we can redeem for free stuff or discounted pricing and all of these things.

Well, in the case of Counterparty, again we’re all Counterparty users. So if in this model where you’re using Bitcoin to buy your groceries, they can issue a Counterparty address to your blockchain wallet and they can read your asset list as well. So they can load you up with bonus programs or if there’s a buy 5 get 1 free program. They send that to your wallet in Bitcoin. You don’t have to opt into it. You’re already a Counterparty user so this isn’t in many ways akin to like almost cookies where I think in HTTP but you can see that you’ll have things attach to you either because you ask for it or because you didn’t, but these assets will follow your Bitcoin addresses. So imagine all kinds of applications for that. Certainly there’s some tracking systems you could do if you want to be a little nefarious although I don’t think that’s the primary use. You could do like I said things like loyalty programs.

So like these customers have been with us for a year or something like that and now he gets the discounted pricing or something. Maybe he spends $100 a month on gasoline. He’s earned $5 worth of gasoline and that will attach to your Bitcoin address and you’ll be more or less automatic if they use Counterparty on their end, at least in your interface, but we can see them for all kinds of stuff.

I know the BitNation people here are here are some pretty ambitious plans where you can think of things even like the government space where tokens could be use, things like liquor licenses or I guess well maybe medallions, I don’t know if we were still going to make that relevant, but things like that. Tickets to events of course, maybe you want to get into the front door so you either present the coin address, they scan it.

They see that you have a ticket that’s on there or you just spend it right out the gate that will let you in. Airline miles could follow around, like sort of quintessential example of private money. I don’t know if that’s meat space money or not but it might be. Coupons, everybody remembers the days of cutting coupons. Well, those could be loaded up on your blockchain wallet and you could spend them at the store thereafter. That’s very doable. Limited time offers, maybe something is available for the next day or so. They issue an asset. It’s on your phone and they call it back. So yeah I think that it will be useful in meat space as well as Bitcoin becomes more ubiquitous.

So there’s more to Counterparty than just that but I want to limit it just so to the asset aspect. It’s a new project and it’s gotten very far and very little time and it’s done that not only because of very confident leadership but because the scope of the project is very much narrow because it leverages so much from Bitcoin. Rather than reinvent Bitcoin, it just says let’s add to Bitcoin which is unlike most or all of the other projects in that space.

There are many betting features that are offered. Bets on feeds, bets on events. There are contracts for differences. There are basic option contracts and everything is fully collateralized so you don’t have to worry about any Counterparty risk and there’s more features being added all the time so this is only a project that’s been around for not even a year yet and you’re already seeing it eclipse almost every single competitor here in this space. So I have a lot of faith in this project for that reason alone.

For anybody who’s thinking about getting into Counterparty, wants to see what’s being done, you can do what I do which is the world’s most boring and ridiculous job but to monitor the blockchain for transactions and see what it is that people are doing. I’m principally limited to the Counterparty blockchain but certainly can look elsewhere but yeah looking at the website for activity is a great way to pass time if you’re a super nerd like me so you’re all encourage to do that as well if you want to see what’s happening in the space because it changes quickly.

First-Ever Virtual Expo for the Global Crypto Community

Save the date December 5-6, 2014:


First-Ever Virtual Expo for the Global Crypto Community

  • Hundreds of developers, opinion leaders, bitcoiners and enthusiasts have already confirmed their attendance in the Crypto Money Virtual Expo
  • The event will feature live online lectures from the top figures in the industry: Peter Todd, bitcoin core developer; David Johnston and Sam Yilmaz from DApps fund; Matthew Roszac from Tally capital; R Willett from Mastercoin; Kirk Johns from Merchantcoin; and other leading developers and visionaries from the crypto community.
  • The format: Virtual expo that offers a unique experience of Mass Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game featuring online line live lectures, virtual exhibition halls with dozens of virtual booths and enhanced networking capabilities.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore, mingle, and network with the leading figures in the crypto economy – right from your own computer!

On the 5-6 of Dec., 2014, the global crypto community will come together for the 1st time to mingle, share knowledge and network at the 1st Crypto Money Virtual Expo – an “online meet up” that offers access to every professional, developer, bitcoiner and enthusiast from around the world.

This would be a unique opportunity to enter live online lectures by the top figures in the industry, such as Peter Todd – bitcoin core developer, David Johnston and Sam Yilmaz from DApps fund, Mathew Roszac from Tally Capital, J.R Willet from Msatercoin, Kirk Johns from Merchantcoin and other leading developers and visionaries from the crypto community.

The Expo will be open to everyone, and will offer free access to the lectures and to the virtual exhibition halls, where dozens of startups and projects will present their companies via virtual booths – utilizing video, digital brochures and other informative methods. The virtual expo will function just like a regular MMORPG (Mass Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) and will offer a fun and seamless experience to the attendees. Entering the event is as simple as opening a browser and joining online.

“Virtual currencies deserve a virtual expo” said Eyal Abramovitch, co- founder of the Crypto Money Virtual Expo. “It is time to open the crypto community to the world, and with this Expo we are offering a fun and free way to do it right from your own computer.”


Speakers list

David Johnston                 J.R Willet                   KIRK ST. JOHN

SDApps fund                       Mastercoin                 Merchantcoin

Evan Duffield                 Sam Onat Yilmaz       Matthew Roszak

Darkcoin                         DApps fund               Tally Capital

For the full list of Speakers including bios please visit







Delta Consultants Limited proudly announces their new project, that is a GoUrl Crypto-Currency Payment Gateway and Url Monetiser.

October 28, 2014: Delta Consultants Limited proudly announces their new project, that is a GoUrl Crypto-Currency Payment Gateway and Url Monetiser.

GoUrl Payment Gateway cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin Dogecoin Litecoin Reddcoin Feathercoin Vertcoin Potcoin Vericoin Darkcoin Speedcoin. offers two choices
– Webmasters who have their own websites can install bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies payment boxes on their websites and start to sell own website premium contents online.
– Users, who do not have their websites, can use monetiser service online, sell their contents online through and make money on their files, images, videos, etc.

GoUrl Online Monetiser allows members to sell their Urls, Texts, Images, Videos and Files online for cryptocoins such as Bitcoins, Litecoins, Dogecoins, etc.
Further, the site allows Cryptocoin conversion including Bitcoin conversion into US Dollars.

The best benefit is that members will find it easy to sell products for bitcoin, cryptocurrency, dogecoin, etc.
That they can do so anonymously is an additional benefit. They must first create their free GoUrl Payment Urls.
The details of the members are protected from other visitors who may try to misuse them by sharing them on the web through their
social networking sites or their forums.

In short, members can make bitcoins and other cryptocoins money online through
Delta Consultants Limited assures members that they will forward all the cryptocoins they have received from their
visitor payments to their wallet address.

What Makes Unique is an open source website and becoming a member on this is 100% free. There are no monthly fees and the transaction fee starts from 0%.
Members can set their own prices in US Dollars for which they can use live-exchange rates. Since features like anonymous Crypto Captcha and Payment Box are there,
members need not have any apprehensions about the security aspect. This means the website is absolutely risk-free. So, members can go ahead and sell
their premium website contents confidently and make money. PHP Examples –
There are no chargebacks also. Members are provided with full statistics. Lastly, payments are accepted online.

About Delta Consultants Limited and Their New Project

Delta Consultants Limited takes pride in pointing out that their software development team has been designing, developing, fielding and supporting
web applications for more than 2 decades.

– One of their projects is , the daily visitors of which have exceeded 100,000 according to Alexa and that has been acknowledged as one among the 5,000 most popular websites on the Net.
– Their another project is , that is a Global Marketplace on which thousands of various wholesale products are offered to members at discounted prices.
– They offer many addons for Google Chrome browsers also. One of the addons is
that shows the country to which a website belongs and the number of visitors visiting any world website.

BitQuick’s New Campaign

BitQuick is challenging USA and Europe to sell their bitcoins by using

“We’re calling it the BitQuick challenge,” says Founder Jad Mubaslat. “We’re so confident users will come back, that we’re giving away $10 or 0.03 BTC, whichever is greater, to the first 150 new sellers for the month of October and November. We’re also completely removing withdrawal fees for October and November. You now get paid to sell on BitQuick when you’re a new customer.”

After hearing this offer, I had a few questions for Jad that he gladly answered.

Why would I use Bitquick instead of Coinbase?

While institutional money continues to flow into the Bitcoin space and merchant adoption surges, mainstream adoption still lacks. Consumers have still been left with few options to get in and out of the Bitcoin economy quickly and safely. While there are retail options for consumers, such as Coinbase and Circle, they must wait multiple days and go through tedious verification procedures before being able to trade instantly, and even still there are strict limits to how much users can instantly trade.

With BitQuick, you do not have to set up an account, and buyers receive their coins within 3 hours after paying for their order and uploading a photo of their receipt. Sellers often receive money into their account the same day if their coins are priced reasonably close to current market rates. You also cannot buy or sell any bitcoin through Coinbase without a bank account. Buyers do not even need to have a bank account to buy coins with BitQuick. While our sellers do still need to provide a bank account number, we are now serving the masses of unbanked and underbanked buyers that were previously left with few viable options when it came to purchasing Bitcoin.

Why would I choose to use your service to sell instead of, let’s say, LocalBitcoins?

I will just go ahead and list the reasons for you because there are simply so many:

– Never leave the comfort of your home.

– No fees. Ever.

Quick: receive cash deposited straight into your bank account within hours.

– Protected by BitQuick’s seller guarantee. No more scams!

– Set your own price and order limits.

– Fair playing field for all sellers.

– Simple.

– Insured deposits with Xapo coming soon.

When consumers want Bitcoin immediately with cash, many find themselves resorting to the Craigslist-style marketplace, LocalBitcoins. The problem with LocalBitcoins is that there is no secure arbitration or consistent guidelines. Scams are rampant, and if you get scammed once when trying to obtain your first Bitcoin, you could easily become deterred away from the process and end up being too afraid to try again. People seem to find themselves more comfortable with using a trusted service that makes sure that each transaction is handled smoothly and safely.

What are you doing to solve these problems within the bitcoin space?

BitQuick is tackling these issues head on by creating a streamlined trading process and by offering local traders consistent, speedy, high quality arbitration. Buyers and sellers never even communicate. At its heart, we function like an escrow service. Users list their Bitcoins for sale, deposit them into a BitQuick escrow address, and wait for the consumer to directly deposit cash into their bank account. Once the buyer sends proof of payment, and we confirm that with the seller, the Bitcoins are released. In this way, BitQuick never handles any cash, and payments are settled instantly for the users. BitQuick was also the first fully transparent Bitcoin exchange: Anyone can verify BitQuick’s reserves at any time! We’re also working with Xapo to provide sellers with insured deposits and multi-sig escrow addresses soon, which is very exciting. We’re dedicated to building a layer of trust with our customers that many Bitcoin users don’t feel with other services, while at the same time trying to reduce the amount of trust you need to put out there in the first place by providing transparency.

One of our customer testimonials from BitTrust put it perfectly: “What’s really great about this service is that BitQuick acts as an insulating party (or interface) between you and the buyer/seller. Why is this great? Because it removes any hassle or stress that might occur if one had to deal directly with the counterparty (buyer or seller). BitQuick’s staff are excellent at spotting potential issues (read: potential scam attempts or errors) that a regular person might miss if they had to deal direct with the counterparty. This particular aspect is what makes the service stand out from say, a LocalBitcoins. Read a LocalBitcoins forums about the various scams that have been pulled on both buyer and seller alike. Such things don’t happen with ”

I heard that you guys were expanding to different continents.

Since we are an escrow service, we can expand our trading platform around the world with little friction. We already have platforms in Taiwan, India, Europe and the Middle East. Countries outside the US need BitQuick even more because those consumers have little, if any, options to buy and sell Bitcoin at the moment, and a great number of them are unbanked. We would like to provide more financial freedom to these local markets by giving consumers easy access to Bitcoin, creating less of a need for them to rely on regional banking systems. By allowing for a simple and safe on/off ramp to the Bitcoin economy around the world, we believe BitQuick can continue to catalyze connecting the global economy through Bitcoin.

On August 27th we expanded trading to the Middle East.

What else have you guys been up to?

We recently launched our viral campaign, which offers buyers 50% off the fee of their next purchase when they share BitQuick via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.

We’ve also made some functional changes to the platform. Buyers now have the option to cancel their buy orders if an accident was made, and sellers can automatically confirm deposits, along with some other small bug fixes. On, BitsharesX and BitUSD trading have also been introduced. We’re in the heat of developing a quick buy, quick sell option as well, so keep your eyes peeled! This will make using our system even more convenient with the added ability of placing an order within moments, all from our front page.

We’re working to implement bank transfers as well by the end of 2014. While buyers currently must take a quick trip to the local credit union or bank to deposit cash when using the current system, this new feature would allow everything to be done from home if desired.

Tell me more about those free bitcoins you told me about at the beginning of the article.

Of course. To qualify for the free Bitcoins:

– You must use a bank account previously unused on BitQuick.

– You must use either a local credit union, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Capital One, PNC Bank, Citibank, TD Bank, or SEPA transfer to qualify.

– Your order must remain priced within 10% of BitFinex last price.

– Your order must remain live for 1 full business day or sell out.

– If you list 1-2.99 BTC you will receive $5 or 0.013 BTC (whichever is greater).

– If you list 3+ BTC you will receive $10 or 0.03 BTC (whichever is greater).

The Bitcoin are sent to whatever address you like, and once you receive your free Bitcoin, you can even withdraw the rest of your sell order free of charge if you like!

I’ll also be speaking at the Purdue Bitcoin Conference on November 1st, so come say hi to the BitQuick team!

Vancouver Bitcoin Community Unites for Startup Weekend

Bitcoin is a competitive business. Due to its decentralized nature, it has attracted a libertarian culture prone to individualistic thinking, which–while great for producing efficiency internally–can make it difficult to present a cohesive image as a community, and gather the necessary support for large-scale projects.

The Vancouver Bitcoin community hopes to change that with Startup Weekend. We’ve created a Bitcoin Block for sponsorship purposes: all of our donations are pooled together, in an attempt to compete with larger corporate sponsors and reach a higher sponsorship tier (we’re currently 3 spots behind TD Bank). All Bitcoin donations sent to 19ZsPXZGZXSkQ6yTqJqWKfSrLRQjy6TNNg count towards our total.

For the uninitiated: Startup Weekend is a non-profit registered in the United States that organizes 54-hour events for startup entrepreneurs in cities around the world. It began in 2007, and in 2010 received a grant from the Kauffman Foundation. Teams assemble, and with the guidance of mentors undergo discussions, workshops, presentations, and other preparations as they go from conceiving of a startup idea to putting it into executable form. A team of judges decide the best startup, and this year Vancouver’s victor will go on to compete in an international competition called the Global Startup Battle.

Since cryptocurrency is such a burgeoning startup sector in Vancouver, the organizers of Vancouver Startup Weekend have decided to incorporate it heavily into the activities this year. Their team now accepts Bitcoin, in which all of our donations are given, and the bar will accept BTC for drinks using the CoinOS POS system. Each team will be offered a wallet preloaded with enough millibits for a beer, all of which go to a prize pool to be awarded to one participant or team.

The Bitcoin Block–which so far includes Saftonhouse, Decentral Vancouver, the Bitcoin Co-op and Vanbex marketing and consulting group–will also be on-hand during the events to provide guidance, and Decentral will organize a pre-workshop to teach proper Bitcoin wallet set-up and use. We’ll also have booths and be giving talks during the main events, and a wrap-up afterwards.

Speakers and mentors will include Jessie Heaslip of, the prepackaged exchange platform, Lisa Cheng from Vanbex, and Manie Eagar from the Digital Finance Institute and Bitcoin Alliance of Canada. Spoken presentations will focus on startup opportunities in the crypto space, how cryptocurrency can help any business, and effective ways of using it. Mentors will encourage teams to engage with decentralized technologies, and answer any questions they might have as participating entrepreneurs learn ways of getting ahead in the business world.

We’ll also be judging the teams in Vancouver on best use of decentralized technology. Some of the funds raised will be used to reward teams for integrating cryptocurrency, and we’ll be watching to see which team utilizes it the best! Startup weekend gets a lot of publicity, so if a Bitcoin startup makes it to or wins the global competition, it could raise a lot of awareness while sending a message to the business world about the viability of decentralized applications.

Some of the Bitcoiners involved will be featured on Startup Weekend’s blog in the coming weeks, to explain how our ecosystem works. While free market forces often drive us apart, the crypto community is united by a shared goal, and ready to band together when necessary for a mutual cause.


Six Exciting New Features and Free Brokerage from now until November 1, 2014


Coinarch has just added six new features to its bitcoin trading platform. Co Founder, Mark Hergott, commented saying, “these features will make it really simple for traders whilst giving them flexibility and complete control.  Previously, users would have to unwind their trade in US dollars, however our changes mean they will now get to choose between bitcoin or US dollars, fundamentally saving the trader time and money”.

Features include:

  • Move to a brokerage model, providing tighter spreads across the platform so profits are made from smaller moves
  • Reduced Booster fees charged every six hours meaning traders only pay for the time their positions are open
  •  Initial period charge based on time remaining in period rather than the full period
  • Booster fees dependant on leverage level
  • Ability to settle unwinds in BTC or USD
  • Long Booster and Maximiser positions are now funded using bitcoins first then USD

Hergott added “We think these new features are really innovative to the bitcoin trading world and we are excited about offering users something unique.

Coinarch is offering free brokerage on all trades from now until November 1, 2014. Visit for more information.


My Fascination with Daniel Krawisz and his Negative Stance on Altcoins

By: Catherine Bleish

Daniel Krawisz has made a name for himself as the philosophical opponent to competing currencies. He takes issue specifically with competing crypto currencies such as Litecoin, Dogecoin, and other alternatives to Bitcoin.

Dan is the founder of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute and has been a featured speaker at the Texas Bitcoin Conference, Liberty Forum and Cryptocurrency Con. He currently blogs on

I have watched Dan grow as an activist for several years through our mutual presence at Austin’s finest underground bookstore, Brave New Books. Naturally I was thrilled to hear yet another Central Texas activist was making national waves through his activism. Excited as I was, I must admit I became confused about his stance on altcoins once I learned the topic of his speeches and articles.

Over time I developed a total fascination with his viewpoint. Is it possible that altcoins are “dangerous” and unethical as Dan has stated? I went back and forth about half a dozen times asking Dan questions about this concept. While he has not convinced me that altcoins are actually dangerous or unethical to promote, I do have a better understanding of where he is coming from.

In my personal experience a diverse set of currencies has allowed me to work with a diverse set of individuals and organizations.  It has not hindered me or my family in any way, in fact, competing currencies have benefited my family greatly. From Bitcoin to silver to eggs to barter, our family uses a diverse set of currencies in our everyday lives.

There are so many people on this planet that it seems entirely possible for thriving niche markets to exist for niche currencies. Not every crypto currency needs to be the most widely used to be successful, they simply must provide value to the users. Dan disagrees with me on this, but my real life experience tells me it is true.

Dan admitted that his philosophical stance may not line up with practical reality. If that turns out to be the case he would retract his words. The conversation we had was fascinating to me and I am very excited to share his ideas and my responses in their raw format. We may disagree fundamentally, but it has been an honor to discuss this with him.

Here is the interview in its entirety!

Catherine: Please describe the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute:

Dan: The Satoshi Nakamoto Institute is devoted to promoting the ideas of the original cypherpunks and to providing the Bitcoin world with economic commentary from an Austrian perspective.

We have collected a lot of the cypherpunk writing, some classic cryptography papers, and then best including the complete works of Satoshi Nakamoto which are publicly available. We are working on collecting more of his private communication and would greatly appreciate who can send us private letters from him, as long as they come with a digital certificate.

Catherine: Cypherpunk? Please explain this to our readers.
Dan: The cypherpunks were a group that interacted through an online mailing list in the 80s and 90s. They came up with most of the ideas for the systems which use cryptography to protect our freedoms online today. They were the first to theorize seriously about digital cash. Bitcoin grew out of the ideas of the cypherpunks and most of the works cited in the Bitcoin whitepaper are to cypherpunk literature. Many of them were libertarians and anarchists, and Bitcoin is the culmination of their thought.

Catherine: Who are your crypto-world inspirations / roll models?

Dan: David Chaum, Tim May, Nick Szabo, Satoshi Nakamoto, and Ross Ulbricht.

Catherine: How did you first hear about Bitcoin?:

Dan: I first learned of Bitcoin in 2010. This was before Mt. Gox. I was convinced that Bitcoin was for real when I observed the 2011 mania. That is when I first bought some. Late 2012 is when I decided to work full time on Bitcoin.

Catherine: When did you first accept Bitcoin?

Dan: The Nakamoto Institute has accepted Bitcoin donations since it was created in late 2013.

Catherine: Did you have to overcome any obstacles to start accepting Bitcoin?:

Dan: One of us had to copy and paste a Bitcoin address on the website. It was so hard he almost died of exhaustion.

Catherine: Has Bitcoin benefited your life in any way? (If so please describe):
Dan: I now speak at conferences and write books instead of doing homework.

Catherine: Why is Bitcoin so important, anyway?
Dan: Bitcoin is a major invention. It is the first digital currency without a third-party issuer. Right now, most world currencies are ultimately issued and controlled by governments, and this power enables them to manipulate the economy. Bitcoin is therefore potentially an extraordinary step forward for liberty. If it were to become widely adopted, the US government would no longer have nearly the same ability to manipulate the economy through inflation and controlling all the banks.

Bitcoin’s growth is evidence that it will continue to grow. There is no reason to expect an end to this process. This means that its individualistic properties will continue to become more useful and to benefit more people. I think it is likely to replace the state-cartel banking system we have now. See my article Why Bitcoin Will Continue to Grow.

Bitcoin is very individualistic because it enables people to trade with far less third-party trust. It allows for internationalism and mass production in the black market to a degree that has never been seen before. Furthermore, there is a corresponding difficulty for organizations to hold and control bitcoins. It is quite easy for members of an organization to steal private keys with plausible deniability. Addressing this problem requires organizations to commit to standards that make it much more difficult to mistreat customers or stockholders. When the government tries to use bitcoins, it’s going to have a lot of trouble.

A final interesting feature of Bitcoin, one which I do not yet fully understand, is that it somehow causes everyone who should be opposing it to dismiss or misunderstand it. The government will remain years behind in their response to Bitcoin.

Catherine: You are known for your debates against alternative crypto currencies; how did you develop this standpoint?  
Dan: It is a theorem of Austrian economics that competing currencies on a free market are unstable. This was first written about by Karl Menger. When I first heard about Litecoin, I thought it was such a stupid idea that it would never take off. I began to write about altcoins because I realized Bitcoin people don’t understand the economics of media of exchange very well.

Catherine: Can you summarize your feelings about altcoins for us?

Dan: No currency is useful unless it is liquid. Currencies must have demand in order to be spent and used as a means to transfer value. Thus, every new currency must be a viable investment if it is to be viable as a currency. However, because the value of currencies is explained by the network effect, it is always to be expected that the currency with the biggest network will win.

It is therefore irrational to create altcoins and unethical to promote them. I write about altcoins because I do not like watching people get scammed by them. They waste a lot of time and resources.

Please see my articles The Problem with Altcoins and The Coming Demise of the altcoins:

Catherine: Why is competing on an open market a bad ideas for currencies?
Dan: In a free society, people are able to compete with one another for business. However, a person who thought clearly about whether to create a competing currency would observe that the value of a currency is in its network, not in its intrinsic properties, and would conclude that only under very rare circumstances is there any chance of success. For example, Bitcoin can succeed because it is so much better than the dollar that it draws people into its network, whereas none of the altcoins are able to compete with Bitcoin like that. It is irrational, therefore, to buy them or to depend on their future value, and it is delusional or deceptive to tell people otherwise.

Just as competing standards of measurement and competing languages are a hindrance rather than a help, competing currencies produce inconvenience and error until one standard emerges. Competition will occur within the Bitcoin network rather than without.

Catherine: Does your stance on altcoins / competing currencies being unethical consider the payment systems, file sharing, data storage, escrow, and other non currency related uses of Bitcoin and some altcoins?
Dan: Bitcoin should be our ultimate means of transferring value. Everything that can be done with a currency should be done with Bitcoin. A distributed system that provides some other service should know how to take Bitcoin payments rather than inventing a new currency.

Catherine: How do you feel about the potential success of a small niche group who is excited to use a coin, thus providing a network and a market, although not the BIGGEST network or market?
Dan: There is no potential success under that circumstance. Currencies are networks that are always in competition with one another, and there is no stable equilibrium between currencies on the free market. Every currency other than the one which succeeds will shrink down to irrelevance.

Catherine: I use various currencies in my life with ease. Silver, eggs, Bitcoin, cash are all frequently used as mediums of exchange by our family. We have faced little to no problems doing this. Nothing seems to be shrinking out of existence or reality. There are so many people just in central Texas, let alone the world, with so many preferences that we have found moving away  from the dollar and toward other currencies (yes, plural), has been a great benefit to our lives!

What if this theory about multiple currencies being a bad thing doesn’t actually work out as a bad thing in practical application?

Dan: Then I’ll have to revisit my argument to understand where I went wrong with it. It is impossible to know the future, so that is always possible. However, I think that the underlying economic logic is sound and it is hard to imagine what sort of false assumption I am making. Furthermore, I think that the logic is well within the means of most people to understand. I have written articles like The Comic Demise of the Altcoins and Why Bitcoin Will Continue to Grow to explain the logic in a Bitcoin context.

Right now we are in the middle of a depression. People are becoming less specialized and more similar to one another, and consequently find it more easy to barter directly. Furthermore, people are rightly apprehensive about the future value of the dollar and are more interested in trying out other possibilities. Both of these reasons create opportunities to experiment with alternate currencies. However, standardization to a single currency, especially one free of the weaknesses of the dollar, will promote economic recovery. There were also experiments with local and alternative currencies during the Great Depression, but to my knowledge none of them remain in use.

In the cryptocurrency world, it is quite easy to see that no altcoin is likely to defeat Bitcoin because Bitcoin is so much bigger. This is acknowledged by every altcoin proponent I have spoken to; what they do not wish to acknowledge is that this implies that their altcoin should eventually fail entirely and that the economy as a whole would be better off if it didn’t exist.

Catherine: As Bitcoin 2.0 arises, the token based altcoins built on top of Bitcoin are starting to pop up. What are your thoughts on this? Is the way tokens relate to Bitcoin similar to college campus tokens like “Bevo Bucks” at UT as they relate to the dollar? Or, are these coins a competing alt coin?
Dan: This depends on what you mean by a token. There should be no digital assets other than Bitcoin. However, there should be ways of trading liabilities online under some smart contract framework. You could have a token that represents a real good, such as a car or a house, or something more abstract like a stock or bond. My favorite way of doing this is with Open Transactions. We should not use systems that attempt to introduce new digital assets, such as Ripple, Mastercoin, or Ethereum because that is a design flaw which will tend to make them far less useful than if they had just been made to incorporate Bitcoin payments.

Catherine: Isn’t Mastercoin built on top of the Bitcoin network? Aren’t they essentially using Bitcoin even if it has another name?  For example, the Let’s Talk Bitcoin Network is coming out with LTBcoin which will be used to pay content creators as a proof of work. It can be redeemed in BTC, but used exclusively by and for their network. Thoughts?

Dan: There is an ambiguity in a previous answer I gave that I have to resolve. Bitcoin needs to be thought of as two networks at the same time. One is a network of computers running a p2p protocol, transmitting information to one another, and developing a consensus as to the state of a distributed database. The other is a social network of people who all believe that Bitcoin has value. The reason that we need the p2p computer network is because of the double-spending problem. If people were all perfectly honest and could be expected never to attempt to cheat one another, then we would have no need of the p2p computer network at all. I could simply tell you, “I give you .02 bitcoins”, and we would both update our balances in our minds and that would be that.

From an economic standpoint, the p2p computer network can be abstracted away and the social network is what actually matters. That is what I was talking about earlier when I mentioned the Bitcoin network and the disutility of more than one currency network. I was talking about a human social network, not a computer p2p network. It is true that Mastercoin (and LTBCoin) are implemented using the Bitcoin protocol, but from an economic standpoint this is irrelevant. They are different social networks, and they are in competition with one another in the same way that Bitcoin and Litecoin are, and they are bad ideas for the same reason.

Catherine: What if the coins function as a token and it represents x amount of btc, like the Ithaca hours in New York that are based on the FRN?
Dan: I checked on Wikipedia, and although Ithaca hours are supposed to be worth approximately $10, they actually have a freely floating exchange rate and are an independent currency. According to Wikipedia, “While the Ithaca Hour continues to exist, in recent years it has fallen into disuse. Media accounts from the year 2011 indicate that the number of businesses accepting Hours has declined.”

To answer the question that I think you were trying to pose, however, you could imagine that there were some token whose value was pegged to Bitcoin. This would be a Bitcoin substitute, not an independent currency. The only way that its value could be pegged to Bitcoin, as in your question, is if it were easily converted into Bitcoin and all units of it were backed by Bitcoin owned by the issuer. This is basically how people have been talking about using sidechains, for example: you would create a new Bitcoin transaction with an irredeemable output that specifies a given sidechain. The sidechain is then allowed to issue new amounts of its own currency proportional to the amount you specified. This is just like depositing gold into a bank and getting a bank note redeemable for the amount deposited.

Catherine: I do want to ask, though, real social networks compete. MySpace and campus hook were devoured by Facebook, but twitter, yelp, Instagram, etc… Thrive. I believe that there are so many people on the planet that any form of niche market could do well with its own niche currency. Thoughts on that idea?

Dan: A currency is useful because lots of people use it, not because of its intrinsic properties. A niche currency is inherently less useful than one that is used by everyone. There is no added value to having a niche currency. It only makes things less convenient. Remember, currencies don’t have intrinsic value. It is only because they are widely used that they can function as a store of value and a unit of account. Niche currencies are not as liquid, and therefore don’t serve those purposes very well.

As to the social network analogy, there are some real differences between social networks and currencies that make the analogy fail.

It is true that there is a network effect for social networks, but because it is possible to enjoy more social networks at lower marginal costs, it is possible for social networks to coexist in ways that currencies can’t. For example, I can write one status update and have it automatically sent to Facebook, Twitter, and G+. This means I can have a presence on all three social networks without much more effort than on a single social network. Currencies are not like that because you do not get discounts when you buy more. This means that currencies are always absolutely in competition with one another.

Furthermore, the value of a social network profile is highly dependent on the effort that you put into your profile and also on the efforts that your friends put into theirs too. Cultures on a social network can drastically change over time. This is how one social network can suddenly be overtaken by another for reasons that are hard to pin down. There is no similar effect for currencies. They just need to be liquid.

Catherine: Link to any good audio of you speaking on btc/altcoins?
Dan: Here is my talk Cryptoanarchy from the Liberty Forum:

Catherine: What’s next for you and the institute?

Dan: In a few months I will complete my book Cryptoanarchy and hopefully that will help people to learn about Bitcoin and cypherpunk ideas. We’ll continue to collect old material and publish new articles as needed. For example, I have written a series of articles on Bitcoin fallacies. Eventually we would like to start featuring cypherpunk projects on our blog to promote them.


Andreas auction of ten trillion dollars… for charity!

Between the efforts of Jason King and Andreas Antonopoulos, Coins in the Kingdom might secure it’s place as the most charitable Bitcoin conference of the year. At the end of the first day of the conference, Andreas Antonopoulos was approached by Chris DeRose for a signature on a unique piece of numismatic history: a Ten Trillion Dollar Zimbabwe Reserve Note.

After the bill signing, Andreas was asked what charity he would most like to see a donation be given to. To this, Andreas responded “RAINN.” A few weeks thereafter, a charity auction commenced and is currently live at

The auction is available to all members of the general public, and at the time of writing is currently selling at an approximate price of 500mBTC (half a Bitcoin). The details of the event, are clearly denoted in the item description alongside a note that all proceeds from the auction (and any funds sent to the custodian address) will be converted to fiat and donated to RAINN. Though dogecoiners are typically the ones credited for new and wacky twists on the charity scene, Bitcoiners aren’t without their own sense of creativity and civic duty.

In the bill being auctioned, alongside his signature, Andreas added the comment “Inflation Matters” to the bill. Certainly this quote neatly sums up the story of Zimbabwe’s ill-fated national currency. The story of the ten trillion dollar Zimbawe note, though incredulous, is nonetheless true. In the first decade of our millenium, the Republic of Zimbabwe was experiencing inflation at rates unparalleled by any other economy in recent years. During this period, inflation rose sharply between the early years of the 2000’s, up until the printing of the ten trillion dollar note, the last denomination that was printed, in April of 2009. Despite making inflation illegal in 2007 (yes, politicians really signed this decree into law), the government was unable to curb the runaway devaluation of its currency, and informally switched to using the US Dollar as its primary currency in 2009. As of today, an ‘unsigned’ Ten Trillion dollar bill is worth nothing past its novelty factor, and cannot be converted into any other currency.

As for RAINN, “Chelsea Bowers,” an official spokesperson of the organization suggested we re-iterate the organizations mission statement in our write-up of the auction. Their noble mission is as follows:

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization and was named one of “America’s 100 Best Charities” by Worth magazine. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE and in partnership with more than 1,100 local rape crisis centers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.

When asked whether the organization intends to receive the funds in Bitcoin or fiat, Chelsea replied “At this time, we don’t have a [way] to accept Bitcoin (although it sounds like it’s something we should implement!).” Let’s hope our charity efforts leave a positive impression on RAINN, and shows the world that Bitcoiners are commited to leaving a positive impact on the world around them.

For more information on the auction, click here for the item listing.Signed Ten Trillion Dollar Bill by Andreas Antonopoulos


Meet the Central Texas Ladies of Bitcoin, Women Pioneering the Crypto Space Through Entrepreneurship

By: Catherine Bleish

Central Texas has always been a hotbed of progressive thought and action. It is currently one of the most thriving Bitcoin meccas on the planet. This is evident by the large number of Bitcoin-centric businesses in the area, the Bitcoin-heavy media (The Liberty Beat, The Crypto Show, Natural News) , and the nationwide Bitcoin speakers and advocates who reside in the area (Cody Wilson, John Bush, Myself). This is in addition to the growing number of Bitcoin-friendly businesses in the area, many of which are run by women.

To celebrate “Why Women Love Bitcoin”, I would like to present a profile on a few of these Central Texas entrepreneurs and ask them questions about their Bitcoin-friendly businesses. The three women I highlight are extraordinary women in that they are brave, confident, risk taking ladies who are willing to put in the effort required to make a living while doing what they love. On the same coin, they are ordinary women just like you and me, who serve as inspiration to anyone wanting to start their own business in the Bitcoin space.


Meet the Central Texas Ladies of Bitcoin: Stacie Frost (Frost Homestead), Sarah Stollak (World on a String), and Jessica Arman (My Magic Mud). Their products are unique – chicken eggs, handmade jewelry, and tooth powder – but they are united in their love for Bitcoin.


Stacie Frost


Business: Frost Homestead



Description: We are a working homestead. We sell rare breed show chickens and ship fertile hatching eggs nationwide. We currently breed purebred Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas as well as Black Copper and Blue Copper Marans.


Sarah Stollak


Business: World on a String



Description: Crochet jewelry in pearls, gemstones, glass, and other beautiful materials from around the world.  Violinist, fiddler, guitarist, singer, songwriter.


Jessica Arman


Business:  My Magic Mud


mymagicmud-logo (1)

Description: My Magic Mud all natural tooth powder that gives you a dentist-like clean while whitening and polishing your teeth. My remedy is sold in biological dentist offices and health stores all over Texas.


Getting Started

I asked each of these women to describe how they started their business from dream to reality. You will find that each of these ladies were inspired through their hands-on experiences: shopping the farmers market, learning to knit, and trying home remedies for their kids. While you read their answers think about what inspires you in your day to day life; is there a business opportunity calling you?

Stacie Frost (Frost Homestead): My husband and I first got interested in raising chickens after a trip to a local farmer’s market. There was a woman selling green and blue chicken eggs. At the time we only had a small lot (1/8th of an acre) in the city but we had enough space to have a few hens, so we set out to find some colored egg layers. We started out with just a couple Easter Eggers, mongrel colored egg layers. A few years later we moved onto a larger piece of land and decided we wanted to get more serious about chickening. After researching breeds we discovered several that piqued our interest, particularly purebred Ameraucanas that lay blue eggs and French Marans that lay the darkest brown eggs in the world. We set out to get some of the best lines available and for the past few years have bred and culled our stock into perfection. Working with Texas A&M we have had our flock certified free of infectious disease, a necessary measure for shipping live birds across state lines. Today we have a thriving base of loyal customers in the Austin, TX area and successfully ship fertile hatching eggs to every state in the continental US.

Sarah Stollak (World on a String): My mom taught me how to knit in 1993 and I’ve been creating ever since. When I moved to Austin in 2004, I started an artisan booth at local markets, street fairs, and special events. Vending was supposed to be temporary while I found a real job, but almost a decade later here I am, still a full time creative entrepreneur.

Jessica Arman (My Magic Mud): I worked customer service for an operation that provided raw ingredients to companies that formulated them into their own blends to create detox products and other supplements. I learned a lot over time until one day I discovered that some of the ingredients I was working with were actually ancient – (thousands of years ancient!) – oral remedies. My research led me to an original blend that works in a synergy to produce better results than any of the ingredients used by themselves. What started as a remedy for my children ended up as a business by what seems to be an accident. My daughter posted a cute before/after picture, that she created with her phone, to my facebook wall. I started getting a flood of interest. I sent this out to about 50 people for free and even sent this to a biological dentist, Dr. Griffin Cole, just to make sure that others were seeing the results that my family did. I have brutally honest friends and even Dr. Cole said that he would heavily scrutinize the product, so it was a little nerve wracking. The results came in from everyone and I was blown away. I had an acquaintance call me crying because this was the first time she was no longer in pain in months. People were posting pictures showing their sparkling smiles.  Dr. Cole told us that it was his and his wife’s new favorite product – he now sells this in his practice. He’s only endorsed one other product in over 20 years of being a practicing dentist. We then started running ads on liberty radio programs and boom, it became a business. My entire family is involved; even my mother-in-law is a sales rep. We hire our friends and we’re at several farmers markets in central Texas. Our family is flourishing for the first time in years.

Inspirations and Role Models

Each of these powerful women list different folks as their entrepreneurial inspirations / role models. I appreciate that they all look to people who operate within their sphere of interest.  Stacie is inspired by other chicken breeders, Sarah by other artists and Jessica by the Do-It-Yourself spirit of her husband.  Consider who your inspirations and role models are while you read their answers; maybe you can think of someone who would be a good guide for you in your entrepreneurial journey!

Stacie Frost (Frost Homestead): My role models are those who came before me, the breeders that have spent decades developing the breeds I raise – the most influential people being Paul Smith and Bev Davis. Paul Smith is a fellow Texan and his work with Ameraucanas is well known; he runs a thriving business selling chicks each spring when the Texas heat permits shipping, and I’m inspired by his commitment to improve his birds while also making a profit. Bev Davis is also a very well known breeder. Her dedication to breeding Marans is apparent in her stock; her birds conform to standard and lay the darkest eggs of any Marans available in the US. The kind of dedication needed to accomplish what she has makes her an inspiration.

Sarah Stollak (World on a String): I am continually inspired by people around me who push the boundaries of their own creativity – artists, activists, and entrepreneurs working towards a better future for humanity and animals. Elon Musk. Jane Goodall.

Jessica Arman (My Magic Mud): My husband. He simply can’t work for anyone else. We’ve created several family businesses. Many failed; a couple succeeded. He says “being entrepreneurial is doing liberty.”


Advice for Others

As we move through life we learn from our experiences. Each of these women have been running their own business long enough to have some great advice. Each of them indicate, in their own words, that you should follow your heart and your dreams in order to find success. In today’s society many of us end up working as a cog in the wheel, working for another man’s dream. These ladies have inspirational advice about doing what you love to find the most success as an entrepreneur.

Stacie Frost (Frost Homestead): My best advice for someone interested in starting their own business would be to choose something you enjoy. Life is too short to do otherwise and a home business, like any small business, requires consistency and tireless dedication. Hard work is a lot easier when you have a passion for what you’re selling.

Sarah Stollak (World on a String): There are many different learning styles. I learn by doing. It takes time to find what works for you. Listen to the music in your heart and find your own beat.

Jessica Arman (My Magic Mud): Being an entrepreneur is living in a different conscious space. Once you shift your consciousness from lack and limitation, from the daily drama, and from general survival mode, and move into a more creative space, starting businesses becomes more natural. Almost everyone has a remedy, talent, or unique knowledge of some kind, that can be turned into a product or service. Many of these people are just not in the right frame of mind to see that they can be successful with exactly what they have, right now! Also, be extremely careful with the people you decide to associate with; mediocrity is contagious. If you want to be successful, start hanging out with successful people, or at least place yourself in the company of people that reflect the characteristics that you wish for yourself.

Accepting Bitcoin

These women are all entrepreneurs who happen to accept bitcoin.  We each have a different journey to the Bitcoin space ,and I thought it would be fun to find out why each of these women decided to start accepting bitcoin for their goods/services. All of them cite demand as a reason they began accepting bitcoin; it can also be used as an outreach tool to educate the public about the growing crypto currency.

Stacie Frost (Frost Homestead): As an early adopter of Bitcoin it was a logical step;I also wanted to use my business to introduce the concept of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies to people who might not explore or otherwise be exposed to it. Chicken owners come from all backgrounds, incomes, and lifestyles – one thing they have in common is that most of them have never heard of Bitcoin. By saying that I accept bitcoin in my advertisements I hope not only to sell my product for bitcoin but to also spark interest in people who have no idea what it is. Many times I’ve had people email me and ask “What is Bitcoin”?. I also would like to see more people using bitcoin in everyday transactions. By giving my customers the option to spend their bitcoin with me, I’m helping to cement the value of Bitcoin to real world products.

Sarah Stollak (World on a String): My interest in Bitcoin was theoretical until you and John gave me the option of accepting bitcoin for your custom crochet wedding jewelry. I received my payment in Oct. 2013, right as the boom was happening, so of course I was hooked.

Jessica Arman (My Magic Mud): I started accepting bitcoin because there is a market demand for it. I’ve always loved the BTC culture, but I’m not going to move on something unless I see real personal benefit. My customers started asking me to take BTC, and even told me that they wouldn’t purchase from me until I did, so we made this happen. Plus, you (Cat B) and your husband (John B) have consistently inspired us to do so.


Jumping into the Bitcoin Space as an Early Adopter isn’t always easy, but it can be.  It really depends on your skillset and understanding of the currency and the network before you jump into the space.  Each of these women had very different experiences while setting up their businesses to accept bitcoin. Stacie, who was already on board, had no trouble at all, Sarah had a learning curve and took refuge in the local Bitcoin community and Jessica had to figure out how to take bitcoin manually since it is not currently integrated into her point of sale system.

Stacie Frost (Frost Homestead): I haven’t had to overcome any obstacles when it comes to taking bitcoin. I was well versed in Bitcoin before I started my business so it was simple enough to add it as an option. Bitcoin is so easy to use; I think I’d have a harder time figuring out how to process credit and debit card transactions!

Sarah Stollak (World on a String): There are still obstacles transacting in bitcoin, but that’s part of what makes it fun, to be in the midst of something changing and growing so quickly. I started on, connected to a bank account, and started transacting via an email address. While the anonymity of Bitcoin is important, so is ease. I got the Blockchain app on my iPhone, but then Apple blocked all Bitcoin services. I was the first Bitcoin customer at the Unconventional Oven pizza trailer, but I used the wrong email address to pay and after a month the funds were sent back to me. It took some failures and several tries to figure out how to use a QR code instead of transacting using an email address. Austin Bitcoin Meetup helped. In addition to technology, patience and a friendly community are always important.

Jessica Arman (My Magic Mud): Yes, and we’re still dealing with this. Taking BTC is not easy for online orders because I use a system that’s not yet integrated. I need to automate my business as much as possible to keep up, so I’m still having to manually accept BTC. I’m just waiting for a hero-entrepreneur to integrate. Someone out there, please interface BigCommerce and my Bitcoin Wallet. Pretty please with kisses! Right now we’re using BitPay.


Accepting bitcoin can bring great benefit to businesses who market their desire to be paid in bitcoin. CheapAir recently announced they have done over 1.5 million in bitcoin sales.  I asked each woman if and how bitcon has benefited their business in any way.

Stacie Frost (Frost Homestead): I don’t know if I can say that Bitcoin has directly benefited my business. I’ve introduced a couple people to chickening because of the fact that I’ve advertised my chickens for bitcoin in cryptocurrency circles. I have had several chickens-for-bitcoin transactions, and I’m very happy with that considering it’s not all that common for people to be interested in both.

Sarah Stollak (World on a String): Bitcoin has provided my business more opportunities to reach an audience who appreciates me. Accepting bitcoin also means getting to pay others in bitcoin and participating in the economy. After profiting from my first bitcoin transaction, I reinvested in my local community by taking out a radio ad on The Liberty Beat on 90.1 FM, and by hiring some of my favorite local musicians for a Bitcoin Shopping and Social Event.

Jessica Arman (My Magic Mud): Using Bitcoin has benefited me, personally. Each transaction just feels ‘clean’ and intimate. I feel I’m acting more in alignment with my moral code. It hasn’t yet benefited my business; it’s still too early…



As business owners start to consider accepting bitcoin as a payment method, it is important to know if the businesses who already accept bitcoin would recommend it. I asked each of these women if they would recommend that other businesses accept payments through the Bitcoin network.

Stacie Frost (Frost Homestead): Definitely! Adding bitcoin as a payment option can bring you a whole range of customers that might otherwise not show an interest in your business. Bitcoin advocates are thrilled when companies give their customers that option to pay without using typical fiat currencies. Another added benefit is that as more companies add bitcoin as a payment option, more people will be inspired to find out exactly what this Bitcoin thing is all about.

Sarah Stollak (World on a String): Many business owners take a variety of payments already, so I encourage others to consider accepting bitcoin. Bartering is also great. I dislike a trend I’ve seen of small business owners refusing to take cash and only accepting credit cards. Sure, using less FRNs is ideal, but I do think a business basic is to make it easy for people to give you money.

Jessica Arman (My Magic Mud): Yes, absolutely. You’ll feel cool, hip, techno-progressive, awesome. And the BTC ecosystem will love you for it. Being loved feels great!


Sure, it is nice to take as many forms of payment as your customers are willing to offer, but is there a bigger picture of importance here?  For me, bitcoin is ethical money. It is peer to peer, decentralized, and is not manipulated by a central government or corporation. Each of these women have a similar sentiment about the currency and its importance in our economic future.

Stacie Frost (Frost Homestead): Read Satoshi’s white paper. ( Seriously though, a decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency with the power to bypass regulations, borders, and banks? Lower transactions fees than traditional wire transfer and currency exchange services, nearly instantaneous transfers, and total anonymity…what’s not to love?

Sarah Stollak (World on a String): As a global digital currency/property, the potential of Bitcoin to radically shift the exchange of value away from banks is interesting, regardless of the dollar value at any moment.

Jessica Arman (My Magic Mud): To answer this, I’d have to figure out a way to answer how Bitcoin could be unimportant, which I simply can’t. Bitcoin and the crypto-currency culture has implications that could change all of human society. Society is built on human exchange, and this optimizes exchange exponentially. Capitalism has been exploited by thieves, and the sharpest among them are the elite banking families… Their game is up.

If you are ever in Central Texas there are more Ladies of Bitcoin who accept the virtual currency in their businesses.

Here is a short list:

World on a String (Sarah Stollak):

Silver Dime Cards (Serene Hammond): No website; you can often find her at Brave New Books in Austin, TX.

Pinkies Palleotillas (Tracy Ward):

My Magic Mud (Jessica Arman):

Jitter Bug Vipers (Sarah Sharp):

Frost Homestead (Stacie Frost): (Catherine Bleish):

Capital Coin and Bullion (Becky Tyson):

The Bitfilm Festival

Aaron, your project, the Bitfilm Festival, sounds really interesting.  Can you tell me why you started this project?

The Bitfilm Festival started in 2000 as a festival about 3D animation and digital effects, then expanded to show films made for mobile screens, films made with computer games or real time demos. So the name “Bitfilm” is much older than “Bitcoin”, it just stands for digital film. We have been organising the festival for thirteen years, on the Internet and in various cities such as Hamburg, Barcelona, Tel Aviv, New York and Tokyo, and we have always been looking for new stuff. In the last two editions we already experimented with Bitcoin by using it as prize money and as a voting tool.

We are absolutely fascinated by Bitcoin, so we re-invented the festival to become the world’s first film festival about Bitcoin – and we didn’t even have to change the name! Our goal is to reach “normal” people, who are interested in Bitcoin, but would not go to a conference or a meet-up, because they think it’s too geeky for them. Film is a great medium to explain Bitcoin in an easily understandable, entertaining way, and a festival that travels the world is the perfect platform to show them to a broad audience.

Which films will you show?

We will show all kinds of films, short and long ones, documentaries and animations, that explain Bitcoin or specific aspects of it.

Do you have an example you can provide?

Our headliner is the feature-length documentary “The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin” by Nicholas Mross, which will have its German premiere at our Berlin event. We will show a variety of animated shorts, both classics such as “What is Bitcoin?” from the “We Use Coins” team and the brand new “Bitcoin properly” by a team from the Netherlands, which focuses on other purposes of blockchain technology than money. In the Short Docs category we will show “Bitcoin in Uganda” by, “Bitcoin: Buenos Aires” by Valerian Bennett and the “Declaration of Bitcoin’s Independence” by Julia Tourianski, to name a few.

What are the dates of your world tour and how did you pick the cities for it?

We will start in Berlin this Saturday, followed by Seoul on November 8th, Buenos Aires on November 29th, Amsterdam on December 3rd and Rio de Janeiro on December 6th. We are in talks with local organisers in Budapest, Toronto, New York, Cape Town and Sydney for more events; those dates will be disclosed soon. Everything has evolved organically: our venue in Berlin, the Platoon Kunsthalle, also exists in Seoul, Korea – so these two cities were a natural first choice. The Platoons are huge contemporary art spaces built of freight containers, really special places.

I will spend some time in South America in November and December, and I know the people who run the “Espacio Bitcoin” in Buenos Aires – a four story building full of Bitcoin start-ups – and who organise the Latin American Bitcoin Conference in Rio de Janeiro, so that’s how we picked those two cities. Then more and more people contacted us who are interested to organise an event in their town. We are very open to all kinds of cooperations – a goal that we have now is to be present on all continents. It looks as if we will be able to achieve that, if you don’t count in Antarctica.

Aaron, what does it take to become a local organizer for a Bitfilm event?

All you need is a good venue with a video projector and the means to reach the crowd to fill it. So if you organise Bitcoin meetups and have a well sorted mailing list, you are in a good position to do it. We will provide the films as digital files, digital templates of the ad materials that you can adjust to your needs, and do the global marketing. The local organisers will be the ones who sell the tickets, so they adjust the entrance fee to the local circumstances. In any case, the price should be lower if you pay in Bitcoin than if you pay in trash cash.

How did you choose to list your coin?

We did the promotional video for MyPowers, which was a lot of fun, so it was just natural to go with them. If you buy a Bitfilm coin, which costs you 50 Millibitcoins, you will get a festival pass for a city of your choice, a t-shirt and triple voting rights. If you buy more coins you will get more stuff, like a pair of water-repellant geek jeans, or a dinner with the festival team and film directors, and your vote will have even more power. It is important to understand that the Bitfilm Coin is not another Altcoin, it is more like an idealistic share in the Bitfilm project.

Aaron, how did you originally get into Bitcoin in 2011?

I had been studying monetary systems and the Austrian school of economics for some years before that, so I was always looking for new developments in the financial world. First I was a bit skeptical about Bitcoin, because it is not backed by anything. It took me a while to understand that Bitcoin does not have to be backed, because it has the same qualities that made gold and silver the money of choice for more than 5,000 years. I started to blog about it in spring 2011 and in January 2013 I published a special issue about Bitcoin for a Libertarian magazine called BLINK, which does not exist anymore. But for me it was great to meet many important Bitcoiners, who I interviewed or who contributed articles, like Gavin Andresen, Mike Hearn, Erik Voorhees or Rick Falkvinge.

What do you think has been the most exciting development in the Bitcoin space in the past 6 months?

I am especially excited about the projects that take the principles of Bitcoin further and apply them to other aspects of human life – projects like Ethereum, Coloured Coins or BitNation. Abolishing the state monopoly on money and the banks’ privilege to create money out of thin air still remain by far the most important issues for me, as the crooked monetary system we have today is the reason why the distribution of wealth is so unfair.

But I also like the idea that you can now close any kind of contract on the Blockchain, without the need for a third party. I will definitely not marry in front of a representative of the government, because I do not want the government to tamper with my private life, but I love the idea of marrying on the Blockchain. That’s why Bitnation, who offer all kinds of services that have been provided by governments so far, but on a voluntary and decentralised basis, is currently one of my favourite projects in the Bitcoin space.

What else do you do beside the Bitfilm Festival?

My company, Bitfilm, produces commercial films for all kinds of clients, recently most of them Bitcoin start-ups. I am the writer and director; we work with many animators, designers, voice talents and musicians from all around the world. The festival is mainly a fun project, although we do showcase our own works, out of competition of course. I am also working on my own Bitcoin 2.0 start-up, but it’s too early to speak about that.

Is Bitcoin the Red Pill? Unplugging the Matrix.

The premier decentralized digital currency Bitcoin has gained widespread mainstream attention over the last year. While many are embracing this new peer-to-peer payment system, others have voiced strong suspicion and offer stinging criticism. The divergence of opinion surrounding Bitcoin is a predictable pattern that happens with any major innovation.

Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur and author Andreas Antonopoulos said, “Bitcoin and crypto-currencies in general don’t fit any of the traditional modes: not currency, stock or commodity, but [are] a new asset class”. He continued, “trying to figure out Bitcoin by fitting it into an existing paradigm misses the point. Cryptocurrencies broke the paradigm. It’s a new world.”

The phenomenon of blockchain currencies shakes up our preconceived notions of money, but more significantly, this paradigm shifting technology challenges us to examine our whole taken for granted world. Like in the popular film The Matrix, it engages us with the question; “What is real?” This is a kind of existential crisis. Some respond to it with an open mind, while others struggle and resist the transformative force coming through it. Recently, this tension came to the surface with a new contender within the cadre of Bitcoin critics.

Pretend Currency?

International bestselling author and expert on money laundering Jeffrey Robinson wrote a new book that stirred a bit of controversy on the Internet. In BitCon: The Naked Truth About BitcoinRobinson attempts to, as he puts it, “pull back the curtain” on this crypto-currency.

In an ABC interview, he said that the more he got into Bitcoin, the more fascinated he became with the story behind it, which he characterized as “all hype and spin.” He concluded that Bitcoin is a “pretend currency” and that there is nothing happening with it. Although he praises the underlying technology of the blockchain, he completely dismissed the currency element, relegating it to a Ponzi scheme by calling it a “pump and dump”.

Within 24 hours of his interview, a chorus of rebuttals struck chords on social media. On Reddit, a thread of more than 100 largely critical and derisive comments quickly grew. A post under the name Paleh0rse questioned Robinson’s contradictory view on the technology, specifically pointing to his suggestion of using the blockchain without the currency as its first application: “The two cannot be separated if the utility of the one (the blockchain) ultimately determines the value of the second (bitcoins), and the second is required to make use of the first.”

In the age of the Internet, blatant disinformation doesn’t so easily get by unnoticed and can’t fly for very long. An article entitled Jeffrey Robinson Doesn’t Understand Bitcoin emerged to address his lack of understanding of the technology. In it, Stephan Livera carefully disputes and corrects each misconception. The host of RT’s financial report, Max Keiser, tweeted his assessment of Robinson’s book: “Uninformed, slam piece on Bitcoin written for clueless Daily Express readers is waste of time with zero insights.”

A Twitter swarm emerged as Robinson @WritingFactory promoted his contention that this digital currency is nothing but thin air of pretense. In an effort to emphasize his point, Robinson claimed that his book could not be purchased with it. Cyril Houri, CEO of Brawker, took up the challenge and used the company’s platform to successfully buy Robinson’s book with bitcoin. The commentary regarding this futuristic currency spilled into the Amazon review section for the book, where it gathered a wide range of opinions.

Let’s look at his book’s essential message. Robinson wants the world to see Bitcoin as a pretend currency. It seems as though this ‘pretend money’ somehow managed to allow an organization like WikiLeaks to survive through a very critical time, when all other financial service avenues were withdrawn from them. This ‘pretend money’ is also somehow enabling Somali migrant workers to transmit money back home without having usurious portions of their hard-earned wages extracted by remittance monopolies like Western Union. People are buying laptops, household goods and plane tickets by using this ‘pretend money’.

If this digital currency is not real, as the author of BitCon claims, why does choose to accept bitcoins as a form of payment and is even giving its employees the option to receive bonuses with it? Have these transactions really happened or are we just collectively having a lucid dream?

Robinson argues there aren’t many real bitcoin transactions. He claims that companies like Expedia and Dell that incorporate bitcoin into their payment systems and save the rent-seeking 3% that VISA charges never really accept bitcoin, as they convert it immediately into fiat through exchanges such as Coinbase and BitPay.

Whether those companies decide to keep their bitcoin or not is one issue. But isn’t this decision to enable their customers to purchase their products with bitcoin a sign that they see it as a form of currency (a value transfer vehicle)? Would Robinson not see customers who use Visa and Paypal in US dollars as dollar transactions?

Most of all, what is it about Bitcoin that makes someone like Robinson dismiss it so forcefully, while others take it seriously and are integrating it into their daily lives? There seems to be something more going on than his apparent profound lack of understanding of this technology.

Red Pill and the Rabbit Hole

In the Matrix, Morpheus said to Neo, “there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” This leads to a famous scene where he offers Neo a choice between the blue pill and the red pill. Morpheus asked Neo if he ever had a dream that he was sure was real and asked if he happened to be unable to wake up from that dream: “How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?”

Bitcoin is like the red pill. For those who choose to use it, they get to find out how deep the decentralizing rabbit hole goes. The deeper one moves into the Bitcoin ecosystem, the more the rules of the old world fall away and the hands of regulatory agencies lose their grip. Bitcoin can generally only be confiscated if someone accesses your keys, like a typical outer world robbery.

Bitcoin unveils the matrix that we grew up in and the identity that is embedded in the system. For instance, Robinson’s engagement with Bitcoin exposes his deep-seated bias, which was revealed in the way he paints a picture of Bitcoin communities with such a condescending attitude and haughty ridicule.

This self-proclaimed Bitcoin expert calls those who advocate this digital currency the “Bitcoin faithful,” characterizing the whole decentralized network as something like a religious cult. One can see his analysis is rather narrow minded, as cryptocurrency enthusiasts come from all different backgrounds and world-views. If Robinson wants readers to take his claims seriously, he would need to become more balanced.

His attitude and characterizations may as well be saying that bitcoiners are misinformed gullible disciples of some sort of avatar named Satoshi Nakamoto. If one looks more broadly at this issue from his perspective, it would also be fair to describe those who defend fiat and the system of central banks as fervent believers, blindly worshiping the almighty imaginary god of central banks and the holy ghost of fiat currencies.

Robinson’s bias reveals a deep investment in the world of fiat and the Matrix of 1% dominance. He represents a world that was established during the Cold War, where U.S. hegemony morphed into the first truly global corporate empire. This system is now run by transnational oligarchs like Goldman Sachs, and the ones who pressured President Richard Nixon to take the dollar off the gold standard, syndicating an international patronage banking cartel that has recently been orchestrating a massive debt-based Ponzi scheme at a global scale in a spiral of debt and derivatives.

Currently, this pretend fiat money created through infinite money printing is treated as real. It achieved massive adoption as the world reserve currency through the creation of the petrodollar, which Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman described as being “backed by men with guns.”

Surely, the world created through this pretend fiat is an artificial reality in which those who control its flow are in charge of what happens within the system. They have their own world afloat in a bubble and are insulated from what is really happening. Derivatives along with bond and stock markets are prime examples of this manipulation. We saw in 2008 after huge bank failures from speculation in these deregulated markets that the banks were bailed out by the taxpayers and never had to face the consequences of their actions.

Then came Occupy in 2011. People of all walks of life came to Wall Street to confront this rigged monopoly game controlled through private debt-based currency that is created out of thin air. Before the Occupy movement caught fire, scholar-activist David Graeber noted how the 2008 financial crisis and bailouts of Wall Street banks revealed a brazen double standard in the unspoken rule that debts were sacrosanct and no one should be allowed to default, while bankrupt bankers were being bailed out by the taxpayers who were then just loaded with more debt. People began to see money as a mere political arrangement or social promise that bankers and governments make with one another.

Robinson seems to be aware of this naked truth behind the existing financial system, yet conveniently pretends not to know. For instance, when he was asked about HSBC’s involvement with drug cartels and massive money laundering, he claimed he didn’t know why no one in the banks went to jail. Here is an expert on money laundering who, when asked about one of the most egregious cases of illegal drug money laundering, seemed to simply not understand why there was no prosecution. It is convenient how people who laud the current system never question the intimate ties between those who regulate the industry and the bankers that they are supposed to regulate.

What Is Real?

Many who take the red pill of decentralized currency are coming to realize the line between reality and fantasy is just thin air propped up by unexamined faith in a decaying tyrannical state. People around the world are starting to see that the corporate empire has no clothes. We are living in a pretend world, under a pretend democracy, with pretend experts that perform as gatekeepers of power. Under the pretense of national security, state terrorism is made into reality as mass surveillance and wars are justified by manufactured enemies at the expense of our liberty and privacy.

Bitcoin unplugs us from the Matrix and opens the door to a new future. As the Internet of money, it creates reality within a new interconnected world. This decentralized potential challenges each to let go of the urge to control, to extract wealth and exercise domination. In Neo’s speech at the end of the Matrix, he described “a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries.” He also called it “a world without you,” without illegitimate authority. Ultimately this is scary to those who cling to the illusion of control and the power it gives them.

Bitcoin is a new paradigm created through each person’s direct participation and peer-to-peer interaction and transaction. This is where everyone who chooses to abide by a protocol of algorithmic consensus is placed on an equal playing field and no one gets to cheat the system. We can then simply be judged by the content of our character and individual merits. Factors such as color of skin, nationality and gender used to advance one’s social position in an old paradigm can no longer so easily be used as a reason to exercise power over others.

Can the invention of the blockchain help bring society into a post nation-state world, free from the oligarchic rule of conquest and domination? Is this a living imagination or simply a hallucination? In a sense, this world is no less real than Robinson’s world and Bitcoin’s ‘pretend currency’ is no less real than the fiat money he worships. The emergence of Bitcoin unveils the origin of all money: how it always starts as just an idea, which when it reaches a critical magic point of mass adoption becomes ‘real money’.

No matter how this plays out, with the arrival of blockchain based crypto-currencies we now have a chance to take back the power to create our own reality from the elites of unearned authority and free ourselves from the Matrix of this pretend democracy. Now anyone can weigh in on how monetary systems are designed and run and ultimately can claim power from within to answer the question of the new millennium,”What is real?”

Currency and sovereignty have for too long been imposed upon the people by unelected corporate kings. We now can create, through the networks of our radical imaginations, currencies of the commons that can carry our shared values and turn collective dreams into reality.


Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D., is a writer who has been covering issues of freedom of speech, transparency and decentralized movements. Her work is featured in many publications. Find her on twitter @nozomimagine.

Social Media Gems

There’s an old saying about companies like Whatsapp: “If the product is free, you are the product.” While Whatsapp’s services appear to be free, you pay for it in privacy and convenience, with the information you yield for advertising purposes, and the annoying ads themselves.

Every person you invite to the Whatsapp network makes them a measurable amount of money, none of which is given to you. Gems is an attempt to fix that using cryptocurrency. Utilizing the Bitcoin blockchain, they’ve created a token designed to sustain a social media network with more personal autonomy in a trustless manner. They’ve also included some additional features that will be attractive to the cryptocurrency community.

Although their server-side software is proprietary, Gems is an open-source initiative much like any other. Its focus is on instant messaging, and they plan to open source the client-side application once it’s stable. The server deletes messages locally upon being delivered to the recipient, as Satoshi intended, and the associated cryptocurrency is based on the open-source Counterparty protocol.

The supply of Gems is automated and stable:

  • 100 million will be released.
  • 8% of which will be kept by Gems team.
  • 12% go to marketing and third party developers.
  • ~36,500 gems are distributed to stakeholders every day.

The rest of the Gems are divided evenly between the presale and subsidizing the first 3 years of “airdrops,” their equivalent to block rewards, which introduce their currency to the economy.

Airdropped Gems are given to you based on the number of people you invited who became active users, as well as how many Gems you already own. The Gems associated to users who were not invited by anyone are given proportionally to the presale participants, as well as any Gems remaining from the presale itself.

So, what do we do with all of these tokens? As referenced earlier above, they allow us to reduce unwanted advertisements, albeit indirectly. Although sending messages to friends is free, sending unsolicited messages or advertisements will cost you Gems. The network gives you a couple Gems for opting to view advertisements–enough to sustain your usage–which makes corporate marketing an option that can be cheaply eliminated.

Much like bitcoins in the 22nd century, the initial supply of Gems will eventually run out. They have employed a similar model to combat this. Some of the Gems paid by advertisers and those issuing unsolicited messages will go to airdrops; the demand for Gems will increase in tandem with the number of people using their messaging application, which will increase the amount of airdrop funds.

To build this user-base, they’re working on a variety of features in addition to this reward structure. Your alias is also derived from your Bitcoin address, which allows you to send and receive BTC or Gems in their application on the fly, on mobile for both iPhone and Android. Your password–like your messages–is not kept by their server, so they can only be obtained from you. Less privacy-conscious users may choose to additionally base their alias on their phone number, allowing them to easily find their friends like on traditional messaging apps.

The Gems team is essentially gambling their time that their share of the Gems left over after development will go up in value, effectively aligning them with any other stakeholder. As such, they plan to continue development–they hinted at the possibility of using the blockchain network for messaging in the future–and might give their traditional competitor Whatsapp a run for its money.

Digital Currency Summit Andorra: Bitcoin in the banking nation

Last September 17th to 19th, the Digital Currency Summit was celebrated in Andorra, the small country placed three hours away from Barcelona; it was a three day debate forum which treated topics like the use and importance of cryptocurrencies for banks, governments, investors and general public. In order to achieve that goal there were organised conferences and debates around four threads: “Introduction to Digital Currencies,” “Investment opportunities,” “Regulation: laws and taxes,” and “Financial and Banking,” in addition to a presentation of several startups and cryptocurrency-related projects.

Andorra is a micro-state composed of 85,000 people and characterized by a strong traditional banking system, and is usually considered as a tax haven —althought it is not— because of its bank secrecy and a quite flexible fiscal system. Historically it has been a major financial center and a reliable place to deposit money in.

Alex Puig, the event organizer, thought of Andorra as the idoneous place for this event to happen. As a software programmer, Bitcoin fanatic and expert in Andorra’s startup and banking environment, it was for him a great opportunity to bring together a revolutionary technology with bankers, politicians, startups, and investors. And it worked out! Networking thrived amazingly well between persons from different fields during the breaks, even though we all missed the attendance of Andorran political representatives, who didn’t appear.

The talks and debates were exceptional, fueled by speakers as important as Jon Matonis, Constance Choi, Marco Santori and Flavio Pripas, who talked about a wide range of topics from cryptocurrencies to DAOs, the financial potential of Bitcoin or the way banks and startups can implement Bitcoin to their business models.

These last talks were particularly interesting to the banking sector, well-represented by top Banks as “Banca Privada d’Andorra (BPA)” and “MoraBanc”, that are realizing that the world is changing around them while the banking sector is being left behind. There are currently many voices in the Bitcoin community that think that Bitcoin doesn’t add significant improvements as a currency compared to traditional currencies, and that see the true revolution of Blockchain and Bitcoin in their use as financial and services tools; that perspective might be more interesting to the banking system.

That is the view of MoraBanc’s delegate Juan Carlos Salinas, who thanks to the conferences has started to realize the huge potential about Bitcoin, even thought it is still too early for them to get involved in it as a business opportunity. Joan Manel Fernández, from BPA, admits that they can hardly imagine Bitcoin as being really important in the future since that would mean to place confidence in a new decentralized structure with no financial intermediaries, and that will not be easy, but nevertheless they are resolved to keep abreast of cryptocurrency’s development and to keep in touch with Bitcoin sector. On the other hand, both find regrettable the lack of institutional support to the Summit, given the suitability of Andorra for this kind of technological initiatives, in the same way that has been happening in other small scale and flexible States as Malta, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man. Jon Matonis, in his interview for El Diari Ara, said in similar terms that Andorran politicians should support banking efforts in implementing the new technologies providing security and predictability or, at least, not raise barriers against innovation. In his view, the banking sector should be less conservative if it wants to attract investment.

We talked about all these topics with event organizer Alex Puig.

Ferdinand Reyes: Good morning Alex, could you explain to us what is the approach of the meeting and what makes it different from other meetings?

Alex Puig: Our approach was formative: we didn’t want a conference focused on people who already knew about cryptocurrencies; we were rather interested in educating decision-makers and managers in the financial sector. We want to be the meeting point between the most disruptive entrepreneurs and the financial sector, maybe a bit more classic but yet willing to go forward to the XXIst century.

FR: What is your assessment of the Summit? Did it fill your expectations?
AP: Yes and no. It did in the qualitative side, the talks were high level and networking during the event has satisfied everyone beyond all the forecasts. In the two days of conferences I have seen the creation of many professional relationships and alliances that might end up in profitable businesses. On the other side, I expected this new technology to arouse peope’s curiosity, and that Andorra could have attracted much more attendance. In this aspect I would have liked to pack the conference center.

FR: What is the state of Bitcoin in Andorra? What does its future hold?
AP: Bitcoin is currently alegal: there is no official position on the issue. If the government reacts and sets out a stable regulatory framework, Andorra might have the potential to attract Bitcoin startaps since it is not a fiscal haven and has got a deeply entrenched strong banking sector.

FR: Andorra is a flexible country for business and investments. Has the summit had the impact you expected on financial and governmental circles?
AP: In the private sector, definitely. Local big business and specially some Banks have changed their minds about cryptocurrencies and have started talking about studying deeply how it works and how to use it. We will see what happens with the government; one of their first priorities is to find for a new, less dependent on tourism and sustainable economic model for the country. However, they didn’t show any interest in the Summit.

FR: Are you looking forward to the next step or planning another project?
AP: Yes, we are working to bring the Digital Currency Summit to Barcelona and Madrid in May 2015.

FR: Thank you very much for the interview and for this fantastic Summit, Alex.

The Summit left on me a very good impression due to its professional organization, the closeness of its organizers and the easiness with which I could talk with loads of people. I hope that the next events in Barcelona and Madrid will see a larger attendance; the high quality talks and the networking opportunities it brings are well worth taking a chance.

Read this interview in Spanish.

Money20/20 Announces Launch of Money20/20 Europe

Money20/20Europe Designed to be a Eurocentric Global Catalyst Enabling Payments & Financial Services Innovation for Connected Commerce

New York, NY – October 21, 2014 – Money2020, LLC, the organizer of Money20/20, the world’s largest event for payments and financial services innovation with 7,000 attendees expected this year in Las Vegas—now less than 2 weeks away—today announced the launch of Money20/20Europe, a world-class conference and exhibition that focuses on the opportunities and challenges specific to Europe. The inaugural Money20/20Europe is set to take place in Spring 2016.

Created in 2011 by long-term FinTech entrepreneurs Anil D. Aggarwal and Jonathan Weiner, Money20/20 has quickly become the preeminent event for innovators in payments and financial services, bringing together the world’s leading organizations in the evolution of commerce and money. This year’s U.S. event, to be held in Las Vegas on November 2-5, is on track to sell out at 7,000 attendees–including more than 2,000 C-level executives and 650 CEOs—from over 2,300 companies and 60 countries.

Following three successful years building Money20/20 to serve as an important catalyst for the growth and development of the U.S. payments and financial services ecosystem, Aggarwal said that now is the time to do the same for Europe.

“Money20/20Europe will provide an entirely new platform for European and global companies to convene and collaborate on the opportunities and challenges of the European payments and financial services industry, including new and disruptive ways in which consumers and businesses manage, spend and borrow money.”

Money20/20’s success has been built on three key values that ensure events of enduring significance and relevance:

  1. Exceptional content, including the best and most relevant speakers in the region,
  2. An all-inclusive audience comprised of thousands of key stakeholders ranging from established organizations to innovative up-and-coming startups as well as retailers, investors, analysts, media, regulators and more, and
  3. An unparalleled experience that is genuinely fun, insightful and offers unique opportunities for all participants.

“These values made our U.S. event a critical part of the fabric of the global payments and financial landscape and we will bring the same relentless commitment to them to Money20/20Europe along with the resources and attention to detail required to create Europe’s definitive annual payments and financial services event,” added Weiner.

According to Pat Patel, Money20/20Europe’s London-based Content Director, “Now, more than ever, there is a critical need for the whole industry to come together, and we are excited to provide the platform for the European market to take the conversation forward for thought leadership and commercial benefit.”

Money20/20Europe has already garnered strong support from some of the leading regional and global companies across the payments and financial services ecosystem. A sample of Money20/20 Europe launch partners includes:

  1. Aimia
  2. American Express
  3. Bain Capital Ventures
  4. Bell ID
  5. BitPay
  6. Blockchain
  7. CPI Card Group
  8. Currency Cloud
  9. Digital River World Payments
  10. Discover Financial Services
  11. Dream Payments
  12. Earthport
  13. Encap
  14. Ericsson
  15. ezbob
  16. Feedzai
  17. First Data
  18. Google
  19. Handpoint
  20. hyperWALLET
  21. InComm
  22. Ingenico
  23. Jumio
  24. Klarna
  25. Lebara


To learn more about Money20/20, visit and for further information about Money20/20 Europe contact

About Money2020, LLC

Money2020, LLC organizes the world’s largest events enabling payments and financial services innovation for connected commerce at the intersection of mobile, retail, marketing services, data and technology. With 7,000 attendees, including more than 650 CEOs, from over 2,300 companies and 60 countries expected at its fall U.S. event, Money20/20 events are critical to realizing the vision of disruptive ways in which consumers and businesses manage, spend and borrow money. The next Money20/20 will be held on Nov. 2-5, 2014 in Las Vegas, and will be preceded by the Money20/20 Hackathon, which runs Nov. 1-2. The inaugural Money20/20Europe will be held in Spring 2016. To learn more about Money20/20, visit


Media Contacts:


Kevin Maher / Kristen Kaus


Bitcoin Regulation In Japan

Different governments have taken different stances on Bitcoin. For example, Bangladesh has outlawed it and Germany considers it “private money.”

Within the US, different states have different standpoints, as each state possesses respective laws.

Japan has decided to take an interesting stance on it.

Mt Gox, which was based in Japan, went bankrupt in February 2014, reportedly losing some 850,000 bitcoins (332,100,000 USD as of today).  This was the first time most Japanese people heard about Bitcoin. Now it’s a familiar term in the country.

Since then, many companies have launched bitcoin related services.

In March of 2014, the Japanese government made a cabinet decision on the legal treatment of Bitcoin. The decision did not rule bitcoin as currency nor as a bond; this prohibited banks and securities companies from dealing with bitcoins.

An 8% Consumption Tax will be levied on sales of Bitcoin because of existing laws. However if bitcoins are purchased from consumers (even if you purchase it through exchange), no consumption tax will be levied.


The Japanese Government ultimately ruled that it is not necessary to regulate sales, purchases, and/or exchanges of bitcoins.

Japan has recognized Bitcoin’s great potential, and, in a gallant act of confidence, has asked members within the bitcoin industry to form a self-regulatory authority.

It is called the Japan Authority of Digital Assets (JADA). JADA is supported by Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP)’s IT committee, and is currently in discussion with Japanese government offices. There is no specific governmental office that regulates JADA.

I met So Saito, the legal council to JADA, at the NYC Bitcoin Center, where he came to speak about Bitcoin regulation in Japan.

“LDP would like to make Japan the most Bitcoin friendly country,” says So Saito.

JADA’s purposes include:

  • make AML and security guidelines
  • audit exchanges pursuant to the above guideline
  • research the bitcoin business
  • have discussions with governmental offices
  • have discussions with digital currency companies and digital currency related organizations
  • hold digital currency events
  • help new digital currency companies
  • provide consultation regarding digital currencies

They have announced that they would would like to cooperate with US companies.


Recent JADA press conference in Japan

JADA is in constant discussion with the National Tax Authority (NTA), police agency, and other governmental offices. They are currently discussing the possible removal of the8% consumption tax with the NTA.

The core members of JADA include bitFlyer (exchange), Kraken Japan (exchange), and CoinPass (settlement).

The chief of JADA is Mr. Yuzo Kano, the  CEO of bitFlyer. bitFlyer has recently acquired 236K USD in funding. Mr. Kano left his previous job as a trader to found his company after the failure of Mt Gox.

“I believe that starting members will become 10-15 companies although we are still discussing this,’ says So Saito.

JADA is also currently busy drafting guidelines regarding AML/KYC, security and consumer protection especially discussion on level of requirements.

In trying to develop a fully-functioning agency, So Saito outlines one of the main challenges.

“The Bitcoin industry is still quite young and there are many new startups. If we require high standards for entry to JADA, small companies may not be able to join. However, if we require low standards, others (consumers, banks and so on) will not trust JADA, and Bitcoin. Balance is always important.”

“Bitcoin,” he adds, “has huge potential and many new companies enter the industry. I expect more than 100 companies will be members of JADA in three years.”

Visit JADA’s website here.

Which government is correct? It seems as if Bitcoin integration will generally be a trial and error process; different governments can learn from each other in deciding how they will treat it.

In all parts of the world people are working to make Bitcoin work. Different cultures bring with them their own inherent methodologies and cultural codes that, over time, will help to reveal the best way of approaching this new technology.

PeerTracks: Paradigm Shift In Music World

The time has come for starving artists to finally make real money from their music. As the Internet disrupted the way record labels make their money, the blockchain is taking this another step by threatening to render them useless. PeerTracks is matching the artist up with the audience and allowing them to both make money, all the while spreading knowledge of the blockchain to the mainstream.

I got a chance to speak with Cédric Cobban, the individual who, along with Eddie Corral, is orchestrating the unique Peertracks effort.


What is Peertracks?

PeerTracks is a music streaming/retail website that plugs into the BitShares Music blockchain. It’s a user friendly front end aimed at the masses, allowing them to benefit from all the advantages crypto brings without the need to understand or even know what a blockchain is.

What does PeerTracks do?

For an artist, it’s a platform to sell your music and engage your fans through the creation and sale of your own artistcoins, whose value is tied to the sale of your music. This incentivizes artistcoin holders to promote you, get you to stardom and increase your sales – all this without a middleman taking a cut.

For a fan/regular user, it’s a place to buy cheaper music and know all your funds are going to the artist. It’s a place to discover new music and benefit by buying the coins of artists you think will be big. Being avant-garde has never been so lucrative!

PeerTracks essentially ties price discovery with talent discovery since the value of an artist’s coin is tied to his music’s sales.

How does it work?

Everything PeerTracks allows is made possible by the BitShares Music blockchain. BitShares Music is essentially a spinoff of BitSharesX, only tweaked to make it better suited for the music economy.

PeerTracks users will spend and earn BitUSD, a crypto-currency market pegged to the US dollar. This shields our users (which are not day traders) from the volatility normally present with crypto-currencies while still benefiting from the many advantages like low fees.

This blockchain is a decentralized exchange; many things trade on it. First, there are Notes, the unit of the blockchain. Then there are artistcoins, which are user issued assets created by the artists to sell (or give away) to their fans. Think Snoopcoin, Biebercoin, etc.

Third and finally, there are BitAssets, like the BitUSD, which are market pegged to their real world counterparts and are collateralized by Notes, meaning all BitAssets are backed by units of the blockchain.

All trades are done ON blockchain. No centralized exchanges required in:

  • the purchase of music (a fan sending BitUSD to the band)
  • the trading of artistcoins (Snoopcoin for Rihannacoin, or Biebercoin for BitUSD)
  • the trading of Notes for BitAssets or artistcoins

PeerTracks never holds any funds. All trades are done peer 2 peer, on blockchain, no trust required.

What is your vision for PeerTracks?

PeerTracks and BitShares Music are going to change the entire digital content economy.

Not only does Peertracks cut out extremely inefficient middlemen, but it also links the fans, the artists and the promoters’ incentives towards the same goal: getting songs and albums out to the world and generating as many sales as possible. Napster changed the world, yes, but it shortchanged the content creators. Incentives did not align… simple as that. This project will change the way small time artists are funded, how they are promoted and how they make a living from their music. The artist’s coin being tied to sales of music is one thing but combining this with “token controlled access” allows artists to bring value to their fans at relatively low cost. For example, an artist could grant backstage passes to anyone with over 100 of his artistcoin.

The model does not stop at music. This concept can be used for movies, ebooks, and even physical goods traded online (eBay could adopt this model for example)

What are you currently busy with?

We are getting BitShares Music and PeerTracks launched. We are presently focused on our pre-sale which started october 6th. Anyone can claim their stake in the future of music by going to

What is your professional background?

Eddie Corral’s background is 25 plus years working with the biggest names and companies in the music business. He brings years of copyright, publishing, marketing and promotions experience with independent and major label artists – from sheet music to download he has taken many artist from recording studio to radio.

For myself [Cédric Cobban]: I am a small time entrepreneur in a relatively small town called Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. Co-owner of an MMA gym + real estate investments (not too relevant to technology!)

My interest in Austrian economics and investing led me to Bitcoin in 2011 which led me to BitShares… which consumed me!

What would you like to tell our readers?

We would like them to know that they have about 45 days left to participate in the NOTE pre-sale. If you see value in what we are doing and realize that this technology we can displace a multi billion dollar industry, check out the pre-sale at and be a part of it.

How My Family Survived 24 Days Traveling on Bitcoin


This summer, my family decided to add a bitcoin-only twist to our annual trip to New Hampshire for the Porcupine Freedom Festival (PorcFest). We had no clue if cross country travel on bitcoin was possible, but our love for adventure and crypto currency inspired us to find out. Last year we challenged ourselves to spend no Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) at Porcfest, and it was a smash success. We used silver, bitcoin, and barter for food, childcare and other needs during the festival. At the time, a bitcoin was worth around $20.

During the course of the past year, we watched Bitcoin grow from an obscure form of barter into a major global economic player. Currently a bitcoin is worth over $600. The currency had spiked in value so much in the past year that it has been considered the best investment of 2013. This drastic rise in value created a burst of innovative and creative ways to utilize it. We felt the time was right to attempt an experimental journey.

Preparing for the Journey

My first and most tedious task was to figure how to pay for gasoline with bitcoin along the 4,400 mile journey. I was introduced to a company called CoinFueled that allows you to purchase gift cards for major gasoline providers with bitcoin. I sat at a computer for hours mapping out each stop and calculating how much gas we would need to pump in each city.  I decided we needed to purchase $500 in ExxonMobil gift cards and $300 in BP gift cards.  We later discovered the massive amount of vendor items in our trunk and the tent on our roof created a major miscalculation in gas mileage.

Nonetheless, our gift cards arrived via FedEx just days before our departure. The service requires a two week processing time, so it is important to plan way in advance if you want to plan a bitcoin-only road trip. As technology evolves and more companies begin to accept bitcoin directly, this time factor will change. Eventually we can expect to pay for gasoline directly with bitcoin. For now, in the days of early adoption, bitcoin travel requires great logistical forethought.

Traveling with two toddlers requires lots of snacks and activities for the car. I decided to order our favorite organic treats in bulk from Amazon. While Amazon does not accept bitcoin directly, you can purchase gift cards through a service called Gyft. I selected a wide variety of snacks, a new stroller with two reclining chairs, and two removable car seat activity trays to be delivered before we left. Unfortunately, the activity trays did not arrive on time and I had to arrange to have these items forwarded to our fourth stop along the journey, the Bitcoin in the Beltway Conference in Washington, D.C.

Texas to D.C.

When we left our apartment the morning of June 16th, I was truly a walking zombie from our all night car loading marathon that lasted until the wee hours of the morning. We pumped our first tank of gas with our CoinFueled gift cards and took off toward our first destination, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Before we got out of town, we realized our car charger adapter had been left in the loaner car our dealer had given us while they did pre-trip maintenance on our minivan. I was live blogging the trip from my tablet and absolutely needed the adapter to maintain enough power to keep a lively blog pace. This required a detour to a local Target so we could purchase a new one with a Target gift card purchased with bitcoin through Gyft.

As we plowed east we relied heavily on Gyft for our food and hotel purchases. We enjoyed several stops at Whole Foods for lunch and groceries, dinner at restaurants like Logan’s Roadhouse, and hotels in Baton Rouge and Atlanta through Our first stressful moment on the road happened in Mobile, Alabama. We arrived at a TGI Friday’s that no longer existed. We then sat in the car with two hungry toddlers while we searched for another restaurant we could eat at through Gyft. Once we arrived at Applebee’s, our daughter had fallen asleep and our son was incredibly slap happy. My husband John and I were exhausted and grumpy, but decided to roll with the punches and accept the obstacles as they came.

Before we left Atlanta we decided to spend some time at the BitPay Headquarters. BitPay is a bitcoin payment processor for companies like Gyft. They allow merchants to easily accept bitcoin as a payment option, even allowing them to immediately convert all or part of the bitcoin payment into cash. BitPay has grown so much in the past year that they had to move to a new space and have opened additional offices around the globe. Their Atlanta office was bright and full of positive energy. We were welcomed by the staff and showered with BitPay merchandise. Our family enjoyed a catered lunch as we sat in awe of the successful Bitcoin business.

Our next stop was in Asheville, North Carolina where we conducted a screening of our reality show, Sovereign Living, for some participants in the Blue Ridge Liberty Project. These folks are trying to attract like-minded people to move to the area and are passionate about peaceful parenting and voluntary living. We really connected with this crew and felt heartbroken to part ways as we left for the night. We decided to branch out and try using Expedia to book our hotel directly with bitcoin. This ended up being a major mistake and resulted in a cascading debacle of problems and failed solutions. We later learned that CoinBase, a bitcoin payment processor similar to BitPay, had servers go down at the exact time we had booked our room, which led to our initial problems that night. While we had a very constructive conversation with management at Expedia later in our journey, it did not make our late night arrival to our Asheville hotel any easier on our family.

We finally arrived in Washington, D.C. where we were able to spend three days in one place. The conference was a wonderful opportunity for us to share our “uncoinventional” experiences to date. I spent little time at the actual conference and decided to take the kids to as many free or bitcoin-friendly events in D.C. as possible. This meant running the fountains and watching Legally Blonde II in a nearby park. We were even able to to pay bitcoin directly for lunch at a local D.C. establishment called Thomas Fooleries. The wonderful young man behind the counter did have to call his boss to make sure the payment had gone through. John initially sent the wrong amount, so good thing he checked.  We suggested they set up their business with BitPay so they could send an invoice directly with the exact amount.

It was in D.C. that we realized our gas calculations were off. We decided to order another gas card from CoinFueled and have it shipped to our campsite at Porcfest. Dante rushed the order, which allowed us to receive the card in time for our return journey home.

D.C. through Porcfest

During our trip we had changed our route to include New York City, so we could stay at the Holiday Inn Express in Brooklyn. This hotel recently decided to launch a bitcoin pilot program, and they were excited to have us as their first guests. While we were at the Bitcoin in the Beltway Conference, we were also invited to screen the bitcoin episode of Sovereign Living at the New York City Bitcoin Center.

As we drove to New York, a city we had not initially planned to visit during our trip, we were confronted with a major obstacle: toll roads. Had we considered this in our initial planning phases, we may have been able to work out a “proxy,” or someone who could buy us a toll pass with cash and have us reimburse them in BTC. Because we made a mid-trip decision, we were not able to make our new destination purely on bitcoin. We spent our first FRNs as we discussed innovative ways the Bitcoin community could get around this obstacle to bitcoin-only travel.

We arrived late at night to the Brooklyn Holiday Inn Express and easily made payment with bitcoin through BitPay. That morning we had several media interviews, then took off with our friend, Danny Panzella of, and his son for lunch at a bitcoin-friendly restaurant in Brooklyn.

The woman behind the bar knew we were coming, but after our meal was complete, she was not actually prepared to take our bitcoin payment. John spent over 20 minutes on the phone with the owner trying to figure it all out. He eventually received a CoinBase invoice, and pushed the “Pay Invoice” button. To his surprise it automatically took the BTC from our nonprofit CoinBase account, which was not what John had intended to do. Thankfully, we had received donations specifically for this trip in that account, so it worked out fine. Be aware that this quirk exists – when you get the invoice via email and select “Pay Invoice,” it does not give you further payment options if you are logged into any account.

After a full day of walking through the streets of Brooklyn and playing in the park, we hopped on a subway. The subway pass had been purchased with cash by Charlie Shrem, an infamous Bitcoin advocate, who we paid back in bitcoin. We had to use a proxy several more times on this trip when bitcoin payment was not an option.

We made it to the NYC Bitcoin Center and simply stood in awe of the facility and community they have brought together. Just a half block from the Wall Street Trading floor, the Bitcoin Center was a symbol of freedom from corporate and government manipulation.  We conducted our screening as our children slept in the stroller, and John was able to ring the bell for the bitcoin trading floor. We ducked out early to grab a bite to eat at TGI Friday’s using Gyft, then to pick up our car so we could head into Massachusetts for some rest before we arrived in New Hampshire for PorcFest. If we had known how long our night was about to be, we would have stayed another night at the Brooklyn Holiday Inn.

After we got off the subway, we had about six more blocks to walk on foot. John noticed a tall blonde turn the corner ahead of us followed by a male in a white t-shirt. John got a bad feeling and told me to stop when we reached the crossroads. We stood and watched as the man began to run, then grabbed the woman, and ran off with something in his hands. I ran to her asking if she was OK. She was shaking and crying, totally terrified, but unhurt. He had stolen her phone just three buildings from her destination. We called the police at her request and escorted her to her boyfriend’s house. We sat with her until the police arrived, then continued the remaining three blocks of our journey. We discussed the importance of looking up while walking in public places, something I had not been doing as I updated our live blog from my tablet. We loaded our sleeping babies into the car and took off on the next leg of our destination.

This begins the next segment of our saga with Expedia. They had offered us a travel voucher to make up for our bad experience in Asheville. It wasn’t properly applied to our account, and we spent many long hours on the phone being shuffled from one customer service representative to another. Eventually, they applied the travel voucher, found us a room in Massachusetts, then told us we could not pay the remaining balance in bitcoin due to a flaw in their current system. We then tried to book the hotel directly on their website, but it was after midnight and their system would not let us book a hotel for that night. In tears we paid the $21 remaining balance with our credit card, an amount they would later refund after I published an article titled “Our Nightmarish Experience Using bitcoin on Expedia.”

This ordeal lasted until 3:00 a.m. Thankfully our children slept through it all. The late night required a late morning, which resulted in me missing the Women in Bitcoin panel I had organized and was supposed to moderate at Porcfest. Thankfully, the show went on, and Stephanie Murphy of Let’s Talk Bitcoin moderated in my place.

When we arrived at PorcFest, we were about eight hours behind schedule. This meant we had to race the clock to have our vendor and personal tents set up before dusk. We had our first bitcoin dinner from a vendor on site and settled into what we thought would be a relaxing week of vending and playing with our kids.

Wrong. John and I had purchased a SkyHook bitcoin ATM at the conference in D.C. Our brilliant idea was to have the ATM set up at our site to attract customers and provide them easy access to bitcoin. This was our first year with a campsite at the very bottom of the hill, and we were not prepared for the lack of internet connectivity. Here is one of the major flaws of the Bitcoin ecosystem: it is highly dependent on having an Internet connection.

Basically, John spent the first three days staring at this ATM trying to figure out how to keep an internet connection. We paid for the net through the campground; it didn’t work.  We paid through a hot spot service offered by another vendor; it didn’t work. We tried tethering our own phones, tethering other people’s phones, sharing other people’s hotspots, but nothing remained stable until Ruben, the Editor of Bitcoin Magazine, showed up with a Verizon Internet hotspot that he set up right next to the machine.

While John fiddled with the machine, I tried to balance watching the kids and vending our other bitcoin-centric items.  It simply was not a pleasant experience for me at all. By the time we actually had an internet connection, the campers at the event had figured out there were other ATMs with better internet and simply bypassed our booth when it came to bitcoin purchases. The rain didn’t help, either.

I ended up missing the second panel I was supposed to be on because my daughter burned her fingers just minutes before it was supposed to start. Because of the rain, we had invited some friends to vend their hot food in our 30-ft long covered tent. This may not have been the most brilliant idea in hindsight for two reasons. First, their power usage kept shorting out the power strip and killing our bitcoin ATM, causing our connectivity issues to worsen.  And second, because we have two toddlers that we now had to watch around hot cookware.  Case in point, our daughter climbed up on the picnic table and touched their hotplate, causing three second-degree burns on her fingers.

I opted to watch the Bitcoin Magazine panel from the audience while comforting my daughter. My husband, John, was on the panel and did a really great job. The audience was very engaged and asked lots of great questions about Bitcoin and the magazine itself. Afterward Bitcoin Magazine hosted a beer keg party that allowed the readers and writers to mingle and get to know each other.

By the time the event was over, I was actually excited to leave. Porcfest is one of my favorite places to be every year, but this year’s Bitcoin ATM / vending experience had tainted it in many ways.

New Hampshire back to Texas

The two days after Porcfest were a much-needed break. We stayed with some friends in southern New Hampshire that John had met through activism in previous years. They always put us up and treat us like family. They took us to breakfast both mornings and refused repayment, not only in bitcoin, but of any sort. They also cooked us very wonderful dinners the two nights we were there. When we took off for the next leg of our trip, we felt replenished and rejuvenated.

This marked the beginning of the more relaxing and stress-free portion of our journey. By now we had figured out many of the quirks involved with bitcoin travel and felt confident in what we were doing. At this point, we decided to make another change to our travel plans: instead of a stay in Erie, Pennsylvania, we were going to stay in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

This change was inspired by the founder of Bitcoin Boulevard US, Nikhil Chand, when he sent me a tweet asking if we were going to stop and see what they had built. We immediately changed our plans so we could stay a night and experience their thriving bitcoin economy. We drove a full day to Buffalo, New York, where we booked a hotel directly with bitcoin through That night I published my article on Expedia, and by morning it was blasting all over the interwebs. We spent the morning at Niagara Falls, then took off for Ohio. When I opened my tablet, I found that Expedia and CoinBase had contacted me to discuss the issues we had with their services on the road.

We had very productive conversations with both businesses as we drove west toward our next stop. We discussed the need for a call center training curriculum on Bitcoin, and I linked the two of them up to help make this happen. Expedia returned our $21 and gave us a $200 travel credit we would later use in Saint Louis. We also scheduled an interview for John’s podcast that I could use as a basis for a follow-up article on the solutions we found together.

When we arrived in Ohio, we were feeling empowered and excited to experience what they had created in Cleveland Heights. Nikhil and his wife Rebecca, were waiting for us in their driveway with their dog when we arrived. They warmly greeted us, then we all walked a few blocks to our dinner destination, The Travel Co. We talked to a reporter from an Ohio publication and enjoyed one of the best meals we had experienced on the trip.

John easily paid for the meal with bitcoin through BitPay, but Ohio regulations do not allow bitcoin purchases for alcohol. Because of this, John paid for all the food with BTC, and Nikhil paid for all the booze with cash. Our children were totally insane the entire meal, and I felt so bad for the other customers. I took them out early for a stroll down the Bitcoin Boulevard before we all reconvened at SweetieFry, a delicious homemade ice cream shop that also accepts bitcoin through BitPay.

The next morning we stopped at the Katz Club for breakfast. This was hands down the best breakfast I have ever had. Locally sourced meats and produce accompanied a variety of gluten free options. This is not a cheap place to eat, but it is worth every penny. They easily accepted payment in bitcoin through BitPay, and then we were on our way to St. Louis.

We decided to use our $200 travel voucher from Expedia on a hotel that was across the street from the Saint Louis Arch. A buffet breakfast was included with the room, then we made a quick visit to the Arch before we left for our next destination of Kansas City. We were on a tight time crunch so we could see my father play the clarinet in the Parkville Community Symphonic Band for the Fourth of July. We decided to get lunch on the go through Menufy, a service that allows you to order carry out or delivery meals online with the option to pay in bitcoin. We picked up our food in Columbia, Missouri, and had a picnic lunch in the quad of my Alma Mater, the University of Missouri. We decided to add a quick Target stop on Gyft to get a picnic dinner to eat during the fireworks and to buy some clean clothes as we had not packed for this leg of the trip very well.

We arrived at the concert in the middle of the first song. We enjoyed listening to the band play, then spent quality time with Grandma and Grandpa waiting for the fireworks display.  The next days were filled with friends and family. My mother served as a proxy for us several times, getting us into a swimming pool, buying us breakfast, and pumping gas for us when our last gas card ran out. We returned the favor by buying her a meal at T Rex with a gift card we bought on Gyft. I went to happy hour at On the Border with a friend from high school, and we bought our drinks with bitcoin through EGifter. Because I didn’t have a bitcoin wallet on my tablet, I emailed the total to my husband and he bought the gift card for us. It was simple and easy, yet not your typical method of making payment! Because we ran out of gas gift cards when we arrived in Kansas City, my mom bought us a $100 card the morning we left, and we are sending her one through CoinFueled to replace it.

Our last stop on our journey was a hotel in Texarkana, Arkansas. We decided to give Expedia one last chance as we still had a $50 travel voucher through them. No matter what hotel we selected, not a single one had the option to pay in bitcoin. They had explained to us on the phone that some states have different laws, so we tried the Texas and the Arkansas side. After about 40 minutes of trying to use Expedia again, we decided to go with It took about three minutes to find a room and book the hotel through their service.

On our last day of travel we stopped at a restaurant in Dallas owned by a friend, a delicious cajun music joint called The Free Man. They don’t technically accept bitcoin, but his t-shirt business does. He worked with his wife to send us a CoinBase invoice, and we enjoyed our last meal on the road by paying directly with bitcoin. When we arrived home it felt like a dream. We picked up our cats and ordered Chinese food before we snuggled into our beds.

Overall the experience was great. We learned firsthand the practicality of travel on bitcoin and look forward to trying it again next year. By then technology will have evolved and more places will be accepting bitcoin directly as a form of payment. We found applications like Gyft to be extremely convenient and plan to use them in our everyday lives. Since we returned home we were able to set our office landlord up to receive bitcoin through BitPay and found out our favorite coffee shop set up BitPay during our trip. Our apartment landlord said he is about to start accepting bitcoin as well!

Encrypted Chat Apps: Which is Best?

It’s been said that sending an email is like sending a postcard—you should assume that it’s viewable by many others. While this is true, it’s only true because trusted third parties—that is, the email providers—have been discovered to either be viewing message contents themselves, or revealing them to additional third parties (e.g. governments or advertisers). It’s a classic result of the “problem of trust.”

For those of us who value privacy (and privacy isn’t just for people with “something to hide”), it’s become necessary to go one step further in our communication: encryption.

Cryptography is a mathematical process, and it’s one of the features that makes the Bitcoin blockchain secure against attackers. In addition to the blockchain, cryptography can also be used to secure the contents of a simple message. If you know what a Bitcoin payment address looks like, then you know what an encrypted message looks like: gibberish (also called “cyphertext”).

The encryption of emails, however, is notoriously difficult. In fact, it’s been reported that when Edward Snowden was preparing to send his leaked NSA documents to The Guardian, he first had to make a 12-minute instructional video on email encryption for recipient Glenn Greenwald.

Private communication is beholden to the “network effect”—that is, the more people who use it, the more valuable it is (just like Bitcoin). When trying to communicate securely, you’re not likely to get many takers if you and everyone you know have to be confused by a 12-minute video first. That’s where far easier to use encrypted chat apps come in.

An explanation of my review criteria:

Open Source: Ideally, an encrypted chat app (or any software, for that matter) will be completely open source. This means that all the code used in the program is published and available for review and even improvement. This is also the only way to ensure that a given program really does what it claims to do and nothing more. It’s the only way to ensure that there are no “backdoors” in the software. Backdoors are pieces of code that would allow the developers to access your private information without your knowledge.

Information Required: You may know the feeling—you make it all the way through a website with a single goal, only to get “infowalled”: you’re required to create an account and give a bunch of personal information before proceeding. It’s annoying and decidedly non-private.

Peer-to-Peer: Part of the beauty and strength of peer-to-peer software is that it removes a central server as a single point of failure (or corruption). Bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies are peer-to-peer, and some encrypted chat apps are, as well.

Here are the (current) best and brightest in encrypted chat apps (click table to enlarge):

encrypted chat apps

[Gliph, Telegram, Bitmessage, Tox, TorChat, TextSecure, surespot]

As a final note, it’s worth mentioning that there is also an encryption protocol called OTR (Off-The-Record), which can be applied to several popular instant messaging clients including Facebook and Google Talk. There are many providers of OTR.

So stop sending all your messages on the equivalent of postcards. Download an app or two listed above, tell all your associates about it, and take back the joy that is unobserved human communication.

Oh, and did I mention? All of these apps are free.

Bitcoin is Not Backed by Anything (And That’s OK!)

Whenever you hear, “That currency is not backed by anything!,” it’s almost always meant as criticism. Hard-money enthusiasts are quick to point out the horrible track record of fiat currency. Nearly without fail, currencies “backed by nothing” get heavily devalued through inflation, and they often collapse within decades.

The best solution, so far, has been to tie currency to a commodity whose supply can not be arbitrarily inflated by governments or central banks, or to use that commodity directly as a currency. Gold and silver have served this purpose best, and they have been used successfully for millennia. Backing any currency in precious metals restrains the possibility for inflation.

But, when we look deeper, the connection between being “unbacked” and being at risk for inflation is not a necessary connection. It’s a reasonable connection to make, especially given the history of fiat currency, but it’s conceivable to think of a currency which is inflation-proof and not backed by anything. It might sound fanciful, but thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto, it’s not just possible – it currently exists, and it’s called “Bitcoin.”

Bitcoin is not backed by anything; you can’t “redeem” your Bitcoin for gold at a bank. And it’s not even “backed” by declaration of law. To hard-money folks like myself, that sounds like a recipe for inflationary disaster. But, as implausible as it sounds, Bitcoin is not susceptible to arbitrary inflation. It was intentionally designed this way.

Inflation ultimately happens for one reason: central control over the power to create new money – whether it’s a government trying to pay its debts, or a central bank trying to ease monetary policy. This is one reason why Bitcoin avoids arbitrary inflation: its supply is not controlled by any central authority. The supply is regulated by software and mathematics, not politics. Power in the Bitcoin world is decentralized over an enormous network of computers.

In fact, the software is so precise, we can predict a hundred years into the future almost exactly how many bitcoin will be in existence. You can’t say that about any other currency which is “not backed by anything.”

But it’s not only the production of Bitcoin which is decentralized; it’s also their record of ownership. Every single Bitcoin which has ever been created can be traced back to its inception – including every transaction and change of ownership. This ledger, called “the blockchain,” is publicly viewable, and it is practically set in stone. The ledger is not stored on a central server; it’s not controlled by a few gatekeepers. It is stored on every single computer serving as a node around the entire globe. I’d suggest there’s nothing else you can own which comes with such a clear proof of ownership.

All put together, this means you can’t forge Bitcoin records; you can’t fake ownership; and you can’t create new Bitcoin out of thin air. And it’s all possible through complex mathematics – no trust in a third party, government or corporation is required. In a sense, if Bitcoin is backed by anything, it’s backed by the strength of clever mathematics.

Bitcoin might represent the first currency which is not backed by a physical good and still prevents arbitrary inflation. It has expanded the limits on our traditional conception of money. So, next time you hear “Bitcoin is not backed by anything!” understand it as a deep compliment to the ingenuity of Satoshi Nakamoto.

Press Release: Polish company first in the world to sell shares for Bitcoins


A Polish company, InPay S.A., is the first in the world whose shares are available for purchase in public offering using the digital currency Bitcoin. The sale has just launched on the equity crowdfunding site

Equity crowdfunding is simply raising capital thanks to the online community. Unlike the reward-based crowdfunding, made popular by sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo or RocketHub, in equity crowdfunding people who are involved in financing the company receive personal shares.

Examples of sites which enable this type of capital acquisition include the American websites EquityNet and Fundable or the British Crowdcube. Thanks to these services companies have raised over 300 million dollars in total. But up till now none of the leading platforms had enabled the purchase of shares through Bitcoin.

This solution, in cooperation with InPay S.A., is proposed as a first by the Polish equity crowdfunding site Thanks to the Bitcoin payment integration system developed by InPay S.A., Beesfund is able to offer the purchase of equity from companies looking to raise capital.

InPay is the first such payment system in Central Europe. Up till now similar solutions on the continent had only been created in the UK, Sweden, Holland and Denmark. The most well-known, thanks to the investment of billionaire Richard Branson, is an American company BitPay, which also has ambitious plans of conquering the European market by opening their Amsterdam branch.

Poland definitely stands out in comparison to the rest of Europe and the world in regards to the level of interest in Bitcoin and its practical applications.

1.) Poland is in the global TOP 10 in terms of regional interest of Google searches (last 30 days).

2.) We are one of ten countries in the world with the highest number of Bitcoin wallet downloads (last full month, September).

3.) Two out of the ten largest Bitcoin exchanges in Europe are Polish.

Krzysztof Piech, PhD, Warsaw School of Economics: “Indeed Poland has the opportunity to become a regional European leader in terms of solutions based on the Bitcoin protocol. We should be able to take advantage of this competitive edge.”

Michał Kisiel, PhD, Economic University in Wroclaw: “Up till now payment innovations have been met with much demand on the Polish market. This is also the case with Bitcoin, whose applications don’t need to be limited to e-commerce. Combining digital currency with the social model of raising funds is an interesting experiment and a step towards a “capital market 2.0″, which is decentralized and has low transaction costs.”

Arkadiusz Osiak, chairman of the board of InPay S.A.: “In the world as a whole, mainly in the US around 60 venture capital investments have been made in companies linked to Bitcoin. The most recent examples, in Blockchain or Bitfury, have reached 30-40 million dollars. The subject of Bitcoin in both the USA and UK is taken more seriously than in Poland.”

Lech Wilczyński, president of InPay S.A.: “Most people perceive Bitcoin only through the lens of its dynamically changing price, while what we see here is a specific need, not a problem. We are using the Bitcoin protocol to provide quick and free flow of payment funds for company owners from buyer to seller, regardless of their location.”

Arkadiusz Regiec, president of Beesfund S.A.: “For crowdfunding platforms like Beesfund, Bitcoin seems to be the ideal engine for growth. It doesn’t limit buyers to specific acceptance areas like VISA or PayPal, it makes the whole purchase procedure much quicker and it lowers transaction costs.”

We wish Polish companies the best of luck, as they are showing that they can compete on the global market of solutions for new technology.

Public offering:

Media contact:

Lech Wilczyński, president of InPay S.A., tel. +48607674727,

Arkadiusz Regiec, president of Beesfund S.A., tel. +48691145544,


Press Release: Seedcoin and startups, BitcoinATM360, bitSIM, CoinSimple, meXBT share exciting news this Fall!

Seedcoin and startups, BitcoinATM360, bitSIM, CoinSimple, meXBT share exciting news this Fall!

Hong KongOctober 21, 2014 – Continuing their steady pace in launching innovative products and being involved at the forefront of the bitcoin industry, Seedcoin and its startups, BitcoinATM360, bitSIM, CoinSimple and meXBT have exciting news to share during the Autumn months. The world’s first and exclusive platform for trading Bitcoin-only trading, sponsored the Inside Bitcoins London conference (Sept 15-16) alongside Seedcoin recently. The company has since launched a revenue sharing referrals scheme, allowing customers who recommend their friends to earn 20% of’s revenue from traders they have referred. Further expanding its global presence, announced yesterday it has integrated its trading platform with the global bitcoin exchange itBit, which has locations in Singapore and New York. will be announcing more new industry partnerships shortly. Co-founder and COO George Samman was also at Inside Bitcoins Las Vegas (Oct 5-7) speaking about Bitcoin, Remittances and the Developing World.

BitcoinATM360: Ignite Financing is now BitcoinATM360. The new brand and site was launched with BitAccess, Genesis Coin and Lamassu BitcoinATM sales, with many more brands coming soon. BitcoinATM360 continues to provide industry first managed services and financing worldwide.

bitSIM: and bitSIM recently announced a partnership to create a platform for listing and trading assets on Counterparty. BitSIM will enable anyone with a mobile phone to securely own digital assets, streamlining access and giving users complete control.

CoinSimple: CoinSimple was one of 20 startups chosen to present at CoinAgenda, the bitcoin investor conference in Las Vegas, October 8-9. Since its public launch on beta September 15, CoinSimple has made significant functionality and user interface improvements. The company also will soon release its first plugin for the WordPress platform, allowing website owners to sell goods and services directly from their website using CoinSimple’s API. CoinSimple is in discussions for the first beta tester of the plugin.

meXBT: The company recently took part in various activities including: launching cash-in in seven countries of Latin America; being invited to talk about Bitcoin at the Fintech Latam Conference held in Miami; joining the discussion about Alt Coins and their future at Inside Bitcoins Vegas; and being selected to present at the first CoinAgenda startup competition.

Seedcoin: The following experts will speak at Inside Bitcoins Paris November 20-21 : Seedcoin CTO HakimMamoni (Decentralized Technologies: Lifeboats for Society) ; Seedcoin Chief Startup Officer Eddy Travia, Jetcoin Creator and Co-Founder Eric Alexandre (Jetcoin and Sports: A Match Made in Crypto Heaven) ; and Jetcoin Institute Advisor Bernard Lietaer, Research Fellow, Center for Sustainable Resources of the University of California at Berkeley and author of The Future of Money, will be the keynote speaker in the morning on November 21. See


With offices in New York City, London and Singapore, has an innovative, intuitive and proprietary platform that allows users to easily trade Bitcoin derivatives. This flexible resource permits long and short positions, Bitcoin hedging (to prevent losses from a drop in the price of Bitcoin), automatic liquidation and stops for convenient position management, and without complex margin maintenance requirements. For more information about, please visit

About BitcoinATM360

BitcoinATM360, previously Ignite Financing, provides first in class worldwide sales, services, financing andresources for the BitcoinATM industry. For further information visit or, or for partnership and business development opportunities

About bitSIM
bitSIM provides easy access to Bitcoin for anyone with a cell phone; bitSIM has created a SIM overlay solution that acts as a fully encrypted Bitcoin Wallet. Visit:

About CoinSimple

CoinSimple makes it extremely simple for professionals and online merchants to accept bitcoin, get the most competitive services from among bitcoin payment processors and review comprehensive sales data. For further information, please contact Nikos Bentenitis at, +1-512-861-1972, +44-20-3695-5392 and +852-5808-4399 or visit

About meXBT

Providing digital currencies for serious traders and simple enough for beginners, meXBT’s goal is to provide the best and most secure service to traders of digital currencies. MeXBT is combining state of the art technology with a rock solid legal and fiscal structure on a single platform called, the Crypto Exchange of the Americas, the place to be when exchanging cryptos.

About Seedcoin

Seedcoin is the world’s first seed-stage Bitcoin startup virtual incubator, whose objective is to invest in the creative entrepreneurs of the cryptocurrency economy and help them develop the future services, products and applications re-shaping the way we interact with money on a daily basis. Visit for more information.

Press Contact:

Music Industry Pioneers Premier Studios NY 1st to Accept Bitcoin & Offer Training in Music

New York, NY (PRWEB) October 21, 2014

Today, New York City-based recording studio, announced that it is changing the music industry by offering the first in-studio music seminars, and by announcing its acceptance of the controversial digital currency ‘bitcoin.’ Premier Studios serves the industry elite, is aimed at working with students, or others interested in pursuing a career in music production.

In another pioneering move, Premier Studios announced the launch of their much-anticipated, intensive preparatory seminars. Individual ones range from $200-$400 and are being accepted now. If you accumulate approximately 15 seminars at a total cost of $5,000 (seminars are paid for when they are taken so you do not have to pay the $5,000 in 1 lump sum) you will receive a Certificate, which states you have completed the Premier Studios Session Seminars Program. Within 30 days, you will considered to be an intern at Premier Studios, and 30 days later, an assistant engineer. These impactful sessions are focused on preparing students for work in studios and are led by famous music engineers and producers.

Until the recent development and unveiling of music production courses were only offered at the university level. These courses are highly priced, ranging from $20,000 to $200,000 and are highly theoretical, making it difficult both for students to become producers and engineers and for graduates to succeed in a practical work environment. Premier Studio owner, Sandy Schneiderman, estimates that he refuses to hire “up to 90% of interns” due to their lack of preparation for a true studio work atmosphere. Seminars are intensive, practical seminars with a focus on real world applications. They are divided into two categories: basic and advanced, and include topics like ”Real Studio Environment”, “Balancing Mixes Using Dynamics and Placements, Songwriting and Production” and Master Music Production Techniques. Applications for the first Session Seminars are being accepted now.

Understanding the importance of embracing change, Premier Studios is proud to announce its status as the first major music recording studio to accept the digital currency ‘bitcoin’ for its services. Now, superstars like Rihanna, Coldplay and Nas – who is famous for supporting bitcoin – can pay their way using the digital money. The suggestion came from Tatiana Moroz of Tatiana Coin and formerly the business manager at Premier, who had much success using Bitcoin to fundraise. The decision to use Bitcoin through Bitpay came quickly to the studio’s owner, who said it took him ‘60 seconds to decide’ on.

About Premier Studios NY

Premier Studio is a world-class facility, serving the elite of music, film & television celebrity clientele and is formally known as Quad Recording. Premier Studios NY recently completed a $500,000 USD refurbishment of all their studios. The studio contains four fully-loaded rooms to accommodate writers, producers and performers and is located on the 6th and 8th floors at 723 7th Avenue in New York, New York. For more information, visit or contact for more info.

Bitcoin… We Are All The Blockchain

Bitcoin… we are all the blockchain

Since the first great jump in Bitcoin’s exchange rate in early April 2013, speculative trade has stolen the limelight as the main Bitcoin story. Tweets of “To the moon!” echo like a rallying cry, selling what amounts to a collective vision statement. But what’s the vision? A respected VC assures us it’s “still headed to 10k” as if Bitcoin was a prize thoroughbred being written down by the Bookies, but still had a few Derbies left in her… Is that all this is about?

Whatever one feels about the ‘profiteer mentality’ so evident across the Bitcoin movement, it is clear that without this driver, this long overdue financial systems innovation may not have taken hold. So we may as well accept that the ‘greed factor’ is serving a greater purpose. However, whenever the Bitcoin price slides, editorials claiming the demise of Bitcoin demonstrate that both the detractors and the devotees are focusing on an artifact of the system rather than the system’s innate value.

It’s about all of us…

Bitcoin’s real value is closely related to the manner in which its transactions are validated across a highly distributed network in what amounts to a collaborative process. This inclusive decentralized validation process is, after all, one of the key differences between Bitcoin and centralized financial systems. It must be understood that decentralization is inherently attractive to people because it’s about all of us.. and the promise of guaranteeing impartiality and fairness. It is Bitcoin’s greatest achievement to date that its version of decentralization, being achieved in an area as tricky as financial transactions, actually works at all.

However, the real value of Bitcoin is not reaped at an individual level. If a few thousand of us get rich, is that what Bitcoin is about? Are we heading towards replicating the wealth disparity evident in western capitalism in the digital currency space too? If we are, perhaps we should pause and take a few breaths.

We are all the block chain, metaphorically

The real value of Bitcoin resides and is apparent at a group level. We are all the blockchain, metaphorically. Technically, miners may process the transactions by computing and embedding blocks into the blockchain, but it’s the people who make the transactions that drive the system. But what kind of transactions? This question hints at a conflict issue within the way the existing system is working, i.e. if Bitcoin continues to be hoarded and transaction volumes are mainly associated with cashing in and out of Bitcoin on exchanges, we are indeed mainly treating it as a commodity, rather than leveraging from its utility, like hoarding a limited supply of gasoline instead of using it to fuel a car to go from A to B.

Alternatively, we could be asking: ‘What can Bitcoin do that traditional currency systems cannot?’ Simply buying things with Bitcoin instead of normal money is still a very basic use of the technology, as it doesn’t really begin to exploit the full potential of the medium. But like most innovations, when they first arrive they tend to be associated with legacy systems: the ‘Horseless Carriage’; the ‘Electric Candle’; the ‘Digital Super Highway.’ In other words, we inevitably tend to match them with existing concepts that we are familiar with. This is where most of us still are with Bitcoin… even the devotees.

One just has to look at the plethora of startups and VC backed businesses in the alt-currency space (with a few notable exceptions) that are only focused on the handling or holding of Bitcoin rather than leveraging from its innate characteristics to drive innovation in other sectors, to know that we are still very much in a Bitcoin 1.0 world.

To grow Bitcoin adoption, we don’t really need endless ‘money handling’ applications competing with each other, we need mass market applications that offer new forms of value facilitated by Bitcoin transactions, millions and millions of them. But what has been the reality so far?

Like the great Railway boom and land grab in the USA in the 1850s and 60s

Since early 2013 the Bitcoin/cryptocurrency space has resembled a kind of land grab by those who quickly saw the Bitcoin revolution as an unpopulated parallel monetary universe with vacant land as far as the eye could see. Yes it has indeed been like the early days of the web, but perhaps more like the great Railway boom and land grab in the USA in the 1850s and 60s. Back then, just like in this current cryptocurrency frenzy there was technology innovation, dramatic new efficiencies, opportunism, greed and yes… those legendary ‘snake oil’ salesmen.

The explosion of interest in Bitcoin has been like a large room full of empty chairs: someone opens the doors, a crowd floods in and everyone tries to grab a seat. In this group there is the wider community of bitcoin users, the Crypto-Developer Community, the anti-government Libertarians, Crypto-Anarchists, Bitcoin and Alt-Coin Entrepreneurs, Bitcoin friendly VCs and of course the ‘Investopreneurs’ at the BitAngels. It’s a diverse bunch, and they are not all driven by a common philosophy.

The inevitable search for a multiplier, in a realm where copies cost nothing…

Most successful business people learn to look for a ‘multiplier’ when evaluating business opportunities. A multiplier is a way to achieve economies of scale, to pump out widgets that are in demand, and to fill that demand. Think: rolls of Kodak film, tubes of toothpaste, CD blanks that cost less than a dollar but sold for $20.

So it has been inevitable with the sudden advent of a new technology like Bitcoin, that was in effect a ‘money protocol’ and an idea that could be fairly easily duplicated, that a bunch of enterprising folks would want a piece of that for themselves. But herein lies the problem… There is a growing but relatively limited demand for cryptocurrencies, yet we already have (at time of writing) apparently 985 tradeable crypto coins and an indeterminable number of vaporware ‘crap coins’ being pumped out, before most people have properly understood, or in some cases, even heard of Bitcoin.

It’s almost reminiscent of that scene in Aliens when Sigourney Weaver’s character ‘Ripley’ stumbles on the Alien hatchery.

We now have what amounts to parent alt-coins that enable enumerable child alt-coins, and parent ‘crypto-crowd-funding marketplaces’ that can be used to give birth to enumerable child ‘crypto-crowd-funding marketplaces’… It’s almost reminiscent of that scene in Aliens when Sigourney Weaver’s character ‘Ripley’ stumbles on the Alien hatchery. Its the pandemic (coindemic) idea of something that is rapidly duplicating and escalating out of control.

In contrast to just over 12 months ago, the teams working on alternate cryptocurrencies, app-coins and coin generating marketplaces, now massively outnumber those working on pure bitcoin projects and the core bitcoin protocol. In many ways, what we are seeing is an endemic cookie-cutter approach to the Bitcoin phenomenon by teams trying to duplicate and (sometimes) improve on Bitcoin, but sewing the seeds of massive fragmentation in the process.

When something can be copied at near zero marginal cost, it will inevitably become valueless

As Kevin Kelly pointed out in 2007 on his influential blog The Technium, the Internet has made the cost of making copies near zero, and so everything from web pages to books to music to movies are copied and distributed at near zero marginal cost.

Kevin Kelly: “Copies are worthless; sell what can’t be copied”

Kelly’s observations relate to what economists call ‘zero marginal cost economics’. With traditional physical goods, marginal costs tend to rise over time due to constraints; with digital goods the marginal cost of goods tends to drop toward zero. The music industry is a classic example. From CD sales to Napster to iTunes to Spotify we have seen the price of music to the consumer effectively fall close to nothing at all, because the cost of that reproduction has become negligible. However, in contrast to tech savvy musicians working in today’s music industry who are still economically constrained by legacy industry structures imposed by record companies and the RIAA, it’s the class of people who are adept at working with computers and software in new areas like the alt currency movement that are prevailing in digital markets.

Tyler Cowen in his book Average is Over argues that: “As computer based digital goods start to dominate the economy, their odd zero marginal cost economics will loom larger and larger. Computers will accelerate our existing trend toward a more stratified society. People adept at teaming up with computers will get richer, while those who aren’t will get left behind.” 1

As everyone in the field knows, there will be a finite maximum of 21m Bitcoins mined. It’s a big world, so as an illustration, if for instance everyone in Australia would end up only owning one bitcoin each, there goes your 21 million. Too bad for the other 7+ billion people in the world right?

So, to maintain Bitcoin’s pre-eminent status there will be an inevitable division of Bitcoin into smaller and smaller but increasingly valuable fractions, and the utility of Bitcoin will be extended, but its integrity maintained by systems that are benign to Bitcoin rather than competitive with it. The Sidechain project by Adam Back and Austin Hill of Blockstream to create pockets of crypto-innovation, double pegged to the main Bitcoin blockchain, is an obvious example of a project that strengthens the core of Bitcoin. The 900+ tradeable crypto coins are, regrettably, pulling in the opposite direction.

We have already seen a number of instances of crowd sales of alt-coins with many orders of magnitude higher eventual numbers of coins than Bitcoin, i.e. MaidSafe’s crowd sale of 400m Safecoins being “only 10% of all Safecoins that can ever be produced!” 2 purchased at the ratio of 23,800 to 1 BTC. The inducement being the prospect of massive capital gains, like the gains we all witnessed with Bitcoin, which of course would be less and less likely with each successive competitive alt coin.

However, it is the practice of using Bitcoin as the preferred medium of exchange for these alt currencies that is particularly revealing. Not only as evidence of Tyler Cowen’s prophesy (above) that “People adept at teaming up with computers will get richer, while those who aren’t will get left behind,” but also as testament to which crypto-currency is clearly being perceived as having the most innate value and the least ‘value-risk.’

The promise of a perpetually exploding crypto universe…

As crypto-entrepreneurs hoover up thousands of Bitcoin from enthusiastic early adopters in exchange for the promise of a perpetually exploding crypto universe (who more than likely purchased their small holdings of Bitcoin with hard earned fiat currency), are we seeing the beginning of an era where it is the tech elite that will own the vast majority of Bitcoin, while the devout legions of early adopters will be left with crypto wallets full of tokens with values unlikely to be sustained by the scarcity that will continue to underpin Bitcoin?

This is a problem worth considering. Because if Bitcoin is indeed ‘about all of us’ because we are all metaphorically its blockchain, do we risk a collapse of confidence in the ‘idea’ of cryptocurrencies due to this fragmentation and dilution, or will the alt-coin leaves fall off the tree, to leave the Bitcoin trunk intact and strong?

Clearly market forces of demand and supply will always have the effect of injecting liquidity back into the Bitcoin economy from the ‘have lots’ to the ‘have nots,’ but that precious goal of the ever increasing exchange rate of Bitcoin to the US dollar will be much more likely to occur if it is built on real participation by a growing global constituency of users experiencing genuine value, unique to using Bitcoin, rather than speculation in it as a new kind of commodity.



1. Nathan Taylor,

2. Hill, Kashmir (8 April 2014). “Beyond Bitcoin: Crypto-Ownership Companies Hope You’re

Ready To Decentralize Everything On The Internet”. Forbes. Retrieved 30 July 2014.

21 Top Bitcoin and Digital Currency Companies Endorse New Digital Framework for Digital Identity, Trust and Open Data

October 20, 2014 10:40 ET

21 Top Bitcoin and Digital Currency Companies Endorse New Digital Framework for Digital Identity, Trust and Open Data

CAMBRIDGE, MA–(Marketwired – Oct 20, 2014) –

  • MIT Media Lab Spin-Out ID3 Spearheads Group to Build an Open Source Secure and Trusted Platform to Advance Digital Currency Transactions
  • Group to Advance Global, Industry-Wide Initiative Based on Windhover Principles

ID3 (Institute for Data Driven Design), a research nonprofit founded out of the MIT Media Lab, today teamed with nearly two dozen leading digital currency firms to announce theWindhover Principles, a new principles-based framework collaboratively written with public and private stakeholders to ensure secure personal identity, trust and access to shared open data on the Internet. Key advocacy and support was generated by DATA (Digital Asset Transfer Authority) in building the coalition.

The Windhover Principles are being implemented on an open source platform, foundationally based on ID3’s contribution of its Open Mustard Seed (OMS) software platform. As the cornerstone of the new principles and framework, ID3 announced support from a wide range of digital currency and Bitcoin-related companies and individuals: BitPay, BitReserve,Bitstamp,, Coinsetter, DATA, Delta, Epiphyte, Erik Voorhees, Hub Culture Group/Ven Currency, LaunchKey, Personal, Personal Black Box, Ripple Labs, SnapSwap, Swarm, Trefoil Labs, Vaurum, Xapo, ZipZap and 37coins.

The Windhover Principles for Digital Identity and Trust are deeply rooted in the belief that individuals should have control of their digital personal identities and personal data. Underlying this core value is the principle of ensuring innovation in trust and privacy. Concurrently, the industry group’s support of transparent, proportionate and risk-based regulation will allow stakeholders to meaningfully leverage new technologies for enhanced governance, auditing and enforcement needs. Implementation of the core Windhover Principles on the inclusive OMS open source platform as a sustainable industry step, paired with MIT-designed Living Labs, underscores a results-driven ethos supported by the group of companies and supporters.

Framing the issues, ID3 Chief Scientist and Co-founder Dr. Alex “Sandy” Pentland, Toshiba Chair Professor at the MIT Media Lab and co-lead of the Big Data and Personal Data & Privacy Initiatives at the World Economic Forum, said, “The Windhover Principles support my view that it is time for us all to take charge of our personal data. Technologies such as OpenPDS and ID3’s Open Mustard Seed provide a new technical solution to a rapidly growing societal problem. Our work at MIT will continue to influence ID3 and the emerging industry-supported OMS open source project — not only in technology, but also in method, as we assist in architecting MIT Living Labs test beds to understand and optimize these new solutions.”

OMS is a trusted compute platform for developing and deploying secure cloud applications to collect, compute on and share personal data. It enables the development and deployment of web apps in a secure, user-centric personal cloud. Just as the original HTML code gave rise to the World Wide Web and new types of bottom-up social communication and collaboration, OMS can be understood as a new “social stack” of protocols. The framework provides a stack of core technologies that work together to provide a high level of authentication, security and ease of use when sharing and collecting personal and environmental data. This enables the control of web-enabled devices, and engagement with others to aggregate information and view the results of applied computations via protected services. The Windhover Principles serve as the cornerstone of this framework.

“The next phase of Internet growth requires a re-tooling, with identity and trust at the foundation, to bring the ownership and control of personal data back to the individual. Doing so will spawn a new stage of collaboration and open data exchange,” said ID3 Managing Director Dan Harple, Internet pioneer, serial entrepreneur and MIT Entrepreneur in Residence. “The Windhover Principles, coupled with an inclusive open sourced Open Mustard Seed project and MIT-influenced Living Labs, are tremendously positive steps toward an industry-wide solution. Our vision for OMS is as an inclusive platform to transform how we, as collective Internet users, can take back our personal data, and share it in a trusted and secure way — not only for Bitcoin and digital currency transactions, but for other data and media types as well.”

With the digital currency industry’s support, ID3 and participating firms plan to iteratively test, implement and deploy granular technical solutions to trust, privacy and governance on the OMS open source platform. Leading digital currency firms are committed to future, collaborative development of legal and technical frameworks — along with subject matter experts, government bodies and the private sector — to implement the core Windhover Principles through rigorous testing in MIT-type Living Labs.

Balancing regulatory requirements with the increasing need for privacy and secure identity is a core component of the Windhover Principles and OMS. “Illustrating how a new form of autonomous industry governance can emerge using open source methods to solve large systemic problems, this industry-wide collective includes some of the world’s foremost thought leaders and innovators on today’s Internet and their companies,” said ID3 Co-founder and Executive Chairman Dr. John Clippinger, an internationally recognized research scientist at MIT Media Lab. “The increasing complexity of technical systems render effective and balanced regulation of identity and personal data — including KYC (Know Your Customer) and risks of AML (Anti-Money Laundering) — a deeply complex and rapidly changing global process that cannot be sustained by current governmental and private sector practices. New forms of engagement are needed by all stakeholders that combine innovative digital technologies with new regulatory practices and intensive testing to drive viable privacy — and security-preserving solutions for the 21st century.”

The Windhover Principles were collaboratively written by the industry group of companies and their advisors, and included dialog with financial regulators. “In Europe as well, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) requirements are getting stricter and stricter, and we will pretty soon run out of tools to deal with these requirements adequately and efficiently. The MIT/ID3 Platform, together with the Windhover Principles, constitute an excellent opportunity to build the AML/CTF tools we will need tomorrow whilst at the same time allowing individuals to have control over their personal data — a key tenant of privacy,” said Jean-Louis Schiltz, IT lawyer and Luxembourg’s former Minister of Communications and Defense.

“The advent of digital ledger technologies, when coupled with digital identities, has the potential to extend financial access to everyone in the world, rather than just those lucky enough to be banked,” said Ripple Labs Chief Compliance Officer Karen Gifford. “For everyone, these new technologies better support security sought by law enforcement, trust sought by merchants and privacy rights of individual consumers. We’re excited to be a part of ID3’s initiative to build a global framework for identity as a value-added layer to the initial financial innovation started by virtual currencies.”

“The blockchain and other distributed technologies call on us to reimagine our existing world in ways that carefully balance public policy goals in the 21st century world — the global impact of the Internet on shifting norms of interaction and transaction presents serious challenges to traditional paradigms of the governance process and geographically localized regulatory regimes,” said Constance Choi, founding board director of DATA and Seven Advisory, who advises a broad spectrum of entities and policymakers in the digital asset industry. “Policymakers and private industries are beginning to understand the opportunities in these complex dynamics and collaborative work is underway to ensure self-determination and inclusion, and increase trust and viability. This is at the heart of the Windhover Principles and the OMS reference platform.”

About ID3

ID3 is a research and educational nonprofit with a mission to develop a new social ecosystem of trusted, self-healing digital institutions. Addressing the severe structural limitations of existing institutions by empowering individuals to assert greater control over their data, online identities and authentication, the organization is committed to enabling the design and deployment of a new generation of trusted digital institutions and services globally. Additional information on ID3 is available at or by sending email

The Windhover Principles and Open Mustard Seed are trademarks of ID3. All other product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

The Windhover Principles for Digital Identity, Trust and Data

1. Self-Sovereignty of Digital Identity and Personal Data:

Individuals and groups should have control of their digital personal identities and personal data.

Today we communicate, share and transact digitally over the Internet. Individuals who make use of the Internet for these purposes should have control over their digital identities, ensuring individual autonomy, trust in their communications and counter parties, as well as in the integrity of the data they share and transact with.

Individuals, not social networks, governments, or corporations, should control their identity credentials and personal data. Control of one’s identity and personal data means that people should have unfettered access to their personal data, the ability to verify attributes of their personal identity profiles, and the ability to prevent unauthorized public and private access.

We support the collaborative open source development of systems that embody these principles and recognize the need to address the requirements of legacy regulatory mechanisms, including by evolving innovative digital technologies to improve privacy, governance and enforcement.

2. Proportionate Enforcement and Risk-Based Regulation:

Enhancing / improving personal privacy while promoting effective governance and accommodating legitimate auditing and enforcement needs.

We encourage innovation in identity, trust, security, and data technologies and policies to provide effective methods to address governance and enforcement concerns. Governance includes the concepts of transparency and accountability necessary to protect digital transactions from abuse. We believe these technologies can address public policy interests by enabling appropriate access and verification of identity data. Entities and individuals, acting on the basis of verifiable approvals, including due process and appropriate warrants, should be able to access such data through specific and auditable means. New and evolving digital technologies make it possible to protect an individual’s privacy while providing authorized government access to customer identification, due diligence and transaction monitoring information for legally authorized needs.

3. Ensuring Innovation in Trust and Privacy:

An effective, autonomous identity system reiteratively furthers trust, security, governance, accountability and privacy.

Protecting privacy and fostering trust and governance are foundational Windhover Principles that support a fully functional identity system designed to collect and analyze data in a network in which identities are continuously and independently authenticated. These core principles are intended to foster development of more trustworthy, effective and resilient products and services to minimize the risks and costs of fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing and other criminal activity.

4. Open Source Collaboration and Continuous Innovation:

An inclusive, open source methodology to build systems that embody these principles.

Supporters of the Windhover Principles agree to cooperate to build systems that deliver these requirements and to participate in Living Labs to develop strong and innovative technical product solutions that interoperate to meet these challenges.


“Hub Culture has been working with ID3 since 2013 to develop the first consumer application layer using Open Mustard Seed technology through the development of HubID, a unique identity product that enables members of the Hub Culture network to own and manage identity services. HubID represents a big step forward in new AML/KYC approaches, works globally with the Ven currency and features characteristics built with the Windhover Principles and other sustainable governance systems in mind.”

Stan Stalnaker, Founder and CEO, Hub Culture Group/Ven Currency and Impala

“It’s great to see MIT applying the bitcoin technology in new and novel ways. This project shows that it’s possible to protect online privacy and, at the same time, provide tools that are effective at combating criminal abuse.”

Stephen Pair, Co-founder, President & CEO, BitPay

“I couldn’t be more excited to see the digital currency industry taking individual data rights, integrity and collaboration seriously. This marks a giant step forward for all of us and a great improvement over anything that exists in the traditional finance world.”

Joel Dietz, Founder & CEO, Swarm Corp.

“These principles, and the growing voice in their support, are evidence of the positive steps we are gaining toward our ability to establish and benefit from personal data independence.”

Haluk Kulin, Founder & CEO, Personal BlackBox

“Decentralized identity technology will allow the bitcoin industry to increase user privacy and create new paths for cheaper and more effective compliance. We are solving global regulatory issues with an ethical solution that simply works better.”

Jaron Lukasiewicz, CEO, Coinsetter

“We are living in exciting times indeed. Technological innovations are enabling us to challenge and successfully redefine and reinvent old structures and paradigms. For the first time in history, it is today possible to transfer value over the Internet instantaneously, inexpensively, globally and securely, and to digitally and incorruptibly register assets and property titles around the globe. The ID3 project adds another fundamental component to our digital evolution as humans — an unprecedented way to protect the human right to our privacy and identity. It is certainly one of the most exciting projects I have ever been involved with.”

Juan Llanos, Chief Transparency Officer, BitReserve

“As a company that works so strongly toward providing privacy and security, LaunchKey is excited to be a part of the collaborative effort promoting these values as they have been embodied by the Windhover Principles.”

Yo Sub Kwon, Co-founder & COO, LaunchKey

“We live in a time when the sophistication of international data thieves seems steps ahead of the best defenses of even our most well-resourced, rigorously audited, and locked-down organizations, both private sector and government, and the PII of possibly a majority of law-abiding Americans and many additional Internet users has been compromised and is now available on data black markets, while important classified military and national security data is in the hands of foreign powers. Our modern data security architecture is fundamentally flawed; hence, we applaud MIT’s ambitious ID3 project to rethink how PII and sensitive data is compartmentalized and secured, and look forward to doing what we can to support and advance the project.”


“We at believe in the Windhover Principles as it outlines an approach to give full control of an individual’s personal data back to the person it belongs to. In a paradigm where personal data sharing is becoming a prominent part of our increasingly technology dependent culture, controlling the distribution of your most sensitive and secure data is becoming essential. We are seeing the growth of an industry that is being built on the intrinsically decentralised nature of Bitcoin’s design. As a result, the fiduciary responsibilities of businesses operating in this space have never been more important. What ID3 is working on is a framework for Bitcoin businesses that work tirelessly to comply with AML/KYC responsibilities globally to conform whilst maintaining the integrity of their customers’ user data.”

Joe Lee, Founder & CEO,

“Identity is a key concern for our bank customers. For banks and other financial services companies, the complexity of KYC/AML and safeguarding customers’ private information has been the number one barrier to providing services cost-effectively. This has effectively priced banks out of providing services to much of the world’s population — creating massive global unbanked population without access to basic banking services. This includes 10 million households in the US alone and many hundreds of million more globally.”

Edan Yago, CEO, Epiphyte

“Online media properties and data brokers collect an unprecedented amount of information about consumers which could be easily abused. ZipZap fully supports the open source platform proposed by the ID3 team which lays out the groundwork to shift the control of personal information back to the individuals as the rightful owners, while not preventing legitimate commercial or government access. It provides a path for a perfect balance between the need to know and the need to protect a citizen’s personal information.”

Alan Safahi, CEO, ZipZap Inc.


  • Media Contact:
    Chris Carleton
    CHEN PR for ID3
    m: 857.891.2989
    o: 781.672.3115
    Email Contact

Introducing – Just in Time Bitcoin

The term “Just in Time Inventory” was coined to refer to the efficiency businesses could gain by not tying up their funds in inventory that sat around on warehouse shelves until the product was needed. The problem of maintaining inventory is that it ties up cash you might otherwise need for productive uses. Sitting on shelves waiting to be purchased or used in assembly is not. New efficiency models started in the 1950s Japan to proceed with new processes and rules that aimed for perfect timing for all business operations. The term “Just in Time” was eventually popularized to be applicable at all points of the business process.

Having your inventory days approach zero was the ultimate but, thought to be impossible, goal. Then the Internet came along. It became possible to have negative inventory rates. This means that you could take an order for a customer and have it paid in full for before you even have the parts or product itself. Dell computers was able to undercut competition using this new efficiency. could sell books without ever needing to stock them. Although, the book can be oversold for their preset printing run and become out of stock – but these were inefficiencies from the source, not their own. A paradigm change happened because of the new online business models. They reduced variation in price and stability, which improved product lines and quality. A new breed of retailers were born disrupting the old standbys.

Bitcoin can now be bought and sold at just as efficiently. Once has verified one’s bank for regular bank transfers, cash funds move through the traditional banking methods to get to Circle. After that point, one can buy and sell bitcoin in seconds. They make it as easy as doing cash deposits and withdrawals, with no fees. This now means you can have your bitcoin ‘just in time’ to make your online purchases using bitcoin – even after you’ve made your purchase online and you are in ‘check out’. Merchants have had the advantage of no volatility – there is finally no volatility risk to the customer as well. The merchant had been safe in this regard by selling the bitcoin immediately upon its arrival to utilize the stability of the US dollar. As merchants aren’t typically in the bitcoin speculation business, they have to follow their business plan and that means fiat currency. When you buy it ‘just in time’ the customer has no need either take on the risk. Previously to, people would have to purchase bitcoin using an ATM or other exchange and then hope that the equivalent US dollar value would be equal at the time that they spent it But as bitcoiners – we know to keep stashing more than we spend. *wink*

But now it’s changed. One can place the order on (or other online retailers) and not actually own the bitcoin yet. Once you’ve clicked the “pay with bitcoin” you are given 15 minutes to complete your purchase. At this point you can click on over to and instruct a payment to be sent. Better yet, don’t spend your bitcoin savings, and just transfer cash from another bank account over to Circle as they credit your account with bitcoin immediately.  Then one can simply forward that money from the Circle wallet to the to complete the purchase. Easy-Peasy. Just in time!

This was done recently with mixed reviews. If there is wallet software on the PC, the Newegg checkout will detect that and will want to transfer the bitcoin from that source first. If it takes more than just a couple of minutes the value of bitcoin to dollar ratio may change somewhat, as it did with me, so that after I purchased my item with the set agreed amount of bitcoin I then had to make a second payment of 88 cents to cover the cost of the difference in price for the last few minutes. Newegg’s implementation of bitcoin payments could improve. It is still a bit clunky. A fifteen minute delay and price spread might work out in your favor or not, but a fifteen minute window of price ‘trust’ would be nice to not have to make multiple payment efforts for the item you just agreed to purchase. Will the opposite be true if the price of bitcoin soars in the 15 minute window giving you the instant discount? In that window of ‘trust’ sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but it will likely even out so it might be better to just “pause” the outside bitcoin trading world for a few minutes for that one transaction while the payment is completed.

While we are discussing Newegg, their multiple warning screens about paying for items with bitcoin didn’t exactly give me warm and fuzzies. I’ve had good luck with Newegg – so if it’s not right, I trust that they will make it right as they’ve done in the past. I suggest that Newegg and other online retailers can build good-will if they open a new “Bitcoin Customer Service Desk” that bends over backwards to make sure the customer’s experience goes 100% perfect. Until third party arbitrage business models develop, they will be doing the arbitrage on behalf of the “would be” credit card company. Some of the 3% they just saved needs to be put to work building out a department that handles a payment confusion  end of the spectrum. If they don’t get it right, it will set bitcoin back until third party companies come along to handle it. Credit cards actually use that 3% of every purchase to handle these business functions so it is a service somebody is paying for. (Passed along to customers when all things considered).

I’ve not had to rely on a credit card arbitration to force Newegg to behave. But I surmised multiple warning screens about using bitcoin were likely the result of an army of Newegg lawyers not knowing how to deal with unforeseen risk using the experimental currency. I’m ok with that: new technology tends to freak lawyers for the first few years. This tends to go away and relax once there are a few case law precedents they can use to navigate the uncharted waters. We all tend to be a little over cautious as we forge new pathways. Things are always a little rough at first, that’s why we want to get the bugs worked out now – and we are all part of that process and history -my fellow currency and payment system pioneers.

I didn’t have to give my credit card information; this time. I’ve purchased many times from Newegg in the past so my credit card information is still on file on some database somewhere I’m sure. At least a version of it before the Home Depot attack, the K-Mart attack, the Target attack, and my local burger joint  hack attack. Newegg has my credit card history from a year ago, which means it is now four credit card numbers ago thanks to the revolving door of replacement credit cards I’ve received in the mail after each credit card hack attack. It reminds me of the days in the 80’s where you could join a record club to get ten FREE albums for the price of three..  The catch was that you were sent a random full price record each month if you forgot to send back a monthly notice telling them to hold off for that month. That was such a sweet and innocent scam of yesteryear, and I still have a few shiny and unused “Hall and Oats” records to remember it. As far as anybody knows – I did NOT actually purposely order the “Air Supply” album if anybody asks. Let’s just say I’m glad there wasn’t a block chain then to prove it.

So this will be my new method. I’ll shop first at merchants that accept bitcoin – I’ll make my purchase, swap cash for bitcoin at just in time to complete the transaction and away it goes. “Just In Time Bitcoin” is going to change things. My monthly credit card statements are going to become a lot shorter.

It’s about time.

Bitcoin, Going Native

We all know that bitcoin is decentralized electronic money that runs on a network that can do all kinds of interesting things. The key question is, what can you do with bitcoin that you can’t do with anything else? What does it mean when bitcoin goes native? Note that the term “native” applied to bitcoin is due to Fred Wilson (a venture capitalist based in New York) and expanded upon by Chris Dixon (another venture capitalist based in San Francisco). 

Wilson writes (in The Bitcoin Hype Cycle): “What’s more interesting is the question of what will lead us onto the slope of enlightenment? I am thinking that we will start to see native applications of Bitcoin. These would be things that simply could not exist without this technology. Donating money to charity with Bitcoin is awesome, and I do it regularly, but it is not a native application of Bitcoin.”

Dixon lists (in Some ideas for native bitcoin apps) five types of native applications: 1) International microfinance, 2) Allocating bandwidth, storage, computing, 3) Marketplaces, 4) Micropayments, 5) Incentivized social software. We will examine each of these and more.

Both of these articles discuss important directions for the potential success of bitcoin. They start to answer the questions I posed at the beginning of this article. While the efficiencies of using bitcoin, for example instead of credit cards are nice, they aren’t the kind of things that are going to cause mainstream adoption. We need to start discussing applications and services that can only exist via bitcoin, primarily via the capabilities of the bitcoin network.

Let’s examine several categories of applications: Micropayments, Peer to peer lending and remittances for the unbanked, asset allocation and sharing, and decentralized security.


Certainly the most discussed “native” application is using bitcoin for micropayments. Proposed as a solution to changing financial fortunes of journalism by Walter Isaacson prior to bitcoin’s existence (or prior to anyone knowing about it), Isaacson wrote in TIME in 2009 about using some, as yet unknown, payment mechanism to pay small amounts for articles. Writing in 2014, Isaacson revisited the concept now pointing to bitcoin as the mechanism that can make these types of small payments practical. I’ve written about micropayments in a prior article as well in “Bitcoin Micropayments a New Enabling Technology”.

Specifically what are micropayments, and how can they be used? If bitcoin micropayments were implemented I could go to a blog and pay authors for their writing. I could go to a site like Vimeo and pay a small fee to see someone’s cool video. Currently for charges less than a dollar, existing payment systems, such as credit cards or PayPal, can’t handle the small charges. They charge too much per transaction and are too heavy weight in their overhead. One would like to be able to pay 5 or 10 cents for small articles or perhaps even to tip someone for a clever tweet. The extremely low overhead and transaction costs of bitcoin make these tiny payments practical.

For a look at the nitty gritty detailed technical basis for bitcoin micropayments see “Rapidly-adjusted (micro)payments to a pre-determined party” in the Contracts section of the Bitcoin wiki.

Another type of micropayment is those occurring inside games and virtual worlds. (Pointed out in Adam Ludwin’s Killer App article) Second Life, in its hey day back in 2006, had many thousands of people building spaces and creating behaviors for sale. They were forced to use the “Linden Dollar” which grew to have an exchange rate with fiat currency and so-called Second Life millionaires were born. One particular Chinese woman became a virtual land baron and a real life US dollar millionaire.


The current second wave of virtual reality led by the recent purchase of Oculus by Facebook will likely lead to robust virtual worlds where payments can occur in a much more frictionless manner using Bitcoin. Micropayments can seamlessly pass from one to another for all types of services and virtual goods. The original promise of Second Life with millions of people interacting in a new type of society, which includes economics, just might come to pass this time around.

Also of note, the bitcoinj library (a Java bitcoin library) provides support for micropayment channels. It provides:

“Support for micropayment channels that let you set up a multi-signature contract between client and server, and then negotiate on the channel, allowing fast micropayments that avoid miner fees.”

Brian Armstrong CEO of Coinbase and Chris Dixon (VC) clarify some of the micropayment needs with the blog “A standard protocol for machines to negotiate bitcoin payments for resources”.

Applications for the Unbanked

According to the FDIC approximately 10 million households in the USA are unbanked. The World Bank reports that 75% of the world’s poor — nearly 2.5 billion people — are unbanked. The World Bank states: “”Providing financial services to the 2.5 billion people who are ‘unbanked’ could boost economic growth and opportunity for the world’s poor,” said World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick. “Harnessing the power of financial services can really help people to pay for schooling, save for a home, or start a small business that can provide jobs for others. This new report on the world’s ‘unbanked’ makes the case: the more poor people are banking today, the more they are banking on their future.”

In addition there is a revolution in access to the Internet via inexpensive mobile phone. The uptake in developing countries is astounding. Mary Meeker, noted analyst at KPCB, illustrates mobile growth:


The combination of access to mobile internet connected devices and the decentralized financial technology enabled by bitcoin offer a real method to provide modern financial services to the world’s unbanked poor. Let’s look at a couple of these financial services, peer to peer lending and remittances.

Peer to Peer Lending

Peer to peer lending, where individuals make loans to other individuals, has been around for a while and is not unique to bitcoin. It’s not a native application. However, one aspect of peer to peer lending is a native application. As pointed out in Dixon’s article mentioned above, many of the 5 billion people now gaining access to smart phones are unbanked. The combination of a smartphone and bitcoin puts a bank in your pocket (as Gavin Andresen likes to describe bitcoin).  Peer to peer loans can be made to the unbanked easily.

Two prominent service providers are BTCjam and the BitLendingClub. They operate with different parameters: in one case the borrower sets the interest rate and in the other the lender can chose the interest rate. However they both allow individual lenders to loan to individual borrowers with a minimum of paperwork. It’s really permissionless lending with low overhead. Borrowers do pay a small fee to use the service but it’s far less hassle than traditional bank oriented loans — not to mention that the unbanked simply can’t get loans.


Financial transactions such as remittances by family members working in one country sending money back home are also possible. The potent combination of bitcoin and a smartphone, which eliminates the majority of those exorbitant cross-border fees, enables the vast majority of the money to reach its intended destination. And this all happens without the recipient needing a regular bank account. Not that having a bank account is so bad, but the infrastructure needed and fees inevitably charged are an impediment in less developed countries.

According to an early service provider of bitcoin remittances, rebittance:

“In 2014, an expected US$436 Billion will be remitted by migrants back to their families in the developing world. The cost of sending all those remittances is estimated at US$47 billion or more than 10% of the entire amount. Using Bitcoin, that number could be reduced to just US$5 billion, or 1.1%”

Now that’s what I call an opportunity!

Asset Allocation and Sharing

As Chris Dixon enumerated in his article, referred to earlier, assets such as network bandwidth, storage, and compute cycles can all be purchased via bitcoin in ways that allow for easy sharing. In addition bitcoin can help the so-called sharing economy by reducing friction and providing transparent auditing. Simply put, there are a bunch of different resources that are for sale. The customer of these resources simply wants to use them in as simple a manner as possible. Logging in, setting up accounts all create friction to the use of these assets. Of course the merchant selling the resources needs to be compensated. Bitcoin payment systems allow for payment without such impediments and proof of payment, important for the merchant, can also be provided.

According to Adam Ludwin (co-founder in Bitcoin’s Killer Apps – A Look Into the Future, one of the coming killer apps is shared assets: things like cars, living space, and computers can be shared much more easily than is currently possible. Some friends might want to share a car. This can be accomplished by assigning partial ownership and keeping track of usage right on the blockchain in a complete and unambiguous manner. 

More interestingly, complete strangers can share the asset. The car, and payments, usage, and time allocation can be tracked and enforced right on the blockchain. If you didn’t properly pay for the car’s time, it might not start (enforced by car interlock systems). You sign up for such a service knowing all the ramifications ahead of time and you are personally responsible for making payments and setting up reservations. Break the rules and the system can enforce and block usage, all with transparent and totally fair mechanisms.

The rules of behavior for how people are supposed to share the car can be encoded into the system via a “smart contract” and these rules become part of the bitcoin network. This may seem a little “1984ish” but the combination of these capabilities will surely evolve into interesting useful systems. Concepts such as proof of existence and proof of work can be used to prove to all interested parties that an asset exists and has been paid for. (There is even an early service for proof of existence at: Think of it as a generalized notary service.) The combination of decentralization, smart contracts, micropayments, and transparency forms a powerful infrastructure upon with new services will be built. And these are services that can not easily exist without the bitcoin network. These are “native apps”.

Network Bandwidth

You walk into a coffee shop and want to connect to their wifi. But it’s not free. Rather than being forced to set up an account and figure out a payment method you simply set up a micropayment channel much like any other type of streamed data. You pay according to the bandwidth used and whatever other access fees, if any, the coffee shop decides to charge. The unique aspects of doing this with bitcoin and the smart contracts it enables are that identity can remain private and business can be conducted with people you don’t trust.


Dropbox is a success because it makes available cloud based storage in a very convenient manner. One annoying aspect to these cloud based system is that you have to purchase access to a fixed quantity of storage. This is a pain if, for example, you just need a lot of space, more than will fit into your quota. Wouldn’t it be great if you could pay for that additional space on a temporary basis via simple micropayment based on the time and space needed? This could easily be accomplished by whatever payment method you use to pay the cloud storage provider as you already have an account. They could however provide storage services on a more ad hoc basis to people that don’t have accounts via the low overhead and convenience of bitcoin.

Mesh Network

Mesh networks haven’t really been a big commercial success. You can’t just walk around and connect to other network nodes and seamlessly connect to get some or another service. (This is not quite true: “FireChat”, a mesh network based chat service, played a role in recent Hong Kong democracy protests, allowing participants to chat with each other in a manner that could not be blocked by taking down the central server, because there was no central server!) Mesh networks are resilient and have the potential to provide many robust services such as internet connectivity, emergency notifications and other alerts. However, the distributed nature means it’s difficult to pay the owner of a node on the network, that might be you and your cell phone, for the use of your service. Bitcoin micropayments again come to the rescue and each peer can simply set up a payment to the attached peers providing incentive to be part of the mesh and keep the network running. Personally I’d like to see some type of payment made to operators of the bitcoin network (another mesh network) to provide incentive to operate full bitcoin nodes.

Decentralized Security

Bitcoin as a decentralized system containing value also requires the ability to monitor and assure owners that their assets are indeed safe and accessible. Traditional centralized audit capabilities and services don’t really work well, or if implemented, break the bitcoin model and impede its novel functionality. Andreas Antonopoulos, a noted bitcoin advocate, testified before the Canadian Senate and closed his opening remarks with:

“In the new decentralized financial network, we have the opportunity to invent new decentralized security mechanisms based upon innovations such as multi-signature escrow, smart contracts, hardware wallets, decentralized audit and algorithm mechanic proof of reserves. These are the new decentralized regulatory and security tools that are most appropriate for a decentralized digital currency. ”

While the bitcoin blockchain is decentralized, it is also totally transparent. Anyone can browse through the transactions that have occurred, all of them, and even observe the activity in real time. It’s possible to create “read-only” bitcoin addresses that enable one to see the value contained in a particular address without worrying that the value can be stolen, because it’s read only. Strictly speaking, in bitcoin jargon, these are “watch only” addresses. You can observe the money in an address without any danger of exposing a private key on your computer. It’s a great, safe method to keep track of assets.

Multisignature transactions are particularly interesting and useful. It’s just like it sounds: multiple signatures are necessary to complete the transactions. In the bitcoin world however, you can have a richer set of signature possibilities. You can specify, for example, that 3 of 5 people must sign the transaction. Or any number N of M possible signatures can be set up in the rules for completing a transaction. Obviously requiring more than a single individual to sign a transaction increases the security of the transaction. It is another example of decentralized security as the individuals do not have to be in any central location or even have their identity revealed.

Multisignature escrow is a particular application of multisignature transactions that brings the centralized concept of escrow to the decentralized world. From an article about  the company CoSignCoin that offers a multisignature escrow service:

“Multi-Signature escrow works by sending bitcoins to a securely created multi-signature Bitcoin address (Starts with a 3 instead of a 1) that requires two-of-three private keys to send a transaction. In smooth escrow transactions, CoSign Coin won’t get involved at all, as the two parties will be able to use their own private keys to send the funds out of escrow. In the case of a dispute, CoSign Coin would then step in as a second party. Of course, there is still risk that the counterparty and the escrow service could collude; however, that risk is evenly spread on both sides and seldom seen in practice.”

Smart contracts are possible because the bitcoin transactions that receive and send bitcoin value also have the interesting property of executing programmable scripts. This is an amazing capability once you grasp what’s going on. A detailed description of the basis for these contracts is at:

Offering such services as dispute resolution makes these types of systems more appropriate for large financial transactions, and is a sign that bitcoin is growing up. As bitcoin becomes more mature the services described in this article will become robust and lead the way to more mainstream acceptance. Bitcoin applications that are only possible using the transparent, decentralized infrastructure of the bitcoin network are key to making bitcoin a success.


Scammer McScammerson

How to spot a scam

In the wake of this morning’s announcement, I thought it was time to finally write an article about spotting scams. I’ve been “doing” Bitcoin fo-re-ver. You haven’t heard of me because, for the most part, I’m a lurker – and I like it that way. But recently, I’ve come out of the closet a bit more loudly in public.

For a little background on me … I’m a marketer. I have handled large brands, small brands, and everything in between. Nowadays, I run my own home security company, Alarm Grid. I’m the director of marketing and an avid Bitcoiner. Those are probably the two activities that I spend the most time on these days. I occasionally jump into the limelight, like last week, when I spoke at Refresh Miami on mobile payments next to one of the co-founders of Square in an absurd outfit consisting of a suit, a bowtie and a hat that said “EA$Y” on it. Such a costume lends to me an air of credibility that suits the internet Monopoly® money we invented and are using.

I’m in the middle. The photo is from the Miami Herald.

I have seen every scam come and go: every Ponzi scheme, every so-called hack, and the plain old professional thieves like Neo & Bee. Every time people get scammed, the mantra is the same. The afflicted take to Reddit, cry foul, talk about how someone should have warned them. Then the commenters start saying things like, “serves a person who believes [insert something] right.” The thing is, in the aftermath of a scam, everyone whose hackles were raised when they first heard the scam’s pitch comes out in droves claiming that they knew from day one. Just like when Bitcoin went up, everyone and their mother came out of the woodwork saying things like, “I was just about to invest, but then I didn’t.”

These sorts of statements are antithetical to my personal investment philosophy. But they are also the kinds of statements that indicate a mindset that is ready to be scammed. Very simply, I do not believe one should investing in vehicles that they do not understand. There is a lot of information out there. Some of it is knowable, and some of it is unknowable. There is a spectrum of knowability in there, and somewhere on that magical spectrum as it is applied to public companies in the US is where insider trading begins. If someone is making money on knowable things, their returns will be predictable. If they are making money or even just predictions with regard to unknowable things (like, for example, the day and hour that Bear Stearns will collapse), then they are being fed information. But that’s just how I feel. I don’t believe in oracles.

So anyhow, if you’d like to further explore why I think what I think, feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below. I’ll be around to participate. That said, let me share with you some really simple principles that have kept me from getting scammed over the years.

“If It’s Too Good to be True…” What That Phrase Actually Means

You’ve heard this before. But what does it mean for something to be too good to be true? In the investment world, it’s pretty simple. You have a few baselines that you can measure against. One of the most important is the S&P 500. This has a highly consistent 10%-ish/year rate of return over 30 years. It’s a bit volatile, however, and goes up and down with the markets. That said, its returns are consistent. There are plenty of criticisms of investing in the S&P, but as a benchmark, it’s pretty much the best we have.

So when someone tells you that they have an investment opportunity for you, how can you know it’s “too good to be true?”

It’s not a universal law, by any stretch of the imagination. But if it returns more than 10%, or anywhere near 10% per year, that’s a big red flag. Professional money managers (in spite of what they say) have a hard time returning anything near or above the S&P over long periods of time.

If you’ve ever wondered what a Ponzi looks like, consider looking at one of the greatest Ponzis ever executed. Madoff’s returns were about 15%/year. Many Bitcoin scams promise between 15% and 20% or more each month. People were screaming Ponzi for years when it came to Madoff. In the real world a 15% return is unheard of. Madoff’s return was unprecedented.

A very simple way to gut check this is to apply the very simple rule of 72. If you divide the percentage promised by 72, you can get a good approximation of how much money you will make in an investment. In the case of Madoff, 72/15% per year = doubling every 4.8 years. At between 15% and 20% per month, you’re talking either 72/15% or 72/20% per month = doubling every 4.8 months or 3.6 months. So consider, while real-world investors were suspicious of a doubling of their money every 4.8 years, many Bitcoiners put their money into products that promise to go through 22 doublings in that same time period. So Berney would have turned your $1,000 investment into $2,000 over a nearly 5 year time span. Over that same time period, – the most recent scam to be uncovered – was claiming that they could turn your $1,000 investment into just under $2.1 billion over the same 5 year time period. I’m not going to cast aspersions, but sometimes if you just run the numbers, the scams are obvious. Just for comparison, if you bought $1,000 worth of Bitcoin at $.20 and sold it at $1,000, you would have made about $5 million. And I think we can all recognize that that is absurd growth (also a pretty good explanation for why financial institutions are pretty suspicious of BTC).

Does It Guarantee Returns?

No one can guarantee anything unless they are doing something that is riskless. There are a few examples of quasi-riskless investments out there, but they are either 1) exploiting inefficiencies that will be closed once a certain amount of money is thrown at them, or 2) returning at or just above inflation. Arbitrage, by the way, falls under number 1. And while a lot of Bitcoiners believe that they are engaging in arbitrage, most of the time, arbitrage is regarded as (almost) risk-free. Bitcoin’s markets have a high chance of failure, themselves, which means that even keeping one’s money in there exposes it to high levels of systemic risk. So even Bitcoin arbitrage isn’t arbitrage.

If someone tells you that you will, almost guaranteed, get some high rate of return on your money, it is probably a scam. What’s a high rate? Well, remember, a riskless investment will probably return about what US inflation returns (3-ish percent). An incredibly high-yield, risky investment might return 10-12%. Understanding this with regard to legitimate investments will help you get a really fast understanding of your exposure to risk in any investment.

By the way, I see the debates about inflation being a false number coming. I can smell them. Even if you believe that, I don’t care. Take the debate elsewhere, this isn’t the forum.

Is Your Money Illiquid?

A lot of investment schemes tie your money up for a period of time. In Bitcoin, a lot of these are Ponzis. But there are a lot of products in the real world that do the same thing. Non-trade REITs, for example, are a great way to run what looks legitimate but acts a lot like a Ponzi scheme. Oftentimes, wealthy people invest in them because their financial advisor recommends the product and they promise big returns. You can’t pull your money out of the product because it requires that you stay invested for some defined term. Locking your money in is a great way to bide time. While some legitimate investments will lock up money, this is a pretty big red flag.

Are You The Sucker? Because Someone Is the Sucker…

I feel like it’s stage 3 of becoming a Bitcoiner. Everyone buys mining rigs. They spend a ton of money on some rig they read about on the internet that promises that bitcoins will shoot forth like one of those infinity-coin boxes in Super Mario Brothers. That’s not how things work.

I believe in the efficiency of markets. Remember what I said about knowable and unknowable information? Well, money is not made by information that everyone can know. Why are mining companies selling you their rigs if they could have made more money simply running the rig? And don’t get all high and mighty on me here. You’re buying the rig which is a validation of that point. You purchase the rig because you believe that mining companies are selling the rig at a price that is so low that you will be able to make money on the purchase.

When I first heard about mining companies selling rigs, the first thing that came out of my mouth was very simply, “those people won’t get their miners for about 8 months.” And I was right. How did I know? Well, I knew because the place where people make their money is in the unknowable information. Do you know how to make an ASIC? No? Well, then you won’t be able to compete with others who do. Just a fact.

In every transaction, there is a trade going on. Hopefully, that transaction intersects at the point where you get a certain amount of value from the purchase, and the seller gets an equivalent amount of value by taking payment for the product or service. In the case where the company is doing something because they are “good guys” who want to help “make others rich” you are on the wrong boat. They are going to be getting a lot of value from your payment, and you will not be getting a lot of value from their product.

Opportunities Are Created Not Happed Upon

Remember, I’m an entrepreneur. I’m a little biased here. But let me tell you about how I’ve turned my investment of a small amount into an investment of a slightly larger amount. I showed up to work every day, I worked 18 hours a day for two years, I lost friendships and other significant relationships, I lost a lot of contact with my family, I stopped watching television and playing video games. I sleep in my car sometimes just to catch up on sleep so that I can go back into the office and work. Some entrepreneurs have it a little bit easier, but, I think if you read about the good ones (not that I’m equating myself with them), most have very similar tales of woe. For those who don’t have the itch, being an entrepreneur is awful. It’s not fun.

So what if I told you you could bypass all that heartache and pain and get wealthy? There is something appealing to the idea that we can all make money or create opportunity without giving up anything. For value to be created, something has to be sacrificed. In the Bitcoin system, it’s energy. In some ways, while more metaphorical than it should be, that’s one of the big philosophical problems I have with Proof of Stake systems that are not acknowledged as centralized systems. In order for value to be created, someone has to sacrifice something.

If someone tells you that they are giving you an opportunity to earn untold wealth, and all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride, 99 times out of 100, it’s a scam. Those aren’t real odds. My guess is that the odds of it not being a scam are even far worse.

The Best Scammers are Often Scamming Themselves; Many of Them are Really, Genuinely Good People

The reason this article came into existence at all was because last week at Coins in the Kingdom I made some noise about the people. I just let everyone know that it was a Ponzi, I made sure to say it every time I saw a person talking to their reps at the center table. I’d walk over and just kindly inform them that I believed this to be a very blatant Ponzi. What was my proof? Math doesn’t lie. The two representatives behind the counter were probably genuinely good people. Both of them said that they had lots of money in Bitcoin-Trader. So with today’s announcement, I’m guessing they are in a pretty bad place.

The truth is, anyone can be scammed. We are all susceptible. Many early Bitcoiners have been through the ringer – scammed multiple times. The two representatives at Coins in the Kingdom were pitching what appears on the surface to be an obvious scam. Why were they so brazenly opposed to acknowledging it? I wish I knew.

I see what I think are obvious scams in this community all the time. But for the most part, these people are not going around trying to scam people. Some of them are – Trendon Shavers AKA Pirate was running a straight-up, unapologetic Ponzi. But there are scams out there that genuinely good people don’t know they are running. I’d say a lot of crypto coins based on personality cults fall into this category. The point here is that just because you met someone who is nice or competent, it doesn’t mean they aren’t pitching a scam.

Always be vigilant. Always be skeptical. And don’t be nice to scammers. Call them out. Because, there are a lot of people who don’t know quite what they’re getting into when they come to Bitcoin. And while it’s a good opportunity to learn for most of us, wouldn’t it be better if we could just ferret out the scammers at the outset?

A (Working!) Web Broadcast from Space: Interview with Outernet

Thane Richard of Outernet is chatting with me while in a coffee shop (on the anonymous peer-to-peer chat platform Talky). His car is being repaired at the mechanic next door—ah, the woes of the terrestrial world!

Thane, what is Outernet?

I think we should start by saying that there’s a pretty big problem—gap, disparity, whatever you want to call it—in the world right now, that not a lot of people are aware of. That’s that only about a third of humanity right now has access to the Internet. Four billion people cannot access the Internet, which is essentially an enormous library. The largest library ever built. And that library enables you to access so much valuable information that everyday, people like you and me take for granted. Whether it’s news, entertainment (entertainment is an end in itself, I think), health information, weather data for farmers, courseware. What Outernet does is we broadcast the best of the content of this library, from space, for free.

And so anyone within our broadcast footprint, which right now is limited to North America, Europe, Middle East, and North Africa—anybody can build a receiver, which we publish plans to—openly—no one ever has to buy anything from Outernet. In fact, we encourage people to build their own receivers, and we hope that, sort of like FM radio, we can focus on the signal and allow others to manufacture the actual radios that tune in to the signal.

Outernet coverage

And everything that it is in the library, or in the broadcast, is selected and open for vote. So people can request. We just actually released this last week. It’s called WhiteBoard. You can go and paste a link—we ask that you tell us what the license for the content is—and then people can vote on it. It sort of moves up and down the queue based on demand. So, that is Outernet.

Excellent. With the system of voting, is that because you have only so many megabytes to broadcast per day, so the content must be prioritized?

Right. Right now we’re broadcasting 200 megabytes per day to those locations I mentioned. It’s like BitTorrent from space.

How could Outernet help in, say, a zombie apocalypse, in which a lack of electricity limits connection to the Internet?

[Laughs.] I’m a huge Walking Dead fan, too. Or I used to be at the beginning. I feel like the show’s kind of fallen off.

In the event of a zombie apocalypse—what you always see in the classic zombie movies—is all these little groups working in isolation. Everybody just sort of forms these camps, nobody has any idea what’s going on, the plots are always centered around getting to the “safe zone” but no one knows if it’s been built. It’s almost like we go from the two-thirds of humanity who don’t have access to this library, to everyone. In that situation, Outernet would be the oasis in the desert. We would continue to broadcast, because whatever is happening on earth, whether it’s a zombie apocalypse or tsunami or military conflict, has no effect on our ability to broadcast from space. We’d probably prioritize news, emergency information, how to best prepare and defend yourself from the zombie apocalypse—maybe that book by, who’s the guy who wrote World War Z? His first book about the zombie preparedness guide. Anyway, maybe we’d broadcast that book and a few classic zombie movies so that people can see what works and doesn’t work.

I should clarify—Outernet is not the Internet. It’s not two-way communication. With Outernet, it’s a one-way broadcast. You receive what we broadcast, and you can filter it.

Outernet receivers

What would it take for Outernet to become a two-way communication system?

More funding. [Laughs.] If we had an unlimited, deep purse, we’d be able to switch on to two-way communication, but there are actually a few reasons why that’s not ideal, and why there should be a one-way broadcast, sort of as a baseline that is always available, and having a two-way broadcast as more of a premium service.

The first is that, when you have a two-way broadcast, you have transmitters, because now you’re not just having an antenna or a dish or a receiver that is purely a receive-only device, which is what you have with, like, an FM radio. Your FM radio can’t talk back to the radio station, so it’s not as heavily regulated. Whenever you start broadcasting information from a device, you’re going to run into enormous hurdles in terms of telecommunication regulation, pretty much in every country. So we’re able to mostly avoid that.

The second is that, because it’s a one-way data stream, it guarantees the end user anonymity of consumption. When you turn on your radio in your car, nobody knows you turned it on and nobody knows what you’re listening to. So same thing with Outernet. Nobody is able to know—we’re not even able to know—how many people have built a receiver, whether it’s on, what they have on it and what they’re reading. So for those who are very concerned with privacy, especially with all the revelations with what the U.S. government has been doing with the NSA, tracking Internet users’ online behavior, that’s not something we’d be able to give access to even if we wanted to. That sort of shield of anonymity is very important.

Do you yet take donations in Bitcoin?

We do! We have been accepting bitcoins for a little while.

How else can people get involved?

There are actually several ways. The first, as you mentioned, is to donate and support our work financially, which we always appreciate. Short of donating, the biggest help would be signing our list. Adding your name and email to our list is casting your vote in support of a world without censorship and with free information access for everyone, regardless of income or geography. It helps us build credibility, raise
funds, and deliver on our mission. The last way is really pretty basic—just support what we’re doing by adding to the discussion. Go in our forums, talk about what you think about Outernet, why you think it’s important, whether you disagree with it. Some people disagree with it, and think we’re a total conspiracy. They think we’re like SkyNet [laughs].

We just released a video that we think is pretty powerful, about this idea of a world without censorship—what would this world look like if everybody had access to this information? So that is a huge help when people share that video. The more people around the world who know that Outernet exists, the better.

Outernet’s Bitcoin donation address is 12BvyAn2wYHzgCKcJvKfapKgo9G7anEcSX. They are currently holding a crowdfundraiser to make the Outernet broadcast completely global.

Why Russia Hates Bitcoin but Might Love the ApplePay

You have to hand it to the world’s unofficial richest man – Russia’s Vladimir Putin. He’s running a covert financial war against the Western countries so successfully it makes US banks like JP Morgan look like stooges. The Russian covert underground cyber-army is taunting banks and has become so confident in their abilities they can brag about them before they even pull off their cyber-tricks. The newly reported  K-Mart hack attack was just announced recently but the actual intrusion was already several weeks old.

For the Russian mafia – it’s like taking candy from a baby. They can handle their army of hackers like puppets on strings. What can the US do in return? What is the best weapon the powers of the NSA and FBI can throw back in retaliation? The U.S. admits that they can’t retaliate. So for now, they can only use …. Harsh  language.

Wikileaks indicate that the world leaders already understand that the corrupt Russian Mafia and various thugs and police protection surround Putin as their ringleader. Others consider Putin only a glorified Warlord. Bribery using suitcases full of cash run the country which still operates arms traffic, drugs, prostitution slaves, protection rackets, and other common vices the world has suffered for ages. The Russian police are actually paid to be the protectors for the mafia kingpins and spies.

 US banks and credit card users may be pawns in covert money wars. They snipe the accounts, steal the identities, or shop our personal account information around. Then they use the money to pay the corruption, oligarchs and Putin as it reportedly cost 300 billion per year to keep the bribes going. The banks in the US seem to be doing their part to help the Oligarchs. They dutifully create new accounts and issue new credit cards that will soon be available, once more, to the Russian hackers who then break in and steal those freshly minted credit cards practically before the last ones are mailed out. Then the whole thing repeats again and again. Like the mortgage crisis, the money just gets replaced, insurance and the Fed just paper over the problem and print more. We could avoid the trouble and take the shortcut. Why doesn’t the Fed just print stacks of cash, put it in a semi-truck and drop it off at the Russian border with a big bow around it for them to have? Many bitcoiners already know this system is a paradigm ripe for change.

Russia announced new proposed laws that would seek to ban bitcoin and digital currencies. This would be to their tactical advantage as they have exposed the weakness to the Western banks reliance on credit cards. As banks continue to replace the money and credit cards and reactivate the hacked accounts, the banks and customers become recycled targets for the hackers once again. Russian mafia have long been tied to the secret government officials and through them. The flow of money for the Russians all lead to Vladimir. Chinese and Russian hackers have been relentless against ‘soft targets’ of the US financial system. The latest alert from the London Evening Standard exposes a new target plan to steal another one billion dollars from the banking system that is in the planning stages.

Looking at readers’ comments to these news reports, a common reaction is “so what.” Because the banks replace the cards it seemingly is just a slight inconvenience to the card holder. This may be true on the surface level. However, knowing where the money flows and who it benefits makes the matter more complex. A lot of cash is trading hands, and expenses for the credit card industry will just be passed on to the cardholders. It will be money that will show up as “hidden inflation” in the products they purchase as the credit cards and retailers will charge more down the road to make up the difference. One’s personal identity and personal details are available to a shady group of people. If these people realized their lives are simply financial commodities to be bought and sold like cattle, would it make a difference?

Apple Computers has been on a roll. Now with over 160 billion in cash on hand, they are looking to extend their power and influence to now include the ApplePay system for Point of Sale terminals that will use NFC (Near Field Communication). Payment systems insiders also refer to NFC as (Nobody Freaking Cares) as it’s already been available on Android phones for two years but failed to make much difference. This may create new opportunity as the centralization of payment activities and the possible single point of failure for hackers. Apple still denies the leaked celebrity photos were taken from iCloud, however, insiders have warned that Apple knew for months that iCloud had security problems, as was alerted. The strong denials from Apple would be expected as the timing couldn’t be worse. The dawn of the announcement of ApplePay, which uses iCloud to store the credit card and account details, might land with a “thunk” if people feared their financial freedom was vulnerable to a hacked system.

The alleged hackers of Dutch origin could already be on Putin’s payroll by now. The Dutch group denies they were in it for the money, but the Russian mafia have ‘other means’ by which they compel people to perform for them, and might just make them an offer they can’t refuse. This pot of gold at the end of the ApplePay rainbow may be too lucrative to ignore. Once central locations for all the goodies. That is why it may be doomed to failure. That paradigm is likely ending.

Today, many in the public believe that hackers have been just as successful stealing bitcoin. They’ve pointed to a history of bitcoin hacks like the one compiled by The Guardian. They won’t care about the technical differences between the two kinds of hacks. But it will make a difference to Putin. Bitcoin will be a much tougher beast for him to tame as the market adapts to stronger wallet security. Even if Russian people themselves aren’t allowed to use bitcoin, it will be tougher for the hackers to steal enough credit card funds to pay 300 billion a year in bribery fees once the countries they are stealing from switch to bitcoin.

Don’t feel too bad for Putin. He might be able to get along with only Warren Buffet kind of money. Poor fellow.


Unschooling: a Decentralized P2P Education Platform

By: Catherine Bleish

I would like to introduce you to a different method of learning, an education system that mirrors many of the strengths found within the Bitcoin network — unschooling.

As Bitcoin is to the Federal Reserve Note, unschooling is to standardized education. This decentralized peer-to-peer method of learning provides students with the opportunity to follow their own interests and capabilities without the negative pressures and influences found within centralized models of education. Bitcoin provides power to the users and unschooling provides power to the students.

When we look at the whole range of decentralized systems, we see the intrinsic value in such models. In fact, decentralized systems can be found all over nature and society. When you take a bird’s eye view, it seems that decentralized systems are the natural, efficient and secure way for people to function.  This brings clarity to the success found in both Bitcoin and unschooling.

What is unschooling?

The concept of unschooling was developed by John Holt, who identified schools as the reason children were failing to learn. “The human animal is a learning animal; we like to learn; we are good at it; we don’t need to be shown how or made to do it. What kills the processes are the people interfering with it or trying to regulate it or control it.” His first two books, How Children Fail and How Children Learn, revolutionized modern thoughts on conventional education.

Unschooling is often also called life learning, and can be described as child-led learning. It allows you to teach your children the fundamentals of reading, writing, math, and science by creating learning opportunities surrounding their unique interests. I have heard it described as “living as if school does not exist.”

Human beings are learning creatures. It’s how we survive and thrive. We take data, process it, and act upon the conclusions we draw. I have never met a person who does not want to learn, only people who do not want to learn specific topics they are told they must. I was this way. I had to fight my school to let me into classes advanced enough to challenge me. In lower level courses I had trouble paying attention, found myself distracted and longing to be elsewhere. In my AP level courses I found myself focused, driven, and doing work beyond that which was assigned.

Lovers of Bitcoin know that its power is in the network. Decentralized, distributed, peer-to-peer and open source, the Bitcoin network provides protection from the problems that national currencies face. These problems include manipulation by governments and central banks, control of the money supply by one or very few authorities, and a cloak of secrecy in decision making. The Bitcoin protocol prevents these types of scenarios by ensuring the power remains in the hands of the users themselves.

Unschooling provides protection against the problems that conventional education systems face, problems many of us who were educated in the modern compulsory school system know all too well: teaching to a test, forced learning of topics of little interest to the students, indoctrination of particular viewpoints that usually benefit the ruling class, the expectation of all students to learn at the same pace, and a lack of decision making power for the students and parents themselves.

Interest Based Groups

Just as the Bitcoin network uses a system of mining pools where machines work with each other, unschooled children are brought together based on interests and help each other learn by working and playing alongside one another. Children who enjoy gardening get together and get their fingers dirty in the soil. Children who enjoy gaming meet up with fellow gamers and build critical thinking skills. Children who simply want to play outside find themselves at the local park or pool learning valuable communication skills.

This tends to be how we group ourselves as adults. This could be in the work environment where adults who want to work for a common cause or are trained in a specific type of work all find themselves in close proximity. Whether it’s churches, interest groups, or community service groups, we find ourselves surrounded by people who are interested in the same things we are, not necessarily the same age we are.

This is in contrast to the standardized education model of grouping children by age. Yes, it is great to have kids around fellow kids, but ultimately we find ourselves around people of all ages, and it is important to teach your children how to function in interests-based groups as opposed to age-based groups. The modern education system forces children to be in close proximity with the same people year after year, no matter their actual interests or skills. They have to wait for extracurricular activities to get this interaction.

Decentralized Models Work

There are successful applications of decentralized systems all over society and nature. Consider ants who forage for food.  When one ant finds something edible, they release a pheromone to let other ants know there is something worth traveling in their direction to get a piece of. Each individual ant responds to their identification of this pheromone and acts accordingly. When bird flocks migrate, they instinctively know how and when to change positions to effectively travel long distances.

Even humans do this. Watch an aerial video of traffic in a country that doesn’t have traffic signals. Cars, bikes, horses and pedestrians all find a way to their destination without a centralized authority telling them when to turn or how to get there. It looks absolutely terrifying to those of us accustomed to traffic lights and speed limits, but statistics indicate these deregulated traffic environments are safer and have fewer accidents.

Decentralized Education

Centralized networks or structures have a singular point of failure. Look at modern education.  From a national level you can see that federally mandated standardized tests create a centralization of resources, energy and brain power. This really became the status quo under the No Child Left Behind legislation passed by Congress in 2001, and more recently, the controversial Common Core Curriculum. What happens when this centralized method of teaching children fails? It trickles down to every single student participating in the massive standardized testing system. In contrast, a distributed education system is far more resilient and effective, allowing students to follow a unique and personal learning pattern that best fits their interests and capabilities.

Parents who choose to unschool their children are there to facilitate learning, not dictate it. This may mean de-prioritizing the so-called fundamentals. Children seem to be more naturally inclined to hyperfocus on issues, and unschooling may mean allowing them the freedom to do that. When you want to learn, you do. It’s as simple as that.

Applications at Home

If your children are already in school, homeschooled or have yet to begin school, you can begin to apply this philosophy into your daily life. Understanding that humans are designed to learn, you can feel confident giving your children the freedom to explore the universe in a less structured fashion. This could manifest in outdoor play time, exploring age-appropriate websites and social media, making crafts, or simply helping you in your day-to-day routine. You can plan family outings to museums, nature centers, or attend a local unschool meetup.

More specifically, to facilitate math skills and financial management, ask your children to pay at the checkout counter. To teach them about health and nutrition, ask them to plan one meal or more per week. Help them shop for and cook their meal to encourage strategic thought and an understanding of chemistry in the kitchen. This will empower your children and help them prepare for life outside of your nest.

What other ways can you create a learning environment for your children? In our house we provide constant access to age and skill appropriate toys, games, books, crafts, and movies. We bring our children with us almost everywhere we go, allowing them to interact with a wide range of diverse people. We attend local unschool and homeschool meetups and make sure to attend community events in our town.

Some parents are resistant to the idea that their children will learn all the necessary skills to function in life without a standardized curriculum. The most convincing opportunity for me was attending the Rethinking Everything Conference two summers ago. I was able to witness hundreds of unschooled children and their families. These children were the most empowered, passionate and creative children I have ever met. Many of the teens have their own businesses and nearly every child was far more advanced compared to their compulsory schooled counterparts.

Attending this conference allowed me to meet adults who were unschooled as children. Not one of them was unhappy or dissatisfied with their educational background. Many entered and attended college, graduating with honors, and were successful individuals. If you are curious about this decentralized method of educating your children, I highly encourage you to expose yourself to these students.

Like Bitcoin, the strength of unschooling is in the network.

If you are interested in unschooling, here is a list of resources you can check out:

There are even conferences you can attend to learn more and gain exposure to the beauty unschooling can bring into your life.

Happy decentralized learning!


New York City, NY (October 15, 2014Launching today, The Beyond Bitcoin Expert Calling Network,(BBECN) is an innovative new service that provides access to thought-leaders and experts, covering a wide range of the Bitcoin ecosystem. It is the world’s first expert calling network devoted to all things Bitcoin – including Altcoins and Blockchain applications – and features well-known experts who speak around the nation, and the world, on the subject.

Bitcoin and the Blockchain may be the most important innovations since the introduction of the Internet. Many businesses, as well as the general public, want to understand this disruptive technology. The BBECN is a web-based service that allows anyone to speak directly to leading authorities in Bitcoin and related digital assets and platforms. It features a hand-selected group of recognized experts in the field, and covers a wide range of game-changing categories that can help callers make more informed business and technology decisions, for multi-sector growth.

“There are many of questions about Bitcoin and the new applications it makes possible. Professional digital currency consulting can be prohibitively expensive for ‘real people’ who run small- to medium-sized businesses, and budgets don’t necessarily allow for companies to attend the growing number of cult-like Bitcoin conferences, so the BBECN provides an affordable entry to high-level understanding.”, stated Rik Willard, CEO of MintCombine, Inc., the BBECN’s Network Sponsor.

The BBECN provides cost-effective access to the same professionals hired by large corporations for many thousands of dollars. It is designed to give callers – especially individuals and small businesses – a better understanding of the Bitcoin ecosystem without breaking the bank. Willard believes that this will let people plan for what is coming more effectively, and armed with timely and relevant information.

BBECN Expert Joseph Lubin, COO of Ethereum says the service is necessary because “… the decentralization revolution is happening in many industries and monetary and political systems around the globe. Pushing knowledge, technology, power and control down to the grass roots of society is forging fairer and more flexible systems. You can see this in peer-to-peer, sharing-economy businesses like Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, and TaskRabbit as they disrupt industries that were somewhat stagnant by streamlining old business models.  Decentralized, blockchain-based, consensus formation technologies, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others enable this trend to progress to the next level”.

Following Lubin’s logic, Willard added, “This information is no longer exclusively for the elite tech world, fanboys, and large corporations. Digital currency ecosystems will affect how we transact business, write contracts, interact online, support causes, promote products and grow markets… and it is all happening NOW. Through the BBECN, real people and businesses will finally have direct access to the experts who are defining the way forward.”

BBECN Experts cover a broad range of “mainstream” topics including technology, regulatory issues, marketing, and even the music industry. They were selected based on their ability to translate complex concepts into practical, useful information. The BBECN launch features the following Experts:

Juan Llanos, Nationally acclaimed Anti Money Laundering and Financial Compliance expert, and a TED speaker.

Joseph Lubin, Chief Operating Officer of Ethereum, a “Bitcoin  2.0” entity that recently completed a $15 million raise.

Rik Willard, CEO of MintCombine, which creates digital asset-based consumer engagement programs.

Tatiana Moroz, Singer/Songwriter who issued TatianaCoin, her own digital currency, to help finance her music career.

Ray Garcia, Digital payments expert.

Adam Levine, Founder of Let’s Talk Bitcoin and the LTB Coin.

More experts will be added to the service each month.

The BBECN platform is provided by Fanaticall, Inc. a Washington DC-based company that creates customized Expert Calling  Networks. It is sponsored by MintCombine, Inc., a think-tank and product lab for digital assets including Bitcoin, Altcoin and Blockchain applications for consumer engagement, is the Network Sponsor.

“Digital currencies and their supporting ecosystems are complex, changing rapidly, and will have a profound impact on our lives,” stated Brian Christie, CEO of Fanaticall. “We are pleased to provide the technology that powers the Bitcoin ECN as it showcases how an Expect Calling Network can help make knowledge sharing more accessible to everyone.”

Interested parties can send an email to for more information, or call  646-807-8170.

About MintCombine, Inc.:

MintCombine, Inc. is a bespoke digital asset developer for a new world of “Enlightened Consumer Engagement”. With expertise in global branding and advanced technologies, its network of digital and marketing professionals design solutions for clients to help them benefit from emerging digital currency ecosystems. As the BBECN network sponsor, MintCombine sets the benchmark for creating understanding, transparency, efficiency and results for all client stakeholders. Beyond Bitcoin Expert Calling NetworkSM and BBECNSM are Service Marks of MintCombine. Read more at

About Fanaticall, Inc:

The BBECN platform is provided by Fanaticall, Inc. a Washington DC-based company that creates customized Expert Calling  Networks. MintCombine, Inc., a think-tank and product lab for digital assets including Bitcoin, Altcoin and Blockchain applications for consumer engagement, is the Network Sponsor.

Inside Bitcoins Heads to Israel in Less Than 1 Week – Get 10% OFF

Inside Bitcoins Conference & Expo, the leading trade show for the fast-growing bitcoin and related cryptocurrency, will be launching in Israel later this month after successful events earlier this year in Berlin, New York, Hong Kong, Melbourne, London, and Las Vegas. From October 19-20, thought leaders, virtual currency experts and business visionaries will converge at Kfar Maccabiah Convention Center to lead a discussion on the first digital, decentralized, peer-to-peer based global currency.

Whether you’re a venture capitalist, lawyer, technologist, or entrepreneur, the conference agenda offers a diverse and exciting array of topics that shed light on the implications of bitcoin, along with predictions on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Featured speakers include:

  • Peter Todd, Bitcoin Core Developer
  • Meni Rosenfeld, Chairman of the Israeli Bitcoin Association
  • Tamar Zandberg of the Israeli Parliament
  • Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder of Bitcoin Magazine and Ethereum

And many more! View the full speaker list here.

Inside Bitcoins Tel Aviv will also feature a bi-directional Bitcoin ATM, which will be placed at your service.

bmag2 - Tel Aviv









We’re pleased to announce that Bitcoin Magazine is once again partnering with Inside Bitcoins to offer all readers 10% OFF a full conference pass. Enter code BMAG14 at checkout to redeem your discount. Register now!


Storj Crowdsale Conclusion

The initial Storj crowdsale has finally come to a close, and the Storj team is pleased with the results, having raised at least 910 BTC. Although they are still hard at work on furthering development, the funding raised for their decentralized cloud storage platform exceeded their expectations.

Storj, for the uninformed, is designed to allow users to store files over their peer-to-peer network. Using Metadisk, one can upload content to the network for distributed storage across its participating nodes; users either pay for this service in Storjcoin X–known as SJCX, the network’s native currency–or allow the network to store an equivalent amount of data on their own computer. This undercuts traditional corporate cloud storage services by an order of magnitude.

The Storj team promises to put the money from their crowdsale to good use. Some of it will be used to reimburse people for prior expenses paid out of pocket, and pay for salaries for full-time contributors as well as freelance work. The rest will go to further cloud storage development, research into decentralized technology, marketing and PR, community initiatives and projects, and legal counsel.

In addition to helping promote a decentralized Internet and earning Storjcoin X, crowdsale participants will receive early access to DriveShare. DriveShare is another cloud storage application, but its purpose is slightly different from Metadisk: primarily for those who just want to make SJCX and have plenty of hard drive space to spare, it allows users to rent it out to the network. As soon as the beta is live, contributors will be given access in the order in which they contributed, until it’s ready for full public release.

Transparency is very important to Storj, and they have released a full list of their team members upon request. They want to make sure all funding is properly allocated, so you can track all of the bitcoins they raised from the crowdsale at address 132aBrspLgL54cm9eQfGNFLGqXwBRQrugc, as well as the leftover Storjcoin X at 19KvumZgcs2owq9tF2obyg1SBmXDVdzNnW. Most of that will be used to reward users who contribute resources to the network.

Most SJCX has not yet been generated, but the developers plan to use a timelock transaction to ensure they cannot be arbitrarily spent. 75 million of those will be spent on community organization, such as elections. Another 75 million is reserved for platform developers working full-time or those seeking to earn development bounties. The rest will go to bounties encouraging the development of new apps on the Storj platform, and future crowdsales if necessary.

Going forward, the Storj team hopes to to make centralized services like DropBox a thing of the past, and are excited for the future. To get more news and updates as they come, you can subscribe to the Storj newsletter via their website, or register on their forums where there’s an active community to help you. You can email questions or comments to

How to Fight Volatility in Cryptocurrency

You’ve probably heard it many times if you frequently spread the good word about crypto. “Isn’t Bitcoin volatile? What if the price crashes?” By now, many POS systems offer free fiat conversion, alleviating some concern, but until the volatility of cryptocurrencies is addressed, most people will be unwilling to hold any. We need to find a way to fight the volatility that is inherent in Bitcoin.

This doesn’t necessarily mean Bitcoin has to change; many people prefer to use a deflationary currency, especially those who like to save. Despite the skepticism of many altcoin critics, a currency can be better suited for some applications than others. Financial privacy, for example, is great for political activists, but more problematic when it comes to political campaign finance. We need a stable cryptocurrency designed for use in commerce; unless you’re living paycheck to paycheck, this would be held as only a fraction of your wealth, the rest reserved as other coins like bitcoins.

Backing Cryptocurrency

Some of these methods require a little trust. Using smart contracts on blockchain 2.0 platforms, developers can now build cryptocurrencies backed by items of “real” value. The trusted third party promises to redeem cryptocoins for those items at an ongoing fixed rate; assets like .bit domain names would be simple to do this with, while backing with things like commodities, real estate or other property requires interaction with third parties like the traditional legal system.

Rather than fluctuating wildly with the free market, the values of of these cryptocoins are proportional to that of their underlying assets. You just have to pick the right one: commodities like oil which fluctuate in value throughout the year would not make for a stable currency. GENERcoin is working on a cryptocurrency backed by biofuel pellets–10,000 BTUs of energy-worth per coin. Its value would be related to the value of that much electricity, minus the cost of the energy generation process.

People will surely think of more stable assets in the future. For now, the dollar may still be one of the most stable options. Interestingly enough, cryptocurrencies can be backed by dollars, too, an idea proposed by Realcoin (soon to be called Tether). They will keep a publicly-auditable reserve of USD not less than the value of all Realcoins in existence, which the company will exchange for one another at any time.

This is particularly useful for FOREX traders, who previously had to rely on centralized currency exchanges in order to speculate on currency exchange markets; even if the dollar is destined to crash, there’s profit to be made in shorting it, which will be cheaper and more efficient as smart contracts on the blockchain. Realcoin effectively allows you to do that by mimicking the value of a dollar.

Conversely, when Bitcoin experiences periodic sell-offs, you can exit and re-enter the market without any direct interaction with the traditional banking system. Realcoin could also be used transactionally in times of extreme Bitcoin volatility. In the long term, though, Realcoin will go down in value as surely as Bitcoin will go up, and when the dollar inevitably collapses, we’re going to need a new form of stable currency that doesn’t rely on state control.

Basket Case

Before returning to the question of how to automate the authorities in our lives, it’s worth talking a little bit about the idea of basket coins. Essentially, basket coins are the same as value-backed cryptocurrencies, except that they are backed by more than one item. They can be traded as normal on the blockchain via a 2.0 platform; choosing the right combination of items to represent a basket coin can give it interesting properties.

The basic reason critics are skeptical of altcoins is that they fear the dilution of the cryptocurrency market: altcoins currently get most of their capital from previous Bitcoiners, not by converting new people to crypto. This is the unfortunate result of technology advancing faster than mainstream culture, and our common drive to be first at everything. As convenient as it is for branding reasons, however, a new flagship cryptocurrency must emerge.

The only good way to test the dilution theory–and more importantly, avoid the consequences if it’s correct–is a basket currency consisting of all the major cryptocurrencies, tied together via smart contracts on a 2.0 platform. A smart entity known as a DApp would have addresses for all of these, where it holds enough coins to reimburse those wanting to exchange for their basket coins. A basket coin would be worth a number of each cryptocurrency proportional to its total market share, and inversely proportional to its total number of coins–basically, the (weighted) average of every significant cryptocurrency on the market.

This is great for those who want to invest in crypto with less speculation, especially once we include things like equity in decentralized autonomous corporations. However, if cryptocurrency as a whole fluctuates for whatever reason, adoption for use in commerce will still suffer. What we’d need in that case is a coin backed by a perfect, continuously-adjusted combination of deflationary and inflationary cryptocurrencies that evens out to 0% inflation in total.

Even with general cryptocurrency baskets, the DApps will have to operate on fractional basket reserves to a small extent, investing with some of the funds saved for basket coin holders in order to recoup costs like data storage and trade fees. Programming DApps to intentionally invest in less profitable coins to maintain 0% inflation will force them to run on even flimsier fractional reserves, which could lead to the equivalent of a bank run if the conditions were just wrong.

In Math We Trust

All of these complications arise because we cannot find just one currency that can maintain stability without inflation. Without some manipulation of the Bitcoin supply, market forces will always cause it to fluctuate wildly in value. History has shown that humans cannot be trusted to manipulate a money supply responsibly, but maybe using the principles of decentralization and the blockchain, we can engineer a smart currency capable of regulating itself autonomously.

The primary means by which we can do this is by adjusting the mining difficulty or reward. Dollars dilute in value because they can be arbitrarily printed; if a currency is diminishing in value, a logical solution would be to reduce the number of coins generated with each block mined. Conversely, increasing the reward could help limit an unstable surge in value, helping to reduce the momentum and reach of price swings.

A major limitation comes to mind: what if the block reward hits 0, and the coins are still inflating in value? This scheme might work better in a proof-of-stake system, where control of the money supply is relative to how many coins one has on reserve. If the reward hits 0, those minting coins will have to rely on transaction fees, which twice-incentivizes hoarding by giving coins to those who stockpile them while taxing those who conduct transactions.

Like any currency, insufficient market demand could render such a system unstable. If enough people want to sell, the price will have to fall. It might be ideal to program the currency to maintain slight deflation, to make for a safer alternative investment to other cryptocurrencies.

No matter what, it will always be a better alternative to fiat in the bank. The executive power governing the currency would be a non-profit decentralized autonomous organization, and the blockchain will never need to raise money for anything from public education to wars abroad. Programmed correctly, it will simply do its job, quite unlike the central banks we have to deal with today.

Trezor, the Bitcoin Wallet Unicorn

In 2014 we saw the release of the first hardware Bitcoin wallets. Now the unicorn is real: offline coins that can be spent, using an Internet-connected and even malware-infected computer, all without risk of losing your money.

How is this possible? It’s important to first understand how bitcoins get stolen.

To say that someone’s bitcoins are “on her computer” is actually a misleading statement. What is stored on a Bitcoin-owner’s computer is actually the private key that corresponds to her Bitcoin address (the public key). When the owner wants to spend her funds, her wallet software combines her private and public keys to create a signature—the digital equivalent of signing the back of a check. This digital signature unlocks the funds and they’re now spendable.

This is why storing your private key in an Internet-connected laptop, desktop or phone—or with an online wallet service—always carries risk. It’s always possible that malicious software (“malware”) could enter your device through the Internet, enabling someone to discover your Bitcoin private key and spend your money.

Cold storage savings—that is, sending your bitcoins to a public address whose private key is not stored on any Internet-connected device—provided an answer to this problem. But it was inconvenient. You couldn’t spend from your savings without first importing the private key into Internet-connected software, defeating the whole purpose of cold storage. Could a “hot” wallet (spend-ready) and a secure wallet ever be one-and-the-same? This unicorn—cold storage you could spend from—was what we were all hoping for.

Hardware wallets appeared as the white winged creatures, and the most popular among them is the Trezor.

trezor size

The Trezor, which is not Internet-enabled, stores your private key. Using the USB cable provided, you connect it to your computer and create a wallet at The Trezor device then generates a seed of 12, 18 or 24 random words (your choice) on its own small screen, which you write down and store away. These words never touch the Internet and can be used to recover your private key if your Trezor is ever lost, destroyed, or stolen.

You can also choose to enable PIN and/or passphrase protection, so that if your device were ever stolen, the thief would also have to know two additional pieces of private information to access your coins.

Worried that your computer could be infected with a keylogger (malware that records your keystrokes)? You’re still safe. If you choose to enable PIN protection, MyTrezor wallet will ask for your PIN before a transaction is sent. The 9-digit number pad is only displayed in cleartext (scrambled out of standard order) on your Trezor itself. Only question marks appear on your computer screen, which you click with your cursor.

You may be wondering: what if I want multiple private keys because I (duh) want to have more than one Bitcoin address? No problem. The Trezor is a deterministic wallet, which means that an unlimited number of public addresses are recoverable from the same, single seed.

The Trezor is the creation of Prague-based SatoshiLabs, which was founded in fall 2013. All the software for the Trezor is open-source and viewable on GitHub, and the device ships for free internationally. At the time of writing, a Trezor costs 0.32 BTC ($119 USD).

If you own or plan to own bitcoins, and if you’re worried about computer security (who isn’t?), consider shopping around for hardware wallets. Store your private keys offline while retaining the ability to spend your Bitcoin easily.

800 Terminals Across Romania Now Sell Bitcoins

Bitcoin ATMs have become one of the symbols of cryptocurrency, with multiple competing manufacturers and hundreds of units deployed around the world. Despite their growing popularity, however, Bitcoin ATMs are still vastly outnumbered by traditional financial terminals. While more Bitcoin ATMs are undoubtedly on their way, one of the best ways to reduce this disparity is not by building new units, but by converting existing terminals to handle bitcoins.

This is the route being taken by Bitcoin Romania, the operators of one of the world’s busiest Robocoin machines located in Bucharest. “It is our dream to see Bitcoin become a viable payment option in Romania, and to show the rest of the world that it can be done,” said George Rotariu. “We believe that in order to realize this goal we need to leverage existing infrastructure and make bitcoin available to as many users as possible.”

Their company has been partnered since May with CoinTrader, the Vancouver-based international Bitcoin exchange that supplies their bitcoins for sale. It’s operated by the Bitcoiniacs, known for having launched the world’s first Bitcoin ATM at a downtown coffee shop. They enable the exchange of Bitcoin for Romania lei, with an additional fee added when using a terminal or Bitcoin ATM. They conduct similar operations in Singapore, London and Tokyo.

The terminals they’ve chosen to integrate with are run by ZebraPay. They have over 1,000 units operating in Central and Eastern Europe, capable of paying insurance, phone and utility bills, and for gift cards, flight tickets, the lottery or video games. They’re convenient for those lacking home computers, and this latest move allows users to buy bitcoins, as well.

The process is fairly simple once you set it up. “To buy on the terminal you simply select BitCoin Romania, and then either enter your full bitcoin address, or a shortened address, then put in your money and hit buy. The coins are sent instantly to your wallet. The fee is 4%, and you can buy up to 5,000 RON (approximately $1,400 USD),” explains Jackson Warren, one of the cofounders of the CoinTrader exchange as well as the Bitcoiniacs.

ZebraPay has ambitious plays for the future. “We believe the new Bitcoin feature will be very helpful to our current expansion plan in Latin America, Africa and Asia,” said Adrian Badea, the company’s CEO. His statement seems to suggest they have further Bitcoin integration plans, although no such thing has been confirmed. It would, however, be far more cost effective than building hundreds of entirely new machines just for exchanging bitcoins, and could lead to even more useful features.

The exchange is currently only one way (bitcoins are sold to customers in return for fiat), but Adrian was able to confirm that they plan to add the ability to fund your ZebraPay account with Bitcoin. This would effectively allow Romanians to use Bitcoin to pay for a wide variety of ZebraPay-connected services, bills being one of the more exciting options. If enough Bitcoiners used such intermediary payment services, it would send a clear message to the phone, utility, and billing industries about the value of cryptocurrency adoption.

Until that catches on, CoinTrader and Bitcoin Romania will be happy to supply ZebraPay with exchange services. There’s profit to be had in spreading Bitcoin adoption.

Speeding up Bitcoin Transactions

In the 19th century, gold and silver coins were a common currency used as medium of exchange between individuals transacting directly between each other. Although paper money became a convenient way to carry and use as medium of exchange, gold and silver coins were given priority for their trust and safety. Equivalently, not all individuals trusted banks for storing their gold and silver. The combination of bank robberies and bank runs contributed in making individuals weary of storing all of their wealth at the same bank. Many rather preferred to implement a strategy of diversification by being the client of several banks and storing some of their wealth (gold and silver) themselves.

You might be wondering why I’m bringing this up. Well, I’d like you to keep this first paragraph in context while I share this proposal. One of the main issues frequently brought up about Bitcoin relates to scalability. Several concerns emerged regarding storage, bandwidth and capability to handle several thousands of transactions per second. In this regards, I’d like to propose an implementation that would address most of these concerns. But at the same time, this proposal comes at the cost of partially losing the benefit that comes with decentralization that Bitcoin inherently has. Do not worry, the proposal does not change Bitcoin itself.

So let me continue. Imagine a separate block chain (or ledger) handling a high number of transactions, being rapid and efficient but all at the cost of being semi-centralized. This separate ledger, still publicly available to anyone, would be maintained by a handful of companies such as Coinbase and BitPay that are currently already facilitating transactions between consumers and merchants. Currently, Coinbase aggregates its account in various bitcoin addresses, with no specific association between a given bitcoin address identified on the blockchain and their users’ account. When one Coinbase user sends a payment to another Coinbase user, Coinbase’s internal accounting handles this transaction without any involvement of the Bitcoin network. Equivalently, another company in the world might be doing the same thing. However, whereas such internal transactions are possible between users of the same custodian, any exchange between users of different custodians must be handled and recorded on Bitcoin’s blockchain, and subject to its scalability limitations.

Currently, Bitcoin has a certain limit on the size of each block, hence this translates to a limit on the number of transactions per block. With an approximate 1 block every 10 minutes, this imposes a hard limit on the number of transactions per given period. The Bitcoin protocol will be changed eventually to increase this value, and it is suspected that by that time, the Internet bandwidth and storage capacity will have also increased, thus allowing for such change. This subject was brought in a conversation with Satoshi Nakamoto. Until then, we have this limitation which does not impact Bitcoin users for the moment as there are only 3 to 7 transactions per second right now, well under the limit.

As of now, transactions between users of the same custodians are only limited by the capacity of the custodians, which can adapt to follow their customer’s need. But if there was a separate blockchain or ledger as I’m proposing here, that would allow a direct transfer between users of different custodians, without the current limitations of Bitcoin in transfer rate; we would have the capability to handle a high number of transactions. Suddenly, the amount of transactions that we could send per second could rival the amount processed by Visa and MasterCard.

Now, there are multiple ways this could be implemented, one of which would be the selection of 10 custodians that each turn, update this separate ledger for the next hour, or 24 hours, sort of like a temporary “master custodian” with a similar role as miners on the Bitcoin network. Custodians sending the bitcoins would collect the corresponding transaction fees, sending the transaction information to the Master custodians and to other custodians in their mesh network.

Addresses on this network would all begin with say the number 5 and be followed by a 5 letter keyword identifying each custodian. When say, 1.1 BTC is transferred from custodian “Alpha Storage Inc” with keyword ALPHA to custodian “Omega Bitbank Inc” with keyword OMEGA, the following transaction would be recorded:

5ALPHA2jfj38thf82759hsy2   1.1 BTC



A user of custodian Omega Bitbank would request from Omega Bitbank to generate an OL (Open Ledger) address which will start with “5OMEGA” and will then share it with the user of Alpha Storage for him to send the payment to.

In addition to this, an inventory listing of each bitcoin addresses held by each custodian will be available at all times and be provided by the respective custodians. Anonymity would still be preserved but we will have the added benefit of knowing precisely how many bitcoins are currently held by each custodian. For example, with Coinbase, right now we do not know which bitcoin addresses are under its control, which would not be the case with such implementation. Such implementation will render existing custodians to a more open form of accounting.

Finally, just as with banks today, every night they adjust their accounting by balancing their book with a wire transfer. During a given day, Alpha Storage may have sent a total of 202.44 BTC to OMEGA while Omega Bitbank might have sent 198.33 BTC in payments to Alpha Storage. As such, Alpha Storage would be sending the difference (4.11 BTC) on that night on the traditional Bitcoin network. This is an important requirement as customers of Omega Bitbank might not trust Alpha Storage (or vice versa). It does not have to be done every 24 hours, it could be more often, such as automatically every 6 hours.

In conclusion, just like people were transacting only in gold and silver coins, Bitcoin users who are still concerned about any custodians can stay in the existing Bitcoin network and exchange directly among themselves. At the same time, a great majority of users will be using custodians with a much more open system than we have currently with the traditional banking system. They will benefit with the rapid and high capacity of this custodian ledger network while still be able to benefit from the current Bitcoin network at their own will.

I look forward to reading your comments.

Why We Won’t Be a Part of the Bitnation Crowdsale (3 letters from the former Bitnation team)

Why we won’t be a part of the Bitnation Crowdsale.

This is an article written by the three most senior members of the Bitnation team (save for the CEO). It’s written from the perspective of each of us individually.

First, who am I? I’m the guy who got married on the block chain last weekend. I’m a true believer in the Bitnation concept. I’ve owned and for years, even though I’ve never actually developed them. You might call me a zealot. Until recently I’ve been an advisor to Bitnation and trying to help to launch it, even though I’ve disagreed with the manner in which it was being handled.

 I can no longer stand by and allow this crowdsale to continue.

First, the manner in which it was conducted, especially in the last 72 hours is offensive. We’ve had people working nonstop for days, people go to hospital from exhaustion, vendors pull out at the last minute due to legal reasons while we’ve continued to obliviously plow forward.  I refuse to be a part of a machine that builds a company on broken bodies. That is what our opponents do, and I won’t be a part of it.

Second, I worry about the legality of the crowdfunding. While we have talked about locking out US investors based on their IP in order to comply with the law, we have not actually done so. It’s unethical, not to mention illegal to continue to raise funds in this manner. While we may not agree with laws or government regulations, they have a weight and a cost measured in thousands of dollars and years of time. It’s unconscionable to put people’s lives and freedoms at risk for the sake of money, or even for a shining vision on the hill. It matters not only what your goal is, but also the manner in which you achieve it.

Third, and most importantly I worry about the investors. I worry less about the “whales”, and more about the poor disenfranchised people of the world. The ones that will contribute their last $5 because they want to see a better future and who will be disillusioned when their money is lost or misspent. I refuse to be a part of anything that will damage the concept of a “BitNation” in the future. As I said before I’m a true believer in the power of Transparent Crypto Ledgers to make the world a better place, and if this implementation fails and is branded another “Gault’s Gulch”, the damage to the concept will take years if not decades to resolve. I simply cannot stand by and watch that happen.

And so on the basis of those three points, on the basis of my conscience and for the future of my children, I urge all of you to not participate in the Bitnation launch at this time. Hopefully in several months or perhaps a year or more this team will come back, stronger than ever and launch a better TCL governance project.

Thank you

David Mondrus


Dear Community,

My name is Nathan Wosnack, I am the former Chief Communications Officer at Bitnation. I was originally hired with the organization to help with spreading the word via media/communications division. Throughout the last month, as we approached the crowdsale launch date, it became ever-increasingly apparent that our organization was not prepared for the crowdsale launch despite the brilliant and dedicated team working tirelessly.

 As time progressed, it also became apparent to me that the crowdsale launch may be breaking securities laws by offering cryptoequity to the public without specific structures in place. The lack of a registered corporation, the lack of a dispute resolution form to accompany our business plan and prospectus, the lack of proper employment agreements with staff, and a lack of a solid business plan at the last moments before the October 10th launch was very concerning to me as a member of the Bitnation team.

Furthermore, the treatment by a leader of our organization towards me when I had a potentially life-threatening situation, the overworking of developers, and the selling of a bill of goods to the public which is deceptive is something I cannot and will not be a part of.

We’re talking about the poor and the developing nations who are struggling to get by. Bitnation as a concept is beautiful and a way out for many in the world, but the way it was executed will not work and only – in my opinion – continue to cause more harm than good for them, the staff, and the cryptocurrency community.  I will continue to believe in the necessity for freeing people from the shackles of the old system using blockchain technology, but it must be done in another way, at another time.

I am honoured to have worked with many of the people I did on our team, to have attended the Coins in the Kingdom Conference in Florida, and to have inspired people to look at blockchain technology in a brand new way for the first time. Even though this didn’t work out as planned, I will continue to march ever-onward in this crypto-space.


Nathan Wosnack


Dear Community,

My name is Matt McKibbin.  I have been a part of Bitnation as a communications partner for about a month.  I came on board with the idea because of my passion for how the blockchain will enable and empower individuals all over the world.  I saw this project as a way to help people in developing nations construct and implement governance services they have never had the privilege of having.  The concept of designing applications for land registry, incorporation, and dispute resolution on the blockchain still intrigues me to this day and I think has a bright future in society. However Bitnation cannot be the one to bring those services where they are desperately needed.

Over the past couple weeks it has become apparent to me that our organization is not and was never going to become legally, or structurally prepared for handling funds from the world.  The cryptoequity crowdsale would have been breaking securities regulations in many different jurisdictions.  Furthermore, I cannot allow myself to be a part of something which plays on the idealistic visions of many people all over the world when I know the structure  and management of the organization would not allow it to succeed.

I continue to be optimistic for blockchain technology in the future.  I think once regulatory uncertainty is lifted this technology will be able to prosper to its full extent.  I would like to thank the community for all the inspiration and support which I have seen.

Best Regards,

Matt McKibbin

“The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin” is a Pièce de Résistance

As someone who spends one to two hours every day reading about Bitcoin, I assumed that the newly released documentary “The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin” wouldn’t have much to offer me. I assumed it would be some sort of primer for people who are unfamiliar with the technology.

Boy, was I wrong.

I wouldn’t have watched it, except that members of the Bitcoin subreddit kept posting rave reviews about it. One redditor even posted, “Just watched ‘The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin’. I immediately bought 5 Bitcoin during the credits.”

A film that stirs almost $2,000 worth of emotion in the soul of a crypto fan is enough to get me interested. So I headed on over to The Pirate Bay (which, to my delight, is going by “The Peace Bay” these days) and partook of a shared copy.

What I thought would be a primer was actually a rich chronicle of highlights of Bitcoin’s young history. But more than a yearbook, the film offered meaning for all of its stories, spoken by the people who lived them.

The documentary is narrated by Dan, a 35-year-old Bitcoin miner, father and computer programmer, as he travels the world for a year to record the history of Bitcoin firsthand. Dan attends Liberty Forum and PorcFest in New Hampshire, where almost every merchant accepts Bitcoin long before crypto fans were courted by the likes of Overstock. He takes us into the cozy Salt Lake City kitchen where Casascius Coins—arguably the most popular image of Bitcoin in the world—are made by hand.

We then visit San Francisco, where a shadow-faced “Mr. Bitcoin” explains how cryptocurrency and the Silk Road have removed much of the danger from his small-time drug trade. Dan visits Charlie Shrem, former CEO of BitInstant, right as his company triples its sales volumes. You can actually see the sweat on the brows of these young entrepreneurs as they fill a giant void in a trading world in which they only had one real competitor: Mt. Gox.

And speaking of Mt. Gox—want to see Mark Karpeles struggle to play piano? How about confront a guerilla journalist who wants his coins back? Or perhaps inside the “vault” where the coins held by Mt. Gox were said to be held? Then you’re in for a treat.

Next, watch Roger Ver single-handedly introduce Bitcoin to a grocer, convince him to accept it, set him up with BitPay and cryptographically purchase an iced tea from him all in one afternoon. See the grocer get a light in his eyes as it dawns on him what a future of decentralized money can mean for his business.

Erik Voorhoos in Panama, Vitalik Buterin camping, Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto during his now-famous “free lunch”: all these key players and more tell their stories in a filmed yearbook that could reasonably be called “Bitcoin’s First Five Years.”

Pièce de résistance is French for “piece of resistance” and is used to describe a highlight or main attraction. While this film is definitely that, there is also something more: resistance itself. Most individuals in the film, in one way or another, resist the paradigm that money must come from a monopoly. In doing so, they’ve created an infrastructure that has the potential to benefit all of humanity.

The film is available through a paywall on the film’s official site, and has also recently been uploaded to YouTube. After I finished viewing my shared copy, I went to the film’s site to donate my thanks to the producers. Unfortunately, they’ve posted no donation address anywhere that I can see.

And so perhaps while the makers of this film continue to promote the idea that money—that is, property—need not and should not be monopolized, they’ll also come to realize that ideas are not property, and that locking them behind “copyright laws” only slows the spread of information and—hence—innovation.

Now go pop some popcorn, gather your non-crypto friends ‘round (especially important), and enjoy this piece of literal resistance.

Update: Further hunting revealed that the film’s Twitter account, @BitcoinDoc, lists their donation address: 19xb2pAzyv7feFkBhbh3n3rtBJ9JPTufm. May we all one day contribute something of such value that people hunt down ways to give us money!

Bitcoin Shop Becomes Provider of Digital Currency Information for ivee, the Voice-Activated Assistant for the Smart Home

Bitcoin Shop Becomes Provider of Digital Currency Information for ivee, the Voice-Activated Assistant for the Smart Home

Arlington, VA – (October 8, 2014) – Bitcoin Shop, Inc. (OTCQB: BTCS) (“Bitcoin Shop” or the “Company”), an operator of the digital currency ecommerce marketplace which is undertaking the build-out of a universal digital currency ecosystem that leverages its ecommerce platform as an on-ramp, today announced that it has become the default provider of digital currency information for ivee, the voice-activated assistant for the smart home.  Additionally, ivee is now available for purchase with bitcoin, litecoin or dogecoin on Bitcoin Shop’s ecommerce platform.

ivee is the first voice-activated home assistant that answers questions, obeys commands and controls other Internet-connected devices. ivee can tell you the weather in any city, control your smart thermostat, provide stock quotes, bitcoin prices and more, all while allowing you to set your alarm or listen to music without touching a single button.  Bitcoin Shop will be ivee’s exclusive provider of information for digital currencies like bitcoin, litecoin and dogecoin.

A video of ivee in action can be found here:

Charles Allen, Chief Executive Officer of Bitcoin Shop, commented, “We are thrilled to be partnering with ivee as we believe connecting the Internet of Things to digital currency is a great way to generate awareness and adoption of digital currencies.  ivee allows digital currency adopters to have instant, voice-enabled access to bitcoin, litecoin, and dogecoin pricing and other relevant information.”

“As a forerunner in the connected home space, it’s only natural that ivee’s areas of expertise grow to encompass other new and innovative technologies such as digital currencies,” said Jonathon Nostrant, CEO of ivee.  “We’re pleased to work with Bitcoin Shop and to offer ivee users instant access to digital currency information.”


About Bitcoin Shop, Inc.:

Bitcoin Shop, Inc. plans to build a universal digital currency platform with the goal of enabling users to engage in the digital currency ecosystem through one point of access.  We currently operate an ecommerce website ( where consumers can purchase products using digital currency such as bitcoin, litecoin and dogecoin, by searching through a selection of over 400 categories and over 140,000 items.  All ecommerce customer orders are fulfilled by third party vendors.  We plan to use our ecommerce platform as a customer on-ramp for a broader digital currency platform.  We have been actively partnering with strategic digital currency companies who have technologies, services or products that are complementary to our business strategy by making investments in them and integrating with them.

Digital currencies use peer-to-peer networks to facilitate instant payments.  They are categorized as cryptocurrencies, as they use cryptography as a security measure.  Digital currency issuances and transactions are carried out collectively by the network, with no central authority, and allow users to make verified transfers.

About ivee:

Interactive Voice Inc. (“ivee”) was founded in 2011 as a consumer-focused, voice-control electronics company. ivee works at the intersection of artificial intelligence, speech recognition, natural language understanding, and the Internet of Things. Since 2011, ivee has made voice-activated devices, which can be found at stores like Best Buy, Staples, Office Depot, and Brookstone.


For more information about ivee, please visit the company’s Web site at

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Coinme Brings Bitcoin to the University of Washington

In May of this year, start-up Coinme released their first Robocoin kiosk at the Spitfire sports bar in downtown Seattle. On October 1st of this year, they added to their fleet with a new machine located on the University of Washington campus. The release event at UW’s “Startup Hall” also coincided with a Bitcoin meet-up for interested people in the local community to come network and listen to speakers talk about their personal projects. There were about 40 people in attendance.

I interviewed the guys behind Coinme when they opened their first ATM and was excited to catch up and see how the business has been doing. According to general manager Nick Hughes, their first machine is seeing use on a “daily” basis and has proven that, in Seattle, “there’s definitely interest here, there’s curiosity.” He added “It’s a niche product in a niche industry…it’s not like a normal ATM that has hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars of usage. We’re seeing usage and growth but nothing out of this world.”

While he was unwilling to give hard figures on daily transaction amounts, Nick said “we sometimes see upwards of double digits of transactions a day. On the low end you’ll see a handful.” When I asked Nick if he had noticed traffic fluctuations based on news or overall price movements “It seems to be more correlated with the price…when you saw the price of bitcoin drop you saw a slightly different usage based on the price. Now, can I say when the price drops people buy or sell? No. Some people want to hop on it when it drops and some people want to sell.”

When I asked Nick what people are most curious about when it comes to the machine he said “The two questions we get is what is it and how do you use it, what do you do with it…Sometimes depending on the person I’m talking to it’s slightly difficult to explain to them. I think the biggest problem with bitcoin to this day still is the clear use case. We’ll get there but we’re not there.”

He added “the biggest hurdle of these machines is still user experience. Robocoin built the software we’re running, it is not very user friendly to a new person. They don’t know what buy or sell bitcoin is. They think of withdraw or deposit. So they are coming out with new software that will help that…We’ve had a few people that don’t fully get what’s going on and they think the machine, like, stole their money. And we’re talking like four hundred, a thousand dollars. They wanted to buy bitcoin but were confused what happened. I had to explain to them what you did was basically you put money in this machine and purchased bitcoin and it’s now on the receipt with a QR code. After a conversation I turned this guy from mad into a huge supporter…but one out of three need a little bit of help. Maybe one out of four.”

Nick hopes that having a kiosk at one of Western Washington’s educational hubs will help people get past this learning curve. Commenting on why they chose this location for their new release he said “we’re excited about this move because it’s putting it in an environment that’s tech-savvy. There’s a student population, there’s an international student population here, and also it gets conversation and research happening on campus, where I think it needs to be happening.” With this installation, Coinme’s kiosk becomes the first ATM operating on a United States university campus that allows for both buying and selling of bitcoin.

Another thing that sets Coinme apart is that they have gone through all the procedures necessary to become a licensed money transmitter, operating closely with the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI). At the time of the kiosk release, Nick said they had “just finished a 3 month overview with them (the DFI) monitoring the machine” and that they had passed with the DFI being “excited” about the company. Coinme considers itself “a model business and a model company as other companies in Washington State associated with Bitcoin begin operation.”

According to Nick they have a third machine and are looking for a location. They would like it to be on the Eastside because there are already two in Seattle-main, but they have “a few places in mind.“ He also added that Robocoin users should soon be seeing a useful update to their machines. While deposits and withdrawals currently take around 20-30 minutes, Nick said “they will be rolling out a new software update that should shorten that big time. You’ll be able to withdraw in, like, 30 seconds.”

Merchant Mining and the Proof-of-Commerce Protocol

The “mining” industry is bursting with innovation, right now. It started as a way to incentivize people to support the Bitcoin network without allowing any one entity to take control, but has grown with new blockchain technologies. Cryptocurrencies are now being used to incentivize contribution to all kinds of initiatives, like solar energy adoption and the race to cure diseases like cancer. Instead of mining bitcoins by solving a cryptographic math problem, you can mine solarcoins or curecoins by generating photoelectricity or folding proteins, respectively, rather than by wasting processing power. Society could accomplish a lot of great things this way without the need for a central authority, but if we want to have a real impact, we need to get more people using cryptocurrency.

Merchant mining is the process of doing exactly that. Merchants are “mined” by convincing them to adopt cryptocurrency; the idea was conceived by MerchantCoin, which plans for miners and merchants alike to be rewarded with XMC for Bitcoin adoption. This still requires another mining mechanism to secure the blockchain, which in the case of MerchantCoin is handled by Bitcoin miners that utilize the Master Protocol in return for Mastercoins. MerchantCoin tokens are automatically redeemed when a merchant has transacted at least $25 in in BTC, thus stimulating the Bitcoin economy with a supplementary altcoin.

This could do great things for merchant adoption of Bitcoin. MerchantCoin can verify it has signed up many miners (or “advocates” as they call them) via their website, already. The founder has real estate platform and development experience and has already facilitated the sale of some large properties for cryptocurrency. Their team is also developing some other co-projects, such as a decentralized point-of-sale platform, exchange, and multi-coin wallet as they search for a way to generate revenue in the process.

This still leaves unanswered one very important question: how can we validate that cryptocurrency-based commerce has occurred? This led to the development of another new concept called proof-of-commerce. Rather than proving to have solved a SHA256 function or held coins for a certain amount of time–as in proof-of-work or proof-of-stake — proof-of-commerce is the process of validating the use of Bitcoin. Although the technology for this has not yet been developed, several hypothetical methods exist, and the MerchantCoin team is in a convenient position to do this.

Since MerchantCoin runs on Mastercoin, which runs on the Bitcoin blockchain, it can see all bitcoin transactions (and therefore account balances). Bitcoin miners embed information about the Merchant Coin network in blocks alongside Bitcoin data; link a MerchantCoin address to a Bitcoin address, and XMC can be granted to an advocate and merchant when one or more Bitcoin transactions totaling over a certain amount are detected. If Mastercoin was integrated with other cryptocurrencies’ mining networks, it could detect commerce conducted in those, as well, potentially in a trustless manner.

The exact manner in which they plan to proceed isn’t clear yet; although I was given the chance to look at the draft of their white paper, it’s not yet ready to show to the general public. The talk I heard about a decentralized POS system seemed to be a step in the right direction, though. The concept behind it is sound, and if Merchant Coin is going to be as successful as Bitcoin, it will follow the same open source and trust-free principles.

BTC2B Congress Brussels Is Close & Thanks to Platinum Sponsor Transaction Coin, Tix are Cheaper!

The Congress has a new Platinum partner that is sponsoring cheaper tickets!

Bitcoin 2 Business Congress Brussels will take place on 16-17 October in the B19 Business Club. The event is mainly focused on Bitcoin business and monetary future, debates, speeches by key players in the industry, B2B meetings, networking and start-ups. The event is designed for 100-150 attendees. The main aim is to accomplish more of a personal and friendly atmosphere where everyone will be able to meet with anyone.

From the beginning the organizers setup the prices higher to make sure they will be able to cover all expenses. “It was against our idea of having friendly atmosphere and make our events accessible to everyone. Every Bitcoin Conference has a high ticket prices which goes against the philosophy of the Bitcoin” says the organizing team and concludes that “thanks to a great cooperation with the Transactioncoin, we´ll be able to reduce the prices and make it available to the people that normally wouldn´t be able to pay that amount of money”. The current ticket price is now being only 99 €.

So the company that made this possible is a relatively new coin Transactioncoin. Txcoin is a P2P Crypto Currency with a hybrid proof of work (PoW) system. Txcoin supports two hashing algorithm: SHA256 and SCRYPT. Each algorithm has its seperate difficulty, both targetting 2 minutes. Txcoin can be merged mined with either sha256 or scrypt based altercoins. Now what is interesting and exciting about the merged mining phenomenon is that Txcoin is a “mining side-effect eliminator” a medium that eliminates the side-effects of mining, such as a huge electricity consumption, cost of mining hardware, etc.

Among other things, the attendees can look forward to a friendly atmosphere, great networking, meeting the key players from the industry and enjoying their time in “de facto” heart of the European Union. Among other speakers we can expect Vitalik Buterin from the Ethereum, Moe Levin from BitPay, Lutz Auffenberg, Christian Ander or Stan Wolf. This is officially one of the most accessible events in the Bitcoin world and it is always great to see the growth of the Bitcoin community, especially in Europe.

So come and support the community in Brussels. You can register here and buy your ticket with credit card and with Bitcoin of course. Tickets will be available on place as well but the organizers strongly recommend getting your ticket advanced since the BTC2B Congress has a limited number of attendees and tickets will be more expensive when buying at the venue – 150 €. Get more information on the website

A New Way to Fund Ideas: Crowdfunding, Crypto-Assets, and the Future of Decentralized Investments

With the rise of Kickstarter, the average person now has a greater opportunity to raise money for his or her ideas than ever before. The Kickstarter model, in which campaigners solicit donations to support a project that produces something they can share with their funders and others at large, is a new technological take rooted in an old idea. For instance, in 1713 Alexander Pope rallied funding to publish English translations of Greek poetry by offering generous donators credits on a page in the finished translated publication, once enough funding was gathered to bring the project to fruition. The crowdfunding method was also employed in 1783 by Mozart who developed a campaign to fund the performance of three new concertos he scored by offering funders copies of the manuscripts, in exchange for live performance funding. And finally with the rise of the Internet, Kickstarter democratized the funding of projects even further by allowing unprecedented connectivity to the common person’s creative endeavors—and by leveraging funding from backers across the world. The site offers streamlined simplicity that empowers the common person located in any of 10 countries throughout the world the ability to quickly raise funding to bring their idea to life. From the standpoint of investors, one advantage of Kickstarter’s funding platform is that funding requires that a project is completely funded before the backers are charged for their contribution. In this fashion, backers are not left on the hook for a partially funded project that may not produce the intended results outlined in the campaign. Kickstarter currently takes a 5% cut of the total funds raised for a particular campaign, and Kickstarter’s credit card processor, Amazon, levies another 3-5% charge on the total funds raised in a campaign. An additional value added tax (VAT) of 1-2% on the total funds raised will also be applied if you happen to run a campaign in the UK. Despite the usual 8-10% charge on the total funds raised in a campaign, the requirement that campaigns need complete funding before backers are charged results in nearly 42% of projects being successfully funded. Additionally, the campaign requirement that something must be produced for others to experience adds a tangible deliverable to the campaign. However, it is important to realize backers’ investments are donations in nature that primarily add capital to the store of human knowledge and innovation—as opposed to offering the investor a share in the equity of a project. One recent success story on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform involved Ladar Levinson’s “Lavabit Dark Mail Initiative” campaign that raised upwards of $200,000 to deliver open-source, PGP strength encrypted email that also hides message metadata. However, for those who want the freedom to fund any idea they may have, the folks at Kickstarter do place more restrictions on what projects are deemed appropriate for funding, compared to the campaign restrictions placed on a similar crowdfunding platform, Indiegogo.

Indiegogo also empowers the common person by providing the ability to raise funds for ideas that might otherwise fall on deaf ears from the more traditional capital raising institutions. Indiegogo leverages the ability to draw backers from around the world and accepts PayPal in addition to credit cards, as opposed to Kickstarter which only accepts donations via credit cards. Furthermore, Kickstarter only allows campaigns located in 10 select few countries, as opposed to Indiegogo that enables even greater access to the common person by allowing campaigns in over 200 countries. Another interesting feature Indiegogo employs is its use of two campaign funding models. One model requires the campaign to reach its funding goal for any funds to be dispersed and the other allows any funds the campaign brings in to be received by the campaign creator–with the latter involving a higher fee paid to Indiegogo to incentivize reaching the initial funding goal. Once again, it’s time to run the numbers. Under the all-or-nothing campaign model, Indiegogo charges 4% on the total funds received and additional credit card or PayPal processing fees ranging from 3-5%. The flexible funding model, where funds are still released despite the funding goal not being reached, involves an Indiegogo fee of 9% on the total funds raised and credit card or PayPal processing fees ranging from 3-5%. Albeit Kickstarter and Indiegogo do not allow backers a stake in the equity, or ownership, of the finished product of the campaign, they are still powerful tools that allow access to otherwise nonexistent capital that enriches the innovation ecosystem. Overall, Indiegogo offers a compelling comparable crowdfunding option. On the other hand, the future of decentralized crowdfunding and the introduction of crypto-assets beckons on another front.

Swarm is a crowdfunding platform that takes a decentralized approach to the idea of crowdfunding. Simply put, the platform runs on a cryptocurrency known as Swarm Coin that allows campaigns to issue their own separate campaign cryptocurrency tokens that act as shares of equity in crowdfunding campaigns. The Swarm founder envisions the platform will allow vetting of campaign ideas through a decentralized voting process that helps determine which campaigns receive funding on the Swarm platform. A decentralized reputation system will help establish credibility of those who backed successful campaigns in the past and will help guide newer users to decide on what campaign ideas to fund. The campaigns that receive backing by credible members in the Swarm community are in turn given more weight. As for the funding process itself, campaigners generate unique campaign cryptocurrency tokens that are then sold to project backers as assets in the campaign. If a project is successfully funded and the finished product does exceptionally well out in the open market, then the holders of the campaign tokens will share in the wealth of the success via increased valuation of the crypto tokens they purchased. As a result, the added equity incentive in crowdfunding campaigns may help drive the success of future campaigns. Joel Dietz, the founder of Swarm, points to one crowdfunding equity debacle involving the Oculus Rift campaign on Kickstarter that successfully raised over $2 million dollars to develop a virtual reality headset and subsequently a little over a year later the Oculus Rift company sold to Facebook for $2 billion—leaving some of the Kickstarter backers wishing they had the option to invest in an equity arrangement instead.

Another admirable contender in the decentralized crowdfunding ecosystem is the NXT currency platform. It is important to realize NXT is not just another alternative cryptocurrency because it actually makes decentralization possible through a proof-of-stake model, as opposed to the Bitcoin proof-of-work model. On the decentralized NXT platform, anyone can create their own unique asset tokens and sell shares that can support a crowdfunding campaign, among other things. Asset tokens can also be used to represent physical assets, a culmination of other assets known as asset bundles, and can be used to represent a whole range of other assets. Currently, it costs 1,000 NXT, or roughly around $30 worth of Bitcoin at the time of this writing, to issue asset tokens for any particular crowdfunding campaign. Furthermore, the NXT platform also touts a decentralized marketplace that allows anyone to sell any kind of digital good. Overall, it appears the future of commerce and investments will come in a decentralized, cryptocurrency form if the recent trends are an indication of anything.

Regardless of which crowdfunding method is employed, we are entering an age of unprecedented innovation—and the age seems to be one focused on individual empowerment.

Butterfly Labs Asset Seizure Spurs On Mining Industry Competition

Amid the FTC injunction of Butterfly Labs additional insight was gleaned about the operations of the company. Butterfly Labs (BFL) sells high-performance computers that are designed solely for mining Bitcoin. BFL operated primarily on a pre-order basis that meant customers knew they would be ordering a product that would not be ready for some time–but customers were not forewarned of the wait time which according to the FTC would include “delays ranging from from six months to one year.” In the world of mining, time of delivery is one of the crucial factors that miners consider before deciding to invest their hard earned money in mining equipment at any price point.

The nature of the Bitcoin network makes mining rig delivery time such an important factor for mining investments because the Bitcoin difficulty level, or total mining processing power of the Bitcoin payment validation network, determines how easy it will be for miners to compete for bitcoins among other prospectors. Receiving mining equipment with processing power and power efficiency as advertised—and receiving the equipment as quickly as possible–is key in successful mining ventures. If mining equipment is received late, the investor could incur considerable losses because the mining difficulty level of the Bitcoin network goes up exponentially as more high-powered miners come online—thereby making older, less-powerful mining equipment nearly obsolete and unprofitable.

The FTC claims BFL failed to reasonably project accurate timelines during which the customers would receive their purchased mining equipment by which in turn the profitability of the mining rigs may have been reduced. In part, the FTC believes a Return on Investment (ROI) calculator, provided on BFL social media sites and on a company linked blog, might have contributed to incorrect profitability estimates of mining rigs. For example, the ROI calculator estimated mining profitability of mining equipment by using the delivery date and figures such as, mining equipment power consumption, Bitcoin difficulty level, and processing power of the mining equipment. It is possible that the use of incorrect data used in the ROI calculator could have been one of the deciding factors that helped entice customers make their final decision to purchase mining equipment–based on the ROI profitability results.

Samuel Johnston, first a BFL customer in 2012 and later a BFL employee in 2013, was aware of changes in BFL hardware specifications with his firsthand experience of purchasing the BFL $15,000+ mini-rig back in July of 2012. Instead of receiving his rig as one complete unit as pictured in the BFL advertisement, according to Johnston’s FTC testimony he “[received] three separate . . . machines in separate boxes with separate power supplies,” and he further stated “as a result, it consumed six to seven times more power than advertised.” Johnston also stated as part of his FTC testimony as the former Head Burn-in Technician at BFL, the company tested customers mining equipment for quality control in a manner that tested, or burned in, customers’ machines “longer than the usual ten to 30 minutes,” on the actual Bitcoin network instead of on the Bitcoin test network. Johnston said three rooms were filled with customers’ mining equipment being burned-in with units sometimes for as long as two days. Johnston also stated he learned from co-workers “. . . the burn-in process was set up to mine bitcoins for the company’s benefit,” and after asking the BFL production manager about the reasoning behind the practice Johnston described the conversation thusly: “when I asked Mark [the production manager] why the machines were not tested on the testnet, he responded that there was no point in doing so because the company would not make any money from the testing.”

It is not clear if the burn-in bitcoins were being allocated to BFL research and development purposes, but contrary to this notion when BFL introduced one of their new product lines they did a short question and answer section that included the following question: “Why don’t you guys mine? This is a popular question. The answer is pretty simple. Hardware is the focus of our passion. We’re hardware designers.” If the mining were done in a transparent manner with clearly stated intentions for what the funding would be put towards, it is possible consumers may have embraced the practice. However, it should be made clear that customers would have to compete with the BFL burn-in miners on the Bitcoin network as a result—with the possibility of BFL burn-in miners increasing the Bitcoin difficulty level for customers’ own mining operations. According to Johnston, the collective power of the mining rigs being tested at BFL equaled around 3% of the processing power of the entire Bitcoin network in August 2013.

BFL seems to be no stranger to customer complaints. The FTC claimed some customers ordered BFL mining equipment that was never delivered, delivered but arrived so late customers would have realized little profit, or was refunded after escalating complaints through payment processors. Some customers had to go even as far as filing lawsuits against BFL just to receive a refund. For some customers, the BFL refund process became something of a mysterious process, with some customers having no problem receiving a timely refund, while others had not received a refund—instead being stonewalled by BFL after trying to inquire about a refund. Some customers even resorted to posting in forums on how to effectively receive a refund from BFL with successful word-for-word escalation scripts of their refund experiences with payment processors for the benefit of other BFL customers facing refund difficulties.

The FTC injunction of BFL also revealed some insight on what may be perhaps a view of the BFL culture. In medieval fashion, BFL chose to create foam torches and pitch forks with the phrases “BFL is late!” and “Y U NO SHIP?” written on them that seem to deride their customers. They presumably served as the proverbial foam finger showing perhaps not only the spirit of the BFL corporate culture, but possibly the company’s relationship with its customers.

FTC finds foam torches and pitchforks at a BFL Facility. The comments written on the foam spirit products seem to deride customers and describe the corporate culture of BFL. (FTC Photos)
FTC finds foam torches and pitchforks at a BFL Facility. The comments written on the foam spirit products seem to deride customers and describe the corporate culture of BFL. (FTC Photos)

As of October 2nd, the FTC granted BFL the ability to resume its operations on a limited, restricted basis. Despite the FTC freeze on all BFL assets in the states and abroad, one FTC lawyer said the limited reopening of BFL will help to bridge possible funding gaps if there is a need for customer recompense. If the allegations put forward by the FTC turn out to be warranted, then BFL may have to implement sweeping changes to vie for the leading position in the ever-evolving mining industry.

Going forward, it seems those mining hardware companies that have a stronghold in consumer confidence and consistently deliver mining equipment that offers high value to its customers will likely be the next leaders in the cryptocurrency mining industry. Despite negative sentiments in the mining industry from the recent allegations as of late, investors will continue to vote for companies that align with values they hold important, and they will support those companies that do–through their purchases. The companies that can match technological prowess with an equal share of business acumen will be positioned to reap generous rewards in the coming years.

Interview with St. Louis Fed Vice President on Bitcoin

andolfattoDr David Andolfatto, who is Vice President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, has been one of the most forward-looking people at central banks around the world when it comes to crypto-currencies. Here he speaks with Max Rangeley, Editor at The Cobden Centre, and gives his views on what Bitcoin means for commerce, finance, and the dollar itself.

Max Rangeley: How have you found the reactions to Bitcoin within the Fed?

Dr David Andolfatto: Bitcoin is barely on the radar screen for most Fed researchers and policymakers. This is to be expected, given the large size of the Fed’s balance sheet and the debate over how to conduct monetary policy with the existence of large excess reserves. But I am aware of a small group of researchers scattered throughout the Fed system that seem interested in the Bitcoin phenomenon. Some, like Francois Velde of the Chicago Fed, have written nice primers on the phenomenon. I am also aware of a cryptocurrency workshop that meets monthly at the New York Fed. The reaction of most people (who study it) might be described as “academic agnosticism” in the sense that people are curious, but not enthusiastically in favor or against the idea.

How do you see Bitcoin being used in the future? Do you foresee private currencies being commonly used on the high street alongside state-backed currencies, or remaining largely online phenomena?

Who can say how the future will evolve, especially in this space? My best guess is that Bitcoin will find a niche market. It’s cool to use bitcoin to pay for your Starbucks latte on university campuses (this is what my university is doing). It may very well find a place on the high street, at least among some shops catering to the “cool” crowd. But for advanced economies, at least, it is hard to see how consumers will benefit directly by using bitcoins instead of dollars or pounds. As Satoshi Nakamoto wrote in his seminal 2008 paper introducing Bitcoin, “…the [current] system works well enough for most transactions…”

If the use of private currencies became more widespread, do you think that central banks would ever track monetary aggregates in circulation, even if just approximately, much as M2, M3 etc are tracked now?

Anything is possible, but I doubt it. One issue is that there many of these “wildcat” currencies, with more appearing every day (every online game has its own currency for example, as do most social media sites). In a sense, these currencies are “local” monies (much like the local currencies that have always existed, like the Ithaca hour, for example). I’m not sure how a statistical agency could keep track of all these little local currencies, or whether it would even be worthwhile to do so. But who knows?

If private currencies were to become widely used around the world, do you think that this could have an effect on the business cycle, since central banks would not have as much control over monetary factors?

I do not think it would have much of an effect on the business cycle, which I think is rooted more in “real” and “financial” factors, rather than “monetary” factors, per se.

You mentioned in your presentation on Bitcoin that although supply is fixed, demand can fluctuate significantly, which causes volatility, would you say this is a weakness inherent in private currencies, or is there the possibility that algorithms could evolve to incorporate a degree of elasticity?

Remember that Bitcoin is *more* than a private currency: it is a payment system and monetary policy with *no trusted intermediary* involved. Most private currencies entail the use of trusted third parties. EVE online, for example, an online game founded in 2003 has evidently managed its money supply in a manner that keeps its value relatively stable. It may be possible to code an “elastic money supply” rule in the Bitcoin protocol, but it is not immediately clear to me how this might work. Injecting new money into the system would be easy. The tricky part would be in how to destroy money (having the algorithm debit Bitcoin wallets that are secured by private keys).

You mentioned that you welcome the competition for central banks; if private currencies became widely used, could it chip away at American supremacy, a degree of which is based on the dollar, the so-called “exorbitant privilege?”

In my view, America supremacy is not based on the dollar. The status of the dollar simply reflects American supremacy, which is based fundamentally on the structure of that economy (something “real” not “monetary”). The America dollar already faces stiff competition from a variety of alternative candidates, including the Yen, the Euro, and gold. If gold cannot displace the USD, why would we expect Bitcoin to?

Max Rangeley is the Editor of The Cobden Centre(, He is the CEO of ReboundTAG Ltd, which produces microchip luggage tags and has been showcased by Lufthansa and featured on BBC World among other media outlets. Max has a Master’s in economics, following this he was given a scholarship to do a PhD at the London School of Economics, but decided instead to go straight into business.

Exclusive Interview with BitShares

I attended the Cryptolina Bitcoin Conference in August and got to hang out with Brian Page from BitShares. We talked about Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and of course, about BitShares. I had seen these guys around at conferences, and like most people, I didn’t understand what they were trying to accomplish.

I was finally able to find out after speaking to Brian about a few things. I hope to clarify what this often misunderstood group within the Bitcoin community is doing.


What is Bitshares?

Bitshares is a brand of open source software based on the same blockchain technology behind Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin, which is based on proof of work, BitShares is based on proof of stake, meaning that miners are not utilized.

Bitshares software is used to launch Decentralized Autonomous Companies (DACs), an idea that was first introduced to the industry by its founder, Daniel Larimer. These unmanned companies issue shares in each company, produce profits and distribute those profits to shareholders. There’s no need to trust anyone to do this, as everything is hard coded into the software.

BitShares is about making profitable companies that people want to own those shares in, and creating returns for shareholders.

In my opinion, the crypto industry feels a lot like the early dot com industry. At the time, there were great ideas with huge valuations, but few of the companies ever made any money.

In our industry today, some ideas are valued very high. But they will eventually have to earn a profit and create revenues, or become worthless. We believe fully that the first rule of business is to earn a profit, to earn revenue, and to produce more than is consumed.

BitSharesX is the first DAC launched this year. BitSharesX is a decentralized asset exchange launched by a group out of Hong Kong called DAC Sun Limited, using BitShares open source code.

Other applications that will be launched on BitShares software include voting, domains, and music.

What do you think about Bitcoin?

When Bitcoin was created five years ago, Satoshi came up with the best system we had at the time. It was a great, brilliant technology. The idea was to decentralize Bitcoin as much as possible by allowing it to run on many computers. Unfortunately, it’s no longer decentralized because the hash power is controlled by just a few big mining companies. In this aspect, Bitcoin is not decentralized as it was originally intended to be and requires some amount of trust in these new powers that be. Also, having to complete these complex algorithms and mathematical problems (proof of work) requires so much money, electricity, and expensive hardware; it’s not a green technology. Moreover, its no longer necessary, because we’ve proved as an industry that proof of stake works.

If you add how much all individuals spend to pay miners, buy hardware and pay for electricity, it comes to hundreds of millions dollars a year burned – just to run the Bitcoin system. It’s no longer necessary and based on assumptions that are now five years old.  Since proof of stake requires none of that, all of that money can go to the “shareholders” instead. Hundreds of millions of dollars could go directly in the pockets of those who use Bitcoin if it wasn’t based on mining. Imagine if Bitcoin earned interest! It would go to the people who own the system: the users. By doing this, you can make the Bitcoin idea profitable. That’s what we do, except we apply it to many other industries beyond just “currency.” We believe that proof of stake is the way to go, and Delegated Proof of Stake, our system, is even better.

What is Delegated Proof of Stake?

Delegated Proof of Stake means that instead of decentralizing to every single person who has a stake in the currency, it is decentralized to a certain number of delegates. In BitShares’ case it’s 101 delegates. Delegated Proof of Stake was introduced by BitShares.

The reason you want to do that is because of the costs. The costs get too high when you pay everyone  in the entire system. With our system, delegated proof of stake, you have delegates that are voted into position by everyone who uses the system. Similar to Reddit, you upvote those you support. The top 101 with the most votes become the delegates and help run the system by approving blocks.

Its not unlike a representative democracy, where you have a congress, and the congress represents the people. But the one problem with the real congress in Washington, is that you can’t take them out of office very easily. But with our delegates, you can vote the entire group out, if needed. If enough people don’t like what’s going on with the delegates, they can all be voted out immediately and replaced by the next 101 in line.

In our system, once BitShares becomes the size we believe it’s gonna be, being a delegate will pay very well. Those delegates have an incentive to protect the system that’s paying them. Its similar to being a miner except there’s no waste and the entire process is profitable from day one.

What else are you guys doing?

Since bitcoin is too volatile to be used as a daily currency, we’re developing what we call bit assets, which are pegged to real world assets. This includes bit assets like  bitUSD, bitYuan, bitGold (not the BitGold company), etc. This allows the user to immediately switch from dollars, to gold to even oil or shares of the exchange itself (BTSX), all within one private, secure and nearly free system. This entire system is called BitsharesX. Think of it as your personal vault where you can store these valuable bit assets, and an exchange where you can trade them.   It’s an exchange that itself is more decentralized than Bitcoin. There’s nothing else like it and currently it’s just behind Ripple in terms of overall market cap at #4 in the world. Not bad for being launched two months ago.

We’ve also gotten rid of long public keys by using a new system. This is called TITAN, which stands for Transfer Invisibly To A Name. If you know someone’s username you can send them shares or bitAssets. No need for public keys, all you need is a name, like say, JohnathanSmith or perhaps an anonymous name like techguy233, and you can send and receive shares or bit assets.

Our speed is much faster than bitcoin, with transaction times well under 10 seconds, often only 5 seconds. So we’re hundreds of millions of dollars cheaper, 20 times more decentralized, and ten times faster than Bitcoin.

Add to that a stable bitUSD, which is pegged to the dollar and you have something that is truly next level. No more need for going into and out of crypto constantly as a merchant who doesn’t know if Bitcoin is going to drop like a rock tomorrow in value. You can reasonably expect that 1,000 bitUSD will be worth about $1,000 USD a week, a month or a year from now. BitUSD also pays interest, so just holding and saving in your vault is profitable.

At any point you can get immediately out of the dollar and into another currency like bitYUAN or into bitGLD, tied to the value of one ounce of gold. And this can all be done without ever leaving BitSharesX. The combination of all these solutions makes this the platform with the most potential. Show me companies that solve the biggest problems and I’ll show you the most profitable companies in the world. Profitable or unprofitable solutions. Which would you rather own? Which will the market choose? I believe it will be bit assets.  And BitSharesX is just the first of many, many companies that not only we are launching, but others will be launching using our software.

Brian concludes:

“Bitcoin paved the way for what’s possible in this industry but there’s no example in technology where the first mover always remains the leader. Whether websites, or technology, software or computer hardware, there’s no example where the first big innovation is the one that remains unchallenged.  My argument is that there will be something bigger than Bitcoin to come along in our industry. Whether it’s us or not, I don’t know, I have no crystal ball. But we’re addressing the issues that Bitcoin has presented that no one else seems to be solving effectively: the problem of mining by creating DPOS, the issue of profitability, and the volatility solved by bitUSD. While I don’t think bitcoin is going anywhere anytime soon, I think there will be something that comes along that will be much bigger than Bitcoin and we hope what we’re working on may be just that. It’s a ballsy thing to say but we’re gonna aim high. We want to innovate and bring this technology to the next level and I believe the potential is there with BitShares.”

Check out their website here  (



‘The Bitcoin-technology by itself is worth nothing’; an interview with Dark Wallet front-man Amir Taaki

If Bitcoin has its enfant terrible, Amir Taaki is it. Living on a shoestring-budget in squats throughout Europe, Taaki is leading the anarchist Bitcoin-countermovement known as unSystem, has built the alternative Bitcoin-implementation Libbitcoin, and helped to invent the peer-to-peer marketplace DarkMarket (which is taken over and re-branded as OpenBazaar). He is currently best-known as the front-man of the Dark Wallet, a Bitcoin-wallet designed to obfuscate Bitcoin users’ identities.

Amir, your main focus within the Bitcoin-sphere is clearly on the anonymous features of Bitcoin, and keeping the internetcurrency that way. Why do you care about this so much?

Anonymity is important because the current financial system is rigged against us. Right now the state steals from people through taxes and inflation, which not only contributes massively to state power and war, but it enables them to control who gets to accumulate capital. Anonymity will help us to avoid paying taxes, enable us to launder money, and facilitate us to evade restrictions by the state on how to manage our resources. It will protect the small guy.

Isn’t income from taxes used by the state to help the small guy as well? Through public services for instance, or subsidies, or welfare…

Yeah but these are very small things compared to the restrictions on how we live. Welfare in particular is just the by-product of a broken system. The cost of living in our society is artificially high, so if you can’t afford to pay for that your only other option is to go into welfare until you can sort yourself out to be placed on that narrow path that everyone should follow, and become a small part of a large institution or superstructure: work for the man.

But collecting welfare is not empowering, paying rent is not empowering, and working for the man is not empowering. What is empowering is for people to be cooperating together, to form their own businesses, to be independent and autonomous.

Some people do need help of course, but this should be something we provide together within our communities. I’ve lived in all sorts of communities where people help each other all of the time.

The tools you are developing can also be used by arms dealers or terrorists, while there was even an alleged IS-document floating around the web which mentioned the Dark Wallet. Surely these are not things you support?

Look, we can try to always manage our world and strive to purge it of some perceived threat or evil, but I think that in the end that logic is a faulty one. The way to change things is not by trying to create some sort of system with rules and police and courts and judges. If you want to make something that’s effective, it needs to be in the people’s own interest to promote that.

I believe that everything is so f*d up right now because we have been abstracted from our human values. It’s not natural to get up at nine o’clock in the morning only to sit in an office all day being told to fill boxes under strip lighting. When we evolved, we lived in bands of roving people who acted as an economic union. In the wild, the environment was constantly changing, continually facing us with new challenges. We’re fundamentally social and creative creatures. It might seem more comforting to manage the risk to certain levels, but it’s destroying us as human beings. Part of growing as a person is having these lows, these dangers, these dynamisms.

And at the same time, we need to have fun, which is also something we have taken out of our lives. It’s all devoid of passion. We’re all utilitarian people trying to live in comfort with smiles on our faces, but how many of us are really happy beneath that veneer?

Wouldn’t it be wiser to not actually promote Dark Wallet as a money laundering tool though?


Well, for one, it might get you into trouble with the law. Secondly, most people would probably not consider it the best possible PR either.

But I’m not acting through fear! I’m doing things as I think they are right. I would just be dishonest with myself if I try to play with words or cover up my intent. I want people to know what I think, and as many people as possible, because it’s not just about the technology we’re building. In fact, the technology by itself is worth nothing. What is important is the narrative, or the ideal that is being constructed through that narrative.

Bitcoin is a decentralized and uncensored money with privacy features. As such, it has opened up a new front in the ongoing struggle for freedom.

Moreover, one of the oldest artefacts in the world is the Code of Hammurabi, a Babylonian document dating back to almost 2000BC which deals with contract law. Contract law is the foundation on which civilizations are built. And it is the basis for how we – no, they – have been able to create corporate society. Through contract law, you get access to a set of legal tools in order to incorporate and scale upwards.

With Bitcoin, we now have a new set of tools, that are not based on the law of the state, but based on the laws of mathematics. This enables us to create decentralized law, digital governance, and a wide scope of means for trade and business.

Then why is the narrative so important in and of itself?

Because the design of Bitcoin is not set in stone. It evolves and morphs through the actions of people. There’s this silly honey badger meme going around, like, “Bitcoin doesn’t give a f*k, Bitcoin is the honey badger of money”, but that’s false. Bitcoin is a consensus-system subject to all the different power groups acting upon it. And Bitcoin certainly can be corrupted. In very big ways.

Is Bitcoin being corrupted right now?

In some ways, yes. The Bitcoin Foundation is trying to establish itself as a central point of Bitcoin through which it can fund and steer development, while at the same time working together with the state and Wall Street. What’s going to happen, is that governments will use the Foundation to pressure Bitcoin development in certain directions.

Chief scientist and former lead-developer Gavin Andresen is paid by the Bitcoin Foundation, while his friends are the big Bitcoin-corporations. So, naturally, he’s more favourable towards their outlook of Bitcoin. And if you look at his actions and decisions…

He talks about Bitcoin as a payments-innovation, he developed the payments protocol, and now he’s pushing to increase the blocksize limit which would raise the maximum number of transactions on the network at the cost of even further centralization of mining. That is in effect in direct opposition to the idea of Bitcoin as a decentralized, private and uncensored system.

You don’t really see Bitcoin as a payments-innovation, do you?

No, it’s not very good for that. The Bitcoin-network is currently subsidized through inflation, meaning transactions cost about thirty dollars each. This vision of Bitcoin as a faster, cheaper and better payments-network is simply not tied to any technological grounding of what Bitcoin is really about. If we want to make Bitcoin a competitor to Visa or MasterCard, we would need to increase the blocksize and centralize mining so much that it is basically the same as existing payments networks. And even then, at some point, we’ll reach a limit where Bitcoin is just not cost-efficient. We don’t need to have all these miners crunching numbers just so people can buy a coffee. That’s insane.

If we do not increase the blocksize, however, Bitcoin would merely be able to handle seven transactions per second, meaning its scalability is rather limited…

Scalability, be very careful with that word. If we increase the blocksize limit, the bloated blockchain would make it harder for people to run full nodes. You’d need bigger hardware to store all of the required data, so in that sense it wouldn’t scale nicely at all.

But if we keep the blocksize limited people can always use Bitcoin for payments, they’d just have to pay a bigger fee. This doesn’t need to be a problem, in particular for the functionality of Bitcoin as an instrument to settle debts. The way banks work today is not that every transaction done between two parties is sent directly from one bank account to the other. Instead, they add up all transactions between the different banks, and settle the debts at the end of the day.

In a similar way, Bitcoin could grow to become the backbone of a whole new financial paradigm, as opposed to a payments network that merely papers over the cracks of the existing monetary infrastructure.

And yet, the general public will probably not care about any of this all that much. They just want cheap and fast transactions…

Well, a lot of people within the Bitcoin-community care about mass adoption way too much. They want to reach it at any and all cost. It doesn’t matter to them how much compromise we need to make, because they think Bitcoin will hit some critical point where – BAM – everything is revolutionized. This kind of quick fix mentality is very easy for people to grasp, but is not based around real social change. It’s an illusion.

It reminds me of the Esperanto movement, which had a split in the community. The Fina Venko aimed to one day reach this pivotal point where suddenly there would be some global revolution of people speaking Esperanto. This idea was later rejected by the Raŭmismos. The Raŭmismos appreciate Esperanto as a cultural movement, as a social movement, and as a language in and of itself.

I reject the Fina Venko of Bitcoin. That’s not to say some kind of global revolution can’t happen, but this focus on it is a diversionary tactic from the real thing that matters. Lots of consumers using bitcoin in their day to day lives doesn’t benefit Bitcoin. It might benefit the price, but the two are not the same.

So how would you suggest we move forward on a protocol-level?

I would actually suggest we step back for a second. Let’s really fix the fundamentals of the software, and make resilient and well written Bitcoin-implementations rather than trying to stuff everything into the protocol. I’m very conservative in that regard, because Bitcoin works as it is now.

There are problems, but I think that meddling with it by opening up the protocol is more of a risk than it is a benefit. Especially because a lot of developers don’t see the consequences of their actions. They’re just looking one step ahead when trying to fix problems, while totally ignoring all of the social implications and how it changes the politics.

Bitcoinj- and Lighthouse-developer Mike Hearn, for instance, was just pushing for an extension to the protocol in order to eliminate possible double-spend transactions in point-of-sale situations. He proposed a system in which miners can vote to steal the block reward from other miners if they accept double spends. The problem is that this opens up the possibility for large mining pools to collude against smaller miners, and use this power to blacklist transactions.

And this is just one example, there are many more like it. But it really is insane, it’s ludicrous. Just to be able to buy coffee with our Bitcoin-creditcards, and make it a little bit more convenient, we want to destroy all of the freedom it provides? Lose out on the opportunity to enable people to economically organize themselves over wide geographical areas, between different communities, and different organizations with different financial instruments, with tools we have never before seen in the history of humanity? Do we really want to give that up for a silly dream of a few corporations that want to sell a product to consumers, to pump the price? Come on… We’re really losing a big thing if we sacrifice Bitcoin for that.

You’re obviously very passionate about these issues, and you don’t hold back in voicing your opinions. As a result, you’ve berated some of the Bitcoin-developers before, and in particular because of their cooperation with regulators. Can you understand why they’d be annoyed with your attitude at all?

I’ll explain the mindset of these people. Some of them are just dumb-asses who actually believe we need the government to protect us and all that. But most of them really think of themselves as some kind of libertarian ninja going through the shadows to sabotage the system from within. They believe something in private, but act something else in public in order to build support for Bitcoin, not realizing that Bitcoin itself is subject to change.

And then people who oppose that façade suddenly become a threat, because it doesn’t conform to the front they’re putting on. So the libertarian view now all of a sudden becomes something they have to push out and censor, thinking we need to gain support from powerful actors. But this mindset slowly leads to the corrosion of their ethics, because they start to think that it’s OK to do one evil for a greater good, and somehow rationalize their own actions through this construct.

This is the real path to corruption. It’s not these big decisions, but small day-to-day things. If you compromise once, it becomes easier to compromise again. So you keep going and going and going until you end up with govcoin or corpcoin. We need to be guarded against this.

Airbitz Launches Mobile Bitcoin Wallet Designed for Mainstream Consumers San Diego Startup Brings Bitcoin User Experience and Security to New Levels

LAS VEGAS, NV – October 7, 2014 – Airbitz today announced the release of its integrated mobile bitcoin wallet and business directory, now with 3,200+ listings and coverage in 14 countries, at Inside Bitcoins Las Vegas. Airbitz CEO Paul Puey will present a session on “Bitcoin Wallets: Balancing Security, Privacy, and Ease of Use” at the conference on October 7th at 2:00PM.

“In order to increase adoption of bitcoin and grow our ecosystem, we recognized the need to make transactions easier and more approachable,” said Airbitz CEO Paul Puey. “This was our impetus in creating a product with a carefully crafted UI and user experience, and we are extremely proud to bring the Airbitz wallet and directory to the masses.”

The Airbitz Wallet and Business Directory features simple account & wallet creation using just a username, password and 4 digit PIN, making bitcoin as familiar as mobile banking.

Features implemented for robust security, safety, and privacy include:

– Automatic wallet encryption and cloud backup

– Device-to-device account sync across phone, tablet, iOS, Android

– Local, client-side encryption giving Airbitz zero-knowledge and zero-access to user data or funds

– Great privacy through HD Wallets (changing addresses with each transaction)

Additional exclusive features:

– Payments via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) without QR code (iPhone only)

– Merchant Mode with the ability to detect partial payments

– User provided transaction data including Payee, Category, Notes and ability to search by these fields.

Airbitz is available for free on Android and iOS mobile devices at and in the Google Play and Apple App Stores. The Airbitz source code will be released as open source by the end of October 2014.

About Airbitz

Airbitz was founded in January 2014. Airbitz aim to bring bitcoin to the next billion users through amazingly simple yet feature rich applications focused on ease of use and ease of security. Its focus is to deliver software, services, and products with an amazing user experience, both visually and functionally, simplifying this advanced technology and delivering it to the masses while still retaining Bitcoin’s core principles of decentralization and privacy. For more information, visit and follow us at

Coins In The Kingdom Wrap Up

Though the price of Bitcoin is shaky, and the mood of Bitcoiners is somber, Jason King is throwing quite a party down in Orlando, Florida. Coins in the Kingdom has come to an end after a packed weekend of speakers whose topics spanned the gamut of introductory programming and usage of Storj (Shawn Wilkinson) to the pragmatic applications of smart contracts by a seasoned attorney (Pamela Morgan). The atmosphere of the event was unique in the world of conferences in that: it is located in the heart of American consumerism, it embraces the simplicity of the world as espoused by Disney, and spent most of the weekend showcasing speakers who decry the absurdity of this surrounding circus.

Lower bitcoin prices means less conference attendees, but with the smaller crowd comes an intimate setting. While questions abounded as to whether the benefits of “The Mouse” were a positive or negative contribution to the greater good, all in attendance were in agreement over the benefits of a smaller conference. There is a significantly greater charm in playing poker with your favorite Bitcoin celebrity with YT Cracker rapping at the end of the hall, then there is in being a sardine in the proverbial can amongst a thousand newbies at the back of a giant conferencing warehouse. “Wishes upon a star” as promised, were being delivered.

This year has been a wild ride for bitcoiners (like there’s any year that isn’t). But for the tight-knit group of bitcoiners at the Coins in the Kingdom conference, the recent bubble was a comforting return to the wilder frontier of days gone by. Though the drop from $1100 to $250 was a wall of sadness to the speculators looking to cash out on a get rich quick program, for the veterans, the price drop was merely a chance to catch their breath from the insanity that characterized the last nine months.

Highlights for Saturday included an excellent keynote by Antonopoulos and Tucker, which featured two monologues and a Q&A session with the audience. Antonopoulos’ keynote discussed the ‘whitewashing of history’ that is practiced by historians, and highlighted the tendency of history books to gloss over the bumpy ride to success that characterizes most of society’s technological disruption. Tucker’s monologue was a similarly riveting speech exploring uses of the Blockchain outside of its uses for payment, chief amongst them, the impending Blockchain wedding.

The second day of the conference brought additional talks, a keynote by Bruce Fenton, and the world’s very first Bitcoin wedding. The highlight of the second day’s session was the announcement by Jason King of a mobile app, in development, that would would bring to the homeless a little bit of what Uber brought to the car-less. King’s app, named “Outpost Everywhere”, empowers the charitable to find homeless members of their community, and bring them the blankets, food, and help that they require. The app features an SMS gateway that enables the homeless to declare their location, and what they need. While many in the media choose to deride Bitcoiners for their anarchic Silk-road-esque applications, missing in this coverage is the compassionate disruption of bitcoiners with applications such as Jason’s.

While Paul Krugman gloats over the impending doom of Bitcoin, and the naysayers start their next round of pronouncements that “Bitcoin is dead,” the mood here in Coins in the Kingdom couldn’t be brighter. Counterparty’s XCP is appreciating rapidly, merchandise is selling, and the crowd is amused to see a reluctant Antonopoulos spending fiat at a nearby Mickey Mouse cafe. (Certainly, some small rock in hell has frozen over.)

While the wildest ride here at the Magic Kingdom turned out to be Bitcoin itself, Coins In the Kingdom brought to its attendees a welcoming and educated crowd, an encompassing roster of speakers, and a very smug mouse. Whether Bitcoin or Disney was the star of the amusement park this weekend was unclear, but what was clear was the wonder and magic that was Coins in the Kingdom.

Here’s to the Crazy Ones – of Bitcoin

Apple computer’s return from ashes in 1997 began in the public’s mind with one wildly successful ad campaign: “Think Different”.

The story for how the ad campaign came together can be found on Back then, the hemorrhaging Apple Computer Corporation desperately hired back Steve Jobs, who led the company back from the ashes in spectacular fashion. The Apple PCs were then perceived as toys. Yet he established them as a counter-culture revolution. To be taken seriously by business and the public, it needed respect. It needed to show to the world how it was…different. It was an alternative.

Today, Apple is as mainstream as apple pie. They are now the fifth biggest company listed in The Fortune 500.  How long can you say you’re different when everybody else tries to be you? Is it possible for a company to continue to claim to ‘think different” when they are constantly being imitated? Think differently from who? Apple managed to climb all the way back up to the top of its industry and recent estimates indicate it has over 160 billion dollars cash on hand; the reserve is larger than many nations‘. This was all before lines began forming for the latest iPhone release.

The “Think Different” campaign is timeless. The poetic and timeless words were fitting for a company still on the edge of being regarded as a historical footnote.

Bitcoin is not a company, it’s a technology. Many of its initial fans formed into a spontaneous naturally occurring counter-culture movement rather than one being artificially designed by an advertising agency as part of a re-branding effort. Bitcoin has no expensive advertising campaign or budget. Its own culture started in true life back streets and basements of the world – not boardrooms and advertising pitches. The total market capitalization of bitcoin is currently less than 3% of just the available cash on hand at Apple.

In the “Think Different” advertisements, we see black and white images from some of history’s most brilliant people who became the literal poster boys of those that thought differently. Today, placing Steve Jobs on that list would likely not find much resistance. The spirit and achievements of this group have become legendary… and will live on long from now.

We pay homage to this great ad campaign and the spirit of rebellious respect it gives to the past “crazy ones”. Following the original spirit of the creators of the award winning advertising concept, we’ve recreated the message below but with a twist. Today, it seems to be more fitting that a true counter-culture movement be used. Today’s bitcoin leaders (with some creative license) that push forward the latest technology.

Here now are some of the celebrated  “crazy” bitcoin geniuses that have helped get bitcoin this far.

heres to the crazy

the misfits

Round Pegs

see differentlyno respectignore them

mike hearn

push human racesee geniusandressen time

ones that do

Go Ahead – Peer Inside the DarkWallet

When you first lay eyes on the DarkWallet, you know you’re looking at something unique. For starters, it’s literally dark—the background is jet black. But the color theme is just the beginning of what sets this new privacy tool apart from all other wallets.

For starters, the DarkWallet offers something that no other crypto wallet has before: a stealth Bitcoin address. Because Bitcoin’s ledger of ownership, the blockchain, is available for all to see, the current balance and the full transaction history of any address is totally public. If your Bitcoin address is publicly known, you have little privacy. That’s where a DarkWallet stealth address comes in.

A stealth address is 102 characters long (whereas a traditional Bitcoin address is between 26 and 34 characters long). Unlike the Ledger Wallet, the DarkWallet software comes pre-installed with “spending”, “business” and “savings” pockets. Each pocket has its own stealth address, and you can create as many new pockets as you want.

stealth address, bitcoin stealth addresses

Funds sent to a stealth address are automatically re-routed by the DarkWallet software. A new traditional address is generated to receive each stealth payment. In other words, the sender of a payment could check the blockchain to see which address his payment went to, but he couldn’t determine which other addresses belong to the stealth user. Aside from this specific payment, the sender has no access to the stealth user’s total number of bitcoins or her transaction history.

Why would anyone want a stealth address? There are likely as many reasons as there are Bitcoin users, but here are just a few examples:

1) You’re an online merchant, and your website doesn’t provide a new sending address for each customer order. All your revenue goes to the same address. Anyone can see your company’s account balance, transaction history and frequency of transactions.

This creates a competitive disadvantage, especially for startups and small businesses. A low account balance may make a business appear less attractive to potential customers. The inability to keep financial records private essentially creates a barrier to entry. A stealth address for receiving customer payments solves this problem.

2) You run a newsletter or site that publishes controversial opinions or content. You rely mostly on donations, and readers of your content are more likely to donate if they know that their donation cannot be traced back to them. Your publication’s freedom of speech is protected because donors can send to its stealth address.

3) You’re an average Joe or Jane, and you’d like to publish your Bitcoin address’s QR code on your business cards, in your outgoing email signature, on your blog and just about anywhere else you can think of. You feel awkward and even embarrassed, however, handing out a business card that’s essentially a free pass to view your current balance and transaction history. Publishing the QR code of your stealth address instead solves this problem and restores your privacy.

In addition to its totally unique offering of stealth addresses, the DarkWallet also provides the service of coin mixing (which is also found in a few other privacy-conscious wallets). Coin mixing swaps the inputs of multiple transactions, so that it’s hard to tell which sender sent to which recipient. Most wallets with this feature, however, require that a user take multiple steps to initiate the process. The DarkWallet, on the other hand, empowers the user to mix his coins with just the click of a button.

coin mixing, coinjoin

Lastly on the DarkWallet’s list of offerings is support for multisignature Bitcoin addresses. A “multisig”, as it’s called, is an address that requires the signatures of multiple private keys before funds can be moved. This is useful for securing money that’s shared by multiple individuals, or as a tool of escrow to protect buyers and sellers. The DarkWallet allows the creation of new multisig addresses or the importation of existing addresses.

The DarkWallet is currently in alpha testing phase. The wallet’s designers recommend that you use testnet coins to try it out, or that if you choose to use real money, do so knowing that it’s still unstable software.

Use of stealth addresses is only possible between DarkWallet users at this time, but if the feature becomes popular, it’s possible and even likely that other wallets will support them in the future. The DarkWallet is completely open-source, so anyone is free to use, improve upon and distribute the code themselves.

So go ahead—try it out by downloading the software. If you like what you see, consider sending a token of support to the DarkWallet’s developers at their multisignature address 31oSGBBNrpCiENH3XMZpiP6GTC4tad4bMy.

Video Game Virtual Currencies – The forerunner to bitcoin

As someone who has worked in the publishing side of free to play video games for over seven years, virtual currencies have been part and parcel of my job since about 2007. In this article, I hope to share some of the background of how virtual currencies came to be one of the key ways the games industry monetises itself, and if there’s some applicable lessons to be learned for companies and individuals looking at making a career in the bitcoin economy.

The grandaddy of the modern games virtual currency is a Korean company called Nexon, and their game Maple Story. While it was not the first games company to offer currencies as Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony among others have been doing it for some time, they found the perfect formula to make things work.

Unlike in the West, where we have high street retail network and a history of buying boxed games, in Korea things were a little different. For various historical reasons, Japanese goods weren’t very popular, so video games consoles weren’t there in large numbers. Instead widespread PC adoption, a culture of gathering in venues with lots of networked computers in-place, and massive investment in broadband by their government enabled new business models to emerge.

Selling a PC game was fraught with difficulty. It could be ripped during production, and put on bittorrent before it was officially released, or copied easily and put onto the countless stalls in markets selling counterfeit goods. If this didn’t happen, the game would be cracked quickly, bypassing whatever security they had in.

So instead of selling the full game, they innovated by adopting techniques from the software as a service industry. Now, people registered on their website could then download, install, patch and log into the game client, and play on Nexon’s servers. They could play the game, but where virtual currencies came in is that they could buy items and advantages.

They integrated various payment methods including credit cards, phone calls, SMS, and PayPal and then let people top up their accounts, the same way as with phone credit. They converted this value into a proprietary currency, and in the game they had a shop, where people could choose from costumes, skins or items to help speed up gameplay. These microtransactions from a wallet enabled them to get around high charges from payment providers.

As others saw the tens of million in revenues they were generating and product lifecycles of several years, many copied or innovated further on the model, bringing in a plethora of freemium, free to play, or virtual currency financed models. Some worked, many didn’t, but overall the industry paved the way for mobile games, and apps in general, to be monetised in the form they are today, fuelled by smartphones linked to credit cards or top up cards.

As the addressible market of fans stayed relatively stable and growing modestly, more competitors piled into the space, and the “easy money” time, where getting customers through referrals, publicity or social media – for free – began to wane. With more competitors fighting over the same pool of core users, marketing took centre stage.

As the base product is free, you are relying on a certain percentage of users to monetise at a given rate, for a certain amount of time, and from this earn enough to cover your costs, subsidise the free users and generate a profit. Once you got that right, you could then invest in marketing in earnest and scale up to the levels that some companies have achieved, with tens of millions of dollars of monthly revenues.

Games companies began to compete over search terms, which drove up prices to ridiculously. CPAs began to rise as people outbid each other for a bigger share of the advertising, and affiliate marketing became a core part of many games companies strategies.

When this wasn’t enough, the focus then came onto banner design and copy to draw in higher clickthrough rates, and then a huge amount of landing page iterations to find the right design to convert those pricey paid clicks. This enabled metrics to be defined, and allows people to work out a return on their investment, and distribute their marketing budget accordingly.

As they iteratively went through this process, many of those products which got the formula right often won their categories, until someone else came along and did it better. This was often despite the products not necessarily being reviewed very well, or in some cases, not reviewed at all by the mainstream games media.

So where do companies working with bitcoin stand at this stage of its life cycle? I’d say at the end of the easy money stage. Dumping traffic into the homepage of your site isn’t enough any more. What’s needed is branded cul-de-sac landing pages laser focused on showcasing one thing in its best light, with a big “buy now with BTC” button.

In addition to paid advertising, some companies also pro-actively began to promote themselves through press releases and building relationships with journalists, but a larger number haven’t yet engaged, focused on getting their product right. So the time is ripe for organised teams to get their marketing and communications activities lined up in a row, and execute them to gain market share in this maelstrom of creativity and innovation that bitcoin enables.

I’d really like to hear from people about the kind of things they are trying to get to grips with in the comments below, and I hope you enjoyed reading!

Image Credit (Nexon – Maple Story) Seeks To Build New Stock Market’s CEO, Patrick Byrne, announced today at Inside Bitcoins in Las Vegas, Nevada, that he intends to reinvent the stock market by using blockchain technology.

Based on the bitcoin digital currency, Byrne’s project, code-named “Medici,” will allow large retailers to issue their corporate stock over the Internet using “cryptosecurity” software. Byrne’s move seeks to disrupt traditional stock exchanges such as the NASDAQ by allowing any to potentially issue financial securities.

Byrne took to the stage at Inside Bitcoins to bring attendees through the process of the incredibly centralized and, what he considers to be highly fraudulent, world of stock market trading and settlement.

Many have been made aware of the severely fraudulent practices within both investment banks and their regulators in the aftermath of the 2008/2009 financial crisis. Indeed, Bitcoin is thought to have been born out of this traumatic financial collapse: it’s promise is to allow people to transfer value directly between each other, without going through 3rd party financial institutions.

Photo by Victoria van Eyk
Photo by Victoria van Eyk

Why would circumventing 3rd party institutions be important? Byrne walks us through it. The ties between organized crime, regulation and Wall Street giants like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase, for one (anyone remember the HSBC connection with Mexican drug lords?). The complete lack of transparency and high-frequency trading … for another.

Byrne believes blockchain technology can change this reality.

Byrne is passionate about the need to democratize Wall Street by allowing companies to IPO in a less manipulated, less expensive way. This is not a new passion for Byrne; he has quite a history of pushing for reform in such markets. This time, he is working with regulators to make this happen, although he apparently has not yet secured regulatory approval for his ambitious project. However, he has retained blue-chip law firm Perkins Coie to help bring his vision into reality. Additionally, he has secured an “open chequebook to build” his crypto-finance project from an investor with “deep pockets,” and he has enlisted Counterparty talent to help him.

Byrne’s announcement comes as no surprise to some, as he previously hinted that Overstock would be building such software. But he has confirmed this with his announcement today to an excited crowd of Bitcoin advocates and entrepreneurs. No doubt, this is an excellent piece of news for startups in the space, as it promises to remove the number of middle-men involved between starting a company and taking it public.

Byrne’s blockchain-based project intends to save businesses approximately 20 percent or less of what Wall Street banks are charging to provide these services today.

All trades on Byrne’s stock market will be recorded on the Blockchain ledger. Other players in the Bitcoin space are moving forward with similar efforts, notably a new company that debuted this week at Inside Bitcoins – Blocktech Financial, a subsidiary of the Blockchain Technology Group, a collection of financial and technical experts who are also building a stock market, although not on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Blocktech Financial is in the pre-approval process for FINRA and has registered with FinCEN.

Byrne’s team seeks to be compliant under all necessary regulations, saying that they can only make changes “from the inside.”

Many others players in the Bitcoin space, including as Pamela Morgan of Empowered Law, BitNation and Ethereum, also have visions of building on Bitcoin to disrupt not just finance, but law, governance and politics. Clearly, many see these spheres as in desperate need of re-work and disruption.

Byrne says he will “build the platform so any company can list, but Overstock will be the first to use it,” in a coin called O-Coin.  The crypto-finance market does not currently have its code listed on GitHub, as it is “still materializing”; Counterparty’s code is open-source and is available for review on GitHub.

image (8)
Photo by Victoria van Eyk

Byrne considers this project an “ice-breaker”, doing the “heavy lifting at a multi-million dollar expense” so other alt-markets can follow.

Byrne’s ambitious project may eliminate short-selling, but it certainly does not help insider trading; Counterparty (XCP) increased 46% last night, suggesting significant insider information prior to the ‘official announcement.’ Bruce Fenton speculated on this announcement during a speech at ‘Coins in the Kingdom,’ another Bitcoin conference running simultaneously to Inside Bitcoins. WIRED released their article on this topic earlier than planned, as well.

One thing remains: we can change the way we transfer value, but we cannot change human nature. However, of all the people to lead a project like this, I think Byrne is a fine, fine choice.

What do you think about this project? Do you think it will materialize and disrupt as promised? What are your questions or concerns? Share and comment below.

Coins in the Kingdom Bitcoin Beginners Workshop

(ORLANDO, FL) Curious to learn more about Bitcoin? Need help making sure you’ve properly secured your Magic Internet Money? You are invited to participate in a fun, family friendly, hands-on workshop when the Coins in the Kingdom Conference descends on Orlando, October 4-5. The Bitcoin Beginners’ Workshop, hosted by Will Pangman (Tapeke), and Leigh Haynes (Basic Bitcoin), is open to all Coins in the Kingdom attendees and takes place on Saturday, October 4 at 9:30 a.m., in Orlando’s Wyndham Hotel. Participants will receive a paper wallet containing .01 BTC and learn how to import the BTC into their own wallets, for a truly hands-on cryptocurrency experience.

Bitcoin is still in its infancy, but it’s never been easier to get started, and the Beginners’ Workshop is a great opportunity for folks who are curious but would like some in-person support. The goal for this event is to demonstrate that Bitcoin is ready for mainstream use, and to provide a friendly, risk-free setting in which Bitcoin newcomers can safely receive, send, and optionally purchase Bitcoin from a CoinOutlet ATM Kiosk.

Workshop participants will:

● Learn how to create and properly secure a variety of wallet types
● Receive a Bitcoin paper wallet containing a bitcent (.01 BTC)
● Learn how to install a smartphone app to create a personal Bitcoin wallet
● Learn how to sweep the .01 BTC from the paper wallet into their new smartphone wallet
● Learn how to purchase Bitcoin from a CoinOutlet Kiosk

Workshop hosts will demonstrate how to:

● Make a purchase with Bitcoin from BitcoinShop.US (BTCS)
● Donate to a Bitcoin-accepting charity
● Buy and sell BTC on a Bitcoin exchange

Even if you’re not a “Bitcoin Beginner” yourself, come to the Workshop to see some ideas and techniques that can be useful to you (and improved upon by you!) back home for engaging newcomers in your own

If you’d like to learn more about the Bitcoin Beginners’ Workshop, please contact Will Pangman at (913) 717-9455 ( or Leigh Haynes at (415) 448-6115 (

Do’s and Don’ts of Bitcoin Fundraising Campaigns

So you love Bitcoin, and you wanna do something great with it to help change the world? That’s wonderful, you’re an idealist with vision, passion and the courage to reach out and DO SOMETHING meaningful and positive for the world, but are you ready to take on the challenge?

Here are a few tips from someone who’s been on the Bitcoin frontline and learned a thing or two about what, and what not to do.

  1. Don’t try and do everything yourself!

Bitcoin fundraising is all very well, and if you get a good opportunity to get some publicity, or find yourself in a position to raise some money that’s great: use it wisely.

There are lots of projects and charities out there that are already underway and have good support networks, infrastructure and networks available already. Do you want to try to do something new? or would you be more comfortable joining a larger program or organisation?

Sean’s Outpost and the Bitgive Foundation are both well established charity projects, and there are many examples of charities supported by exchanges like Ice Cubed and the Bitcoin Foundation like Alekenani’s Botswana program and BitPesa’s Donation program for projects in Kibera.

  1. Know your limits!

Bitcoin can be confusing at the best of times to the ordinary person, let alone a charity that is pushed for time, resources and/or manpower. Make sure you contact them first and let them know what it is you’re planning.

There are certain rules and procedures that you need to follow in order to make sure the Bitcoins you receive as charity donations are properly accounted for and the amount raised in fiat money is recorded faithfully once converted to fiat.

This is to protect you as a fundraiser and help those who’ve donated the money to you know that their donations are well spent and going to the right place!

Legitimate charities will have an official charity number and proof they are legitimate such as a charity certificate from their local government ministry of department, plus an accountant or responsible member who should insist on having a donation witnessed and signed for.

Another important thing to make sure is that you know what it is you’re donating for, and there’s an understanding of what you expect them to do with the donation in return: preferably in writing.

  1. Get a receipt or signed declaration that they’ve received the money from you and have agreed to spend it in the way specified by you, or your donors!

This sounds a little bit crazy, as it suggests that you know better what they need than they do. If this is the case, make sure you know what it is they need most before starting a fundraising campaign!!

A lot of charities dont know, and dont care what Bitcoin is. They just want money, so whilst this might seem obvious, don’t count on the fact that they will be able to, or want to treat it as an investment in their future development. Not only could they be sceptical about receiving ‘Internet Funny Money Donations’, since the legal status of Bitcoin is under question in many countries, but also charities may well have a hard time assessing whether or not they’re breaking the law by accepting Bitcoin donations from you.

  1. Don’t try to save the whole world!

A lot of us ‘more naive’ Bitcoiners can be accused of suffering from ‘Mary Sue’ syndrome (a throwback to a sixties’ comic about a Super-Heroine whose powers were so great she could literally do anything and everything).

Just like Mary-Sue, Bitcoin evangelists and fanatics often have a tendency to believe that Bitcoin is a Panacea for the world’s problems, and would solve all our woes if everyone was simply to adopt Bitcoin.

Sadly, this just isn’t the case. Bitcoin is a fantastically powerful tool, but it’s only a tool, and an experimental one at that. It relies on a huge amount of faith, a tiny group of core developers, and a micro-community of investors (on a global scale) who have the capacity to crash the market at will, often for their own selfish motives.

This means that you’re stepping on thin ice by putting all your faith in Bitcoin as a currency. The best advice? If you really want charities to accept Bitcoin, talk to them about it, encourage them to accept it, and then send them to BitPay, CoinBase, BitPesa, Ice3X or another exchange that will handle the funds donated for them.

  1. Interface with your local Digital Currency Association or the Bitcoin Foundation before you get started and ask for their advice.

Increasingly these advocacy organisations will have people with experience and a set of guidelines for you to follow if you want to start your own Bitcoin outreach or education project. You can find that things get tough when you’re in a foreign environment, surrounded by people who are expecting you to give them money or solve their problems for them, and having help and support from back home can be invaluable.

  1. Make sure you pick a team on whom you can rely to help you realise your vision.

All too often the Bitcoin world is made up of dreamy-eyed idealists and flaky kids with lots of vision and enthusiasm, but little idea of how to organise and execute projects from start to finish, especially if they’re complicated projects, which have multiple facets to make them work and especially if they’re likely to take a long time to execute, realise and bear fruit.

Aid work, particularly in the third world, is a full time job and it’s usually done by professional volunteers and nonprofits who are familiar with the local territory and cultures, and the challenges specific to the communities and areas. Work as closely with you can with them to try to help them achieve their goals, rather than expecting to achieve your own goals, even if you believe your goals are the most important ones!

  1. Be careful of your own motivations!!!

Are you doing it to boost the public profile or the price of Bitcoin by using the media? Or to promote your own status in the community or your business? If so, be warned: There’s always the possibility that your efforts may backfire. You may find yourself giving to a charity which has a questionable past, and if you don’t take proper precautions, there’s always the possibility you could end up being accused of trying to defraud the Bitcoin community. Remember that the people in the community rely on building trusting and lasting relationships, and maintaining and developing those relationships is crucial to developing a career in the industry. So protect your reputation at all costs by being as open, honest, not-pushy and transparent as you possibility can be, keep records of everything you do and spend on your project.


This should almost be the first AND the last rule, just to stress the point. You’re only human, and you can only achieve so much in a given time. How much time are you prepared to dedicate to changing the world with Bitcoin? If you want to dedicate your life to it, that’s great! But remember that charity work is a tough business by its very nature, and it’s very easy to get pigeon-holed as a ‘do-gooder’ who is only interested in raising money to make themselves look good. Some people will react badly to this because they think you’re trying to make yourself look better than them. You may find you find yourself being put in a box and labelled as something you’re not comfortable with.. People may only think you’re interested in talking to them because you want to get them to donate to your own individual cause or purpose. Beware of simultaneously courting business clients for the purposes of charities; you might end up confusing your motivations.

That’s why ‘Keeping it simple” and remaining objective about the project you want to get involved with is so important.

  1. Pick specific tasks or goals that you want to accomplish and set a time frame and a metric for success.

So you want to build a water well in Kenya? Or a Computer Lab in a school in a slum? Great!

Choose one project: dedicate yourself to that one thing, and set a date by which you want to have achieved your goal. I know this sounds basic, but you’re setting yourself up for failure if you don’t have a S.M.A.R.T. goal written down on paper which you know you can achieve.

(S.M.A.R.T. Goals stand for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-based).

If your project doesn’t have a ’S.M.A.R.T.’ set of criteria by which you can measure success or failure, go back to the drawing board, put pen to paper, and make sure you know what you’re doing first, so that you can accurately assess the level of your success or failure you achieved after the event. Remember that failure isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You can always learn a lot from failure, provided you have set specific goals and know what you failed to achieve and why!!

If you don’t set a SMART goal, you may simply be setting yourself up for heartache and pain: take it from someone who knows!!!

10. Don’t be put off by people who don’t believe in you or what you’re doing.

There are always going to be people who don’t understand what it is you’re trying to do, or who think you’re doing it for your own ego or to line your own pockets. Ignore them. Hardly anyone out there actually understands Bitcoin (that even goes for a lot of other Bitcoin Enthusiasts, Venture Capitalists, and Bitcoin Journalists!) but more importantly, members of the general public, charity workers and locals may feel that you’re out to pull the wool over their eyes or have some hidden agenda in mind.

Try to keep your goals consistent and maintain your integrity; you won’t have a problem as long as you do your best to put yourself in the situation of the people you’re visiting and try to learn as much about them and their culture as you can, without assuming that Bitcoin is somehow magically going to transform their lives.

Remember that money often brings its own problems, including corruption and issues of trust, feelings of unfairness within communities (i.e. How come so-and-so received a donation but I didn’t?) and remember that, particularly with community projects there will be various power structures already in place (in third world situations these will often be religious organisations vs. government organisations) who have different visions and may be competing with each other for control over local resources and finances, and publicity.

If you want to start your own Bitcoin charity donation project, feel free to get in touch with me by Twitter and pick my brains. I learned from experience that going into a third-world environment can be tougher than you expect, with culture shock and feelings of helplessness often coming as part of the deal, but don’t let that put you off. If you truly believe in what you’re doing, and you plan your project properly, you can create a valuable experience that will not only help others, but also will give you an experience of a lifetime which you’ll cherish forever.

11. Finally: This should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU LOVE DOING THE MOST.

There’s no point trying to help people who don’t want your help, don’t understand you and don’t care about your goals and motives. If you’re going to do something truly effective, pick a cause you really truly care about and you know you can stick with. I know it sounds obvious, but sometimes we have a tendency to get caught up in the media hype and follow other people’s agendas. STICK TO YOUR OWN PASSIONS AND YOU CANT GO WRONG. Not only will this stop you from mixing up your messages, but it’ll help you focus on what’s truly important in your own life too.




The Rise of Remittance

This is a guest post by Luis Buenaventura

Reinventing Money Transfers with Bitcoin

Bitcoin advocates often emphasise that the cryptocurrency’s greatest impact will be on the “other 6.5 billion” people who have otherwise been excluded from modern financial tools and services. But far from being the magic bullet that Bitcoin appears to be on paper, bringing it to the mainstream in the developing world involves a multidisciplinary initiative capable of surmounting some significant challenges.

Just last month, the Philippines gave birth to its 100 millionth citizen, a baby girl named Chonalyn. The headcount was largely symbolic; in truth, about a hundred other babies were being born at the same time around the country. It was, however, no accident that the press conference announcing the birth was held at Jose Fabella Hospital in Manila, a state-run center known for crowding mothers and their newborns five to a bed.

The population is growing by 3 babies per minute, and with the low-income brackets accounting for over 90% of our citizenry, it’s not altogether surprising that so many of us have to leave in order to find a reasonable wage. Indeed, the Philippines is the 8th largest source of immigrants in the world, and the 3rd largest in terms of sending remittances back home. The flow of funds from the fifty or so nations where the Filipino diaspora has presence comes to about 10% of our country’s GDP.

You couldn’t write a more appropriate problem case for Bitcoin.

With the average remittance cost from the US to the Philippines at 5.3%, Bitcoin is seemingly poised to crush the incumbents. That this isn’t already the case might be surprising to some (Bitcoin remitters in the Philippines have lowered that cost to just 1%), but the situation is actually far more complex than it appears on the surface.

A Global Local Presence

With over 10 million Filipinos currently living outside the Philippines, spreading awareness about a Bitcoin-based alternative is no small task. The diaspora is scattered across many different regions, professions, and contexts, thus making a single broad educational campaign untenable.

Any promotions espousing the benefits of Bitcoin-powered remittance (more succinctly, “rebittance”) also need to leverage the face-to-face nature of our various communities. Filipino migrant workers regularly congregate in parks, malls, and city squares around the world on the weekends, which will force most efforts to go offline with their delivery.

Indeed, the most significant competition that rebittance faces might not even be the established giants like Western Union and Xoom, but the small hyper-local shops that flourish by catering exclusively to these city-specific communities. Most of them charge flat fees (anecdotally, US$5-6 for transaction of under $3,000) coupled with a small margin on exchange rates (between 1 and 1.5%). When measured against these smaller competitors, the advantage that crypto-powered transfers represent is no longer quite as breathtaking

The Exchange Problem

Forgetting, for a moment, the challenge of educating our remote countrymen about the benefits of Bitcoin, the next obstacle then becomes showing them how to actually acquire BTC. In countries like the US, they may be able to fund their wallets via a Coinbase-connected bank account, but in other countries the answer is not as straightforward.

The act of exchanging fiat for BTC inevitably adds costs to the overall transaction, so even with an otherwise svelte 1% remittance fee, the total calculation at the end of the day may no longer be as competitive as we would like.

The Last Mile

Once the bitcoins have been acquired, the problem morphs into one of logistics. BTC is transferred from the customer’s wallet to the remittance provider’s, who then delivers the equivalent amount in local fiat to the specified recipient. Sometimes this is as easy as making a deposit at a local bank; other times, it means engaging a delivery partner to take the funds directly to someone’s doorstep.

There are literally dozens of ways to send money across the Philippines, and with no clear market leader, a Bitcoin remittance provider must integrate with all of them. Living in an archipelago of over 7,000 islands prevents startups from realistically building out their own logistics services, so they must learn to work with the existing infrastructure and deal with its associated costs.

The Argument for Rebittance

Given all the challenges detailed above, it’s important to take a step back and ask ourselves why we even want to go to all this trouble. In international financial circles, remittance providers are considered second-class businesses after all — a proverbial race to the bottom in terms of profitability.

With the average Filipino remittance amount at US$250, it’s likely that our collective activities in the local Bitcoin industry will result in a savings of US$2 to US$3 per transfer. That may seem like a very modest amount when compared with the effort involved, but not when viewed in the context of the bottom-heavy socioeconomic strata of the developing world.

With 90% of Filipino households subsisting on $10 or less per day, to say that every dollar helps is a gross understatement. By saving just US$30-40 a year, for example, the average low-income household could afford to keep their child in the public school system for a year longer. (Although public school tuition is “free,” transportation and materials are not.)

The diaspora plays an important role in poverty reduction because their remittances reroute a small portion of the world’s funds to a sector that would otherwise languish for lack of governmental support and external aid. Bitcoin allows us to optimize the money transfer process further, and squeeze out as much value as possible from a limited resource.

It’s not the most innovative use of cryptocurrency, nor is it the most lucrative. But from the standpoint of financial inclusion, it might just be the most important.

Photo Attribution

“QR Philippines” by Luis Buenaventura


Additional References

Bitcoin’s Impact on the Online Gaming Industry

The rise of the free and open Internet since the early 1990s has led the gambling industry to expand its reach further into new markets. Despite strict and heavy regulatory policies, online gambling firms have managed to comply with a seemingly endless barrage of tighter gambling laws. Likewise, new payment systems have emerged that provide easier ways to lure people into making more bets. One such scheme is the introduction of Bitcoin, which is an open-source system using peer-to-peer technology for online payments. This type of payment system has the ability to bypass certain restrictions in online gambling all over the world, making it a potentially profitable betting tool for online casinos and gamblers.

Placing bets

The advantages of using Bitcoin involve its steadily growing status as a cost-efficient form of cryptocurrency. The main benefit focuses on the cost of making a Bitcoin transaction. Since it is relatively cheap to make a single transaction, more operators are exploring the idea of using them. Bitcoin’s affordable transaction prices contribute to the existence of a viable business model that offers low commissions. Although Bitcoin gambling represents a small fraction of the revenues from online gambling, the industry is pushing to make it more mainstream due to its cost-efficiency.

In 2012, the global market for online gambling recorded €21.73 billion in gross winnings, according to research firm H2 Gambling Capital. By 2015, a 9.13% compound annual growth rate is expected to occur, the company said. This projection is supported by the growing number of demands from consumers to launch new types of gambling platforms such as Bitcoin casinos. SoftSwiss CEO Ivan Montik is one of those that has felt the increase in demand. Montik’s company specialises in online casino software and bitcoin gambling solutions. “We’ve got about 400 requests for the launch of a bitcoin casino in the last six months,” he added. “We constantly have three to five casinos in the set-up phase, and could have had more if we had more resources.”

Other groups such as online sports betting site have already expressed their confidence in the arrival of Bitcoin as an innovation in online gambling. “The smart money is on a Bitcoin gambling revolution,” according to the website. “It’s time for gamblers to cash in their chips and start mining their Bitcoins because cryptocurrency is about to make conventional money a spent force in gambling.”

Bitcoin may be receiving a lot of hype, but several challenges still face the peer-to-peer technology. As mentioned earlier, regulation will play a key role in the advancement of cryptocurrency. In the U.S., players are forbidden by the law to use bank-processed payments for their online bets. Some gambling entrepreneurs, however, have managed to establish cryptocurrency-based gambling sites such as the Seals with Clubs.

“It would be trivial to circumvent some ban. Seals is open to the world. There’s no banking

at all done on the site. It’s a pure bitcoin poker site, so this is a totally brand new thing,” said Bryan Micon, the website’s manager. ”It’s only been a few years for the legal world and there’s nothing at all that says anything about this protocol.”

Georgia Tech and BitPay Announce Bitcoin Integration

ATLANTA, GA – OCTOBER 1, 2014 — Georgia Institute of Technology will be the first university in the world to integrate bitcoin payments into its stadium concession sales and student dining and shopping credit system, announced Wednesday by BitPay, the world’s leading bitcoin payment processor.

Bitcoin point of sale devices will be located in the student section of Bobby Dodd Stadium, and the Barnes & Noble store in Tech Square will be home to a bitcoin-enabled point purchase terminal for student credit BuzzCards. Students who use bitcoin will now be able to purchase food and goods at almost all locations on the Tech campus.

Georgia Tech was founded in 1885 and remains one of the most prestigious public universities in the United States. The university has contributed a great deal of research as well as many notable graduates to the field of applied technology over the years. It continues to engage itself with technological progress through its leading role in university adoption of bitcoin through an innovative deal brokered by IMG, the university’s multimedia rights partner.

As the “key to campus life” on Georgia Tech, the BuzzCard will be an important interface for student bitcoin use. Yellow Jackets fans will also be able to easily and quickly purchase snacks and drinks at Bobby Dodd Stadium with the world’s fastest payment method. These new bitcoin venues, along with bitcoin wallet provider Pheeva’s announcement of a unique “Jacketwallet” for Georgia Tech, hold promise for the role which digital currency may come to play in student life.

“We look forward to working with BitPay to make bitcoin a viable payment option for our students and fans,” Georgia Tech AD Mike Bobinski said. “At Georgia Tech, we are always looking to lead in innovative ways, and this partnership with BitPay gives us an opportunity to do so by integrating this new technology at a sports venue and in the daily lives of our students.

“Georgia Tech is one of the best sources of innovation in the country,” said Tony Gallippi, BitPay Executive Chairman and Georgia Tech alumnus. “BitPay is proud to offer its own innovative bitcoin payment processing to the university and its students.”

In July, BitPay announced a breakthrough partnership with the Georgia Tech Athletic Association. The sponsorship is designed to build awareness to bitcoin by displaying BitPay’s logo along with the bitcoin symbol in Bobby Dodd Stadium and the McCamish Pavilion through the 2014-2015 school year.


About BitPay

BitPay is the global leader in bitcoin payment acceptance with offices throughout North America, Europe, and South America. The company has raised over $32 million from top investors including Index Ventures, Founders Fund, and Sir Richard Branson.

About Georgia Tech

The Georgia Institute of Technology, also known as Georgia Tech, is one of the nation’s leading research universities, providing a focused, technologically based education to more than 21,500 undergraduate and graduate students. Georgia Tech has many nationally recognized programs, all top-ranked by peers and publications alike, and is ranked in the nation’s top 10 public universities by U.S. News and World Report. As a leading technological university, Georgia Tech has more than 100 centers focused on interdisciplinary research that consistently contribute vital research and innovation to American government, industry, and business.